Studies on the Development Status of Oral Specialty Nursing in Yunnan Province
目的 了解“十三五”阶段云南省口腔专科护士队伍现状,为制定云南省口腔专科规划,构建数量和口腔医师匹配、结构合理的口腔专科护理队伍提供参考依据。 方法 对截止2020年1月1日云南省境内在卫生行政部门登记注册的各级各类口腔医疗机构口腔护理状况进行普查。 结果 云南省共有6906名口腔护士,职称以初级为主占93.20%,学历以大专为主占52.39%,年龄以21~30岁为主占81.20%。公立口腔医疗机构医护比较低为1∶0.44,非公立口腔医疗机构医护比为1∶1.19。 结论 云南省口腔护士人力总数不足,医护比偏低,护士年龄整体年轻化,职称结构偏低,学历层次偏低。建议教育相关部门在本科阶段加强口腔专科护理专业课程的设置;口腔医疗机构管理者应提高重视口腔护理的发展,加强对口腔护理队伍继续教育的培养;综合医院尽量增加门诊口腔专科护理的配置,提高医护比,满足临床和感染控制需求。 Abstract:Objective To understand the current situation of oral specialty nurses in Yunnan Province at the end of the 13th five year plan period, and to provide a reference basis for formulating the plan of dental specialty in Yunnan Province and building a oral specialty nursing team with the reasonable structure and matching quantity with stomatologists. Methods By January 1st, 2020, the oral care status of all kinds of dental medical institutions at all levels registered with the health administration department in Yunnan Province was surveyed. Results there were 6906 oral nurses in Yunnan Province. 93.20% of them had the primary professional titles, 52.39% had the junior college degrees, and 81.20% were 21-30 years old. The medical care ratio of public dental medical institutions was 1∶0.44, and that of non-public dental medical institutions was 1∶1.19. Conclusion The total number of oral nurses in Yunnan Province is insufficient. The ratio of medical care is low, the age of nurses is younger, the structure of professional titles is low, and the educational level is low. It is suggested that education departments should strengthen the curriculum of oral nursing specialty at the undergraduate stage; Managers of oral medical institutions should pay more attention to the development of oral care and strengthen the training of continuing education of oral care team. General hospitals shall try to increase the allocation of outpatient dental care, improve the ratio of medical care to meet the clinical and sensory control needs. -
Key words:
- Oral specialty nursing /
- Current situation analysis /
- Census
表 1 云南省口腔医疗机构医护人员分布情况对比(n)
Table 1. Comparison of the distribution of medical staff in dental medical institutions in Yunnan province (n)
州(市) 医护人员总数 公立口腔医疗机构 非公立口腔医疗机构 口腔医生总数 口腔护士总数 口腔医护比 口腔医生总数 口腔护士总数 口腔医护比 昆明市 6096 762 465 1∶0.61 2282 2581 1∶1.13 曲靖市 1248 209 89 1∶0.43 435 515 1∶1.18 红河州 1150 199 84 1∶0.42 363 504 1∶1.39 玉溪市 1054 136 48 1∶0.35 348 522 1∶1.50 大理州 936 159 59 1∶0.37 329 389 1∶1.18 楚雄州 587 120 23 1∶0.19 205 239 1∶1.17 文山州 530 147 52 1∶0.35 142 189 1∶1.33 临沧市 413 101 56 1∶0.55 116 143 1∶1.23 保山市 413 81 19 1∶0.23 145 168 1∶1.16 昭通市 394 123 48 1∶0.39 115 109 1∶0.95 普洱市 351 108 21 1∶0.19 93 129 1∶1.39 德宏州 346 108 46 1∶0.43 92 100 1∶1.09 丽江市 289 58 13 1∶0.22 103 115 1∶1.12 版纳州 262 58 15 1∶0.26 96 93 1∶0.97 怒江州 96 30 4 1∶0.13 31 31 1∶1 迪庆州 87 19 11 1∶0.58 31 26 1∶0.84 全省 14250 2418 1053 1∶0.44 4926 5853 1∶1.19 表 2 云南省公立和非公立医疗机构口腔护士的职称构成情况对比
Table 2. Comparison of professional titles of oral nurses in public and non-public medical institutions in Yunnan province
职称 公立医疗机构 非公立医疗机构 合计 人数(n) 构成比(%) 人数(n) 构成比(%) 人数(n) 构成比(%) 副高 23 2.18 15 0.26 38 0.55 中级 158 15.00 115 1.96 273 3.95 初级(师) 370 35.14 449 7.67 819 11.86 初级(士) 485 46.06 5132 87.68 5617 81.34 无职称 17 1.61 142 2.43 159 2.30 合计 1053 100.00 5853 100.00 6906 100.00 表 3 云南省公立和非公立医疗机构口腔护士的学历构成情况对比
Table 3. Comparison of educational background composition of oral nurses in public and non-public medical institutions in Yunnan province
学历 公立医疗机构 非公立医疗机构 合计 人数(n) 构成比(%) 人数(n) 构成比(%) 人数(n) 构成比(%) 硕士研究生 2 0.19 - - 2 0.03 本科 443 42.07 289 4.94 732 10.60 大专 498 47.29 3120 53.31 3618 52.39 中专 110 10.45 2444 41.76 2554 36.98 合计 1053 100.00 5853 100.00 6906 100.00 表 4 云南省公立和非公立医疗机构口腔护士的年龄构成情况对比
Table 4. Comparison of age composition of oral nurses in public and non-public medical institutions in Yunnan province
年龄 公立医疗机构 非公立医疗机构 合计 人数(n) 构成比(%) 人数(n) 构成比(%) 人数(n) 构成比(%) 21~30岁 632 60.02 4976 85.02 5608 81.20 31~40岁 307 29.15 646 11.04 953 13.80 41~50岁 93 8.83 146 2.49 239 3.46 51~60岁 21 1.99 85 1.45 106 1.53 合计 1053 100.00 5853 100.00 6906 100.00 -
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