Analysis of Factors Affecting Knee Joint Function Recovery Time after Platelet-rich Plasma and Arthroscopy for III Degree Meniscus Injury
目的 探究影响富血小板血浆联合关节镜治疗III度半月板损伤膝关节功能恢复时间的因素。 方法 将2020年10月1日至2022年8月20日在海南省人民医院骨科诊断为III度半月板损伤并行半月板成形手术并富血小板血浆的97例患者纳入研究,收集患者术前一般资料,包括性别、年龄、BMI;术前患者损伤情况,包括患肢(左/右)、半月板损伤部位(红区/红白交界区)。术后嘱患者进行功能锻炼,每天应用Lysholm 膝关节评分评价患膝功能,记录Lysholm 膝关节评分达到70分及以上的天数。并应用相关统计学方法分析影响患者术后膝关节功能恢复的因素。 结果 术后患者膝关节Lysholm评分到达70分的平均时间是(34.58±6.50)d。将性别、年龄、BMI、患膝部位(左/右)、半月板损伤部位(红区/红白交界区)因素纳入多因素COX比例风险模型,发现:年龄(HR = 0.953,95%CI = 0.925~0.982,P = 0.002),BMI(HR = 0.650,95%CI = 0.549~0.770,P < 0.001),相对于红区、红白交界区半月板损伤(HR = 0.463,95%CI = 0.296~0.726,P = 0.001)是影响术后膝关节功能恢复时间的重要因素。分层分析也证实了上述结果。 结论 BMI和年龄是影响PRP联合关节镜治疗半月板损伤膝关节功能恢复时间的重要因素。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the factors affecting the knee joint function recovery time after the platelet-rich plasma and arthroscopy for III degree meniscus injury. Methods From October 1, 2020 to August 20, 2022, 97 patients diagnosed as III degree meniscus injury and treated with the meniscal plasty surgery and the platelet-rich plasma injection in the orthopedic department of Hainan province people’s hospital were recruited in this study. The data including gender, age, and BMI and the injury situation including the lesion limber (left/right), and the concrete injured meniscus part (red zone and red and white junctional zone) before the operation were collected. After the operation, the patients were required to take the knee exercise for the lesion knee and the lesion knee function was evaluate with Lysholm knee function score. The time taken for the lesion knee function to arrive at 70 scores and above of Lysholm knee function score were recorded. Results The average time for the lesion knee function to arrive at 70 scores and above of Lysholm knee function score was 34.58±6.50 days. The data including gender, age, and BMI and the injury situation including the lesion limber (left/right), and the concrete injured meniscus part (red zone and red and white junctional zone) were included into the multifactorial COX proportional hazards model, finding age (HR = 0.953, 95%CI = 0.925-0.982, P = 0.002), BMI (HR = 0.650, 95%CI = 0.549-0.770, P < 0.001), compared with red zone, red and white junctional zone (HR = 0.463, 95%CI = 0.296-0.726, P = 0.001) might be the important affecting the factors for knee function recovery after the operation, which also was proved by the hierarchical analysis of age and BMI. Conclusion Age and BMI might be the important affecting factors for knee function recovery after the platelet-rich plasma and arthroscopy treatment operation for III degree meniscus injury. -
Key words:
- Platelet rich plasm /
- Arthroscopy /
- III degree meniscus injury /
- Knee /
- Recovery time
表 1 患者一般资料 [(
$\bar x \pm s $ )/n]Table 1. The common resource of the included patients [(
$\bar x \pm s $ )/n]项目 纳入样本(n = 97) 性别(男/女) 65/32 年龄(岁) 45.4 ± 8.8 BMI(kg/m2) 24.3 ± 1.5 患膝部位(左/右) 57/40 半月板损伤部位(红区/红白交界区) 63/34 表 2 影响富血小板血浆联合关节镜治疗III度半月板损伤膝关节功能恢复膝关节功能恢复的因素分析
Table 2. Analysis of factors affecting knee joint function recovery after platelet-rich plasma and arthroscopy for III degree meniscus injury
因素 单因素分析a 多因素分析b Beta HR 95%CI P Beta HR 95%CI P 性别 女Δ 男 0.139 1.149 0.743~1.777 0.533 0.143 1.154 0.731~1.823 0.539 年龄 (岁) −0.062 0.940 0.915~0.965 < 0.001** −0.048 0.953 0.925~0.982 0.002** BMI (kg/m2) −0.470 0.625 0.539~0.724 < 0.001** −0.431 0.650 0.549~0.770 < 0.001** 患膝部位 右Δ 左 −0.090 0.914 0.602~1.388 0.673 0.075 1.078 0.700~1.658 0.734 半月板损伤部位 红白交界区Δ 红区 −0.502 0.606 0.398~0.922 0.019* −0.769 0.463 0.296~0.726 0.001** 注:a:单因素COX风险比例模型;b:多因素COX风险比例模型,包括性别、年龄、BMI、患膝部位(左/右)、半月板损伤部位(红区/红白交界区);Δ:参考变量;HR:Hazard rate,风险率;CI:Confidence interval,可信区间。*P < 0.05,**P < 0.01。 -
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