The Clinical Data Analysis of 2 499 Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma in Yunnan
目的 通过住院患者的临床资料,分析云南籍鼻咽癌患者的临床特点,为预防措施提供依据。 方法 收集2013年1月至2021年12月间在云南省肿瘤医院病理确诊的2 499例云南籍鼻咽癌住院患者临床资料,进行发病趋势、地域、民族分布、性别年龄、家族史、首诊症状、病理类型、临床分期、EB病毒及EGFR表达情况等分析。 结果 在云南籍鼻咽癌患者中,男女发病人数比率为2.5∶1,平均发病年龄49岁,41~50岁为发病最高的年龄阶段,临床表现主要以鼻部症状和颈部症状为主;病理类型以非角化鳞癌为主,EGFR免疫组化阳性率高(91.57%),EB病毒阳性率近60%,临床分期以III期(45.06%)、IV期(27.45%)为主。 结论 云南籍鼻咽癌患者发病与EB病毒相关,EGFR阳性率高,患者高发人群为中老年男性,且以局部晚期患者为主,多数首次就诊时已有颈部淋巴结转移。 Abstract:Objective To analyze the clinical characteristics of nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients in Yunnan on the basis of the clinical data of hospitalized patients, and provide a basis for preventive measures. Methods The clinical data of 2 499 patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma diagnosed by pathology in Yunnan Cancer Hospital from January 2013 to December 2021 were collected. The incidence trend, region, ethnic distribution, gender and age, family history, first diagnosis symptoms, pathological type, clinical stage, EB virus and EGFR expression were analyzed. Results Among the patients with the nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Yunnan, the ratio of male to female was 2.5∶1, the average age of onset was 49 years old, and the highest age of onset was 41-50 years old. The clinical manifestations were mainly nasal symptoms and neck symptoms. The pathological type was mainly non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma, the positive rate of EGFR immunohistochemistry was high (91.57%), the positive rate of EB virus was nearly 60 %, and the clinical stage was mainly stage III (45.06%) and stage IV (27.45%). Conclusion The incidence of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Yunnan is related to EB virus. The positive rate of EGFR is high. It is among the middle-aged and elderly men that the incidence rate of the disease is highest, with the majority being locally advanced patients locally advanced patients and most of them have the cervical lymph node metastasis at the first visit. -
Key words:
- Yunnan province /
- Nasopharyngeal tumor /
- Tumor staging /
- Retrospective study /
- Symptoms
表 1 2499例云南籍鼻咽癌患者基线特征
Table 1. Baseline characteristics of 2499 patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Yunnan
项目 n 百分比(%) 年份 2013 224 8.96 2014 371 14.85 2015 241 9.64 2016 270 10.80 2017 261 10.44 2018 273 10.92 2019 282 11.28 2020 270 10.80 2021 307 12.28 性别 男 1779 71.19 女 720 28.81 年龄 11~20 33 1.32 21~30 92 3.68 31~40 359 14.37 41~50 848 33.93 51~60 747 29.89 61~70 341 13.65 71~80 73 2.92 81~85 6 0.24 吸烟史 有吸烟史 864 34.57 无吸烟史 1635 65.43 饮酒史 有饮酒史 421 16.85 无饮酒史 2078 83.15 鼻咽癌家族史 有 92 3.68 无 2407 96.32 病理 非角化型癌 2381 95.28 角化型鳞癌 104 4.16 腺样囊性癌 14 0.56 T分期 0 19 0.76 1 648 25.93 2 718 28.73 3 773 30.93 4 341 13.65 N分期 0 397 15.89 1 811 32.45 2 923 36.93 3 368 14.73 M分期 0 2395 95.84 1 104 4.16 总分期 I 120 4.80 II 567 22.69 III 1126 45.06 IV 686 27.45 表 2 云南省2013~2021年云南省鼻咽癌发病男女人数情况
Table 2. The condition of male to female incidence of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Yunnan province from 2013 to 2021
年份 总人数(n) 男(n) 女(n) 男女人数比(%) 2013 224 153 71 2.15 2014 371 249 122 2.04 2015 241 169 72 2.34 2016 270 189 81 2.33 2017 261 202 59 3.42 2018 273 198 75 2.64 2019 282 205 77 2.66 2020 270 200 70 2.86 2021 307 214 93 2.30 表 3 云南省县级行政区鼻咽癌发病占比前10位
Table 3. The proportion of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in the top 10 in county-level administrative regions of Yunnan province
地区 人数(n) 比重(%) 宣威市 80 3.20 官渡区 64 2.56 西山区 62 2.48 五华区 61 2.44 五华区 61 2.44 隆阳区 61 2.44 麒麟区 56 2.44 昭阳区 55 2.20 盘龙区 54 2.16 会泽县 52 2.08 表 4 2013~2021年2499例云南籍鼻咽癌患者民族发病人数
Table 4. The ethnic incidence of 2499 patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Yunnan from 2013 to 2021
民族 例数(n) 比重(%) 汉族 2067 82.71 彝族 128 5.12 哈尼族 54 2.16 傣族 44 1.76 白族 37 1.48 苗族 31 1.24 壮族 29 1.16 回族 27 1.08 其他 21 3.28 表 5 2499例鼻咽癌患者年龄组别间男女构成比重
Table 5. Proportion of men and women in age groups of 2499 patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma
组别(岁) 男(n) 女(n) 男女构成比重(%) 11~20 22 11 2.00 21~30 57 35 1.63 31~40 239 120 1.99 41~50 597 251 2.38 51~60 542 205 2.64 61~70 265 76 3.49 71~80 53 20 2.65 81~85 4 2 2.00 表 6 2499例云南籍鼻咽癌患者既往史特点
Table 6. The past history characteristics of 2499 patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Yunnan
组别 例数(n) 比重(%) 家族史 92 3.68 直系亲属关系 15 0.60 吸烟史 864 34.57 >20 a 695 27.81 饮酒史 421 16.85 >20 a 288 11.52 表 7 2499例云南省鼻咽癌首诊时症状
Table 7. 2499 cases of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Yunnan province at the first diagnosis of symptoms
症状 例数(n) 比重(%) 颈部包块 1081 43.26 鼻部症状 544 21.77 头痛症状 333 13.33 耳部症状 211 8.44 眼部症状 72 2.88 颅神经侵犯症状 68 2.72 其他症状 190 7.60 表 8 2499例鼻咽癌患者临床病理学特征
Table 8. Clinicopathological features of 2499 patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma
年龄区间 分化型 未分化型 未明确是否分化 非角化型癌 角化型鳞癌 腺癌 总人数 11~20 20 4 0 29 3 0 32 21~30 61 16 10 87 4 1 92 31~40 237 66 0 353 5 1 359 41~50 555 144 112 811 31 7 849 51~60 476 125 109 710 34 3 747 61~70 233 38 48 319 21 1 341 71~80 45 9 12 66 6 1 73 81~85 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 总人数 1627 402 291 2381 104 14 2499 表 9 吸烟人数中的病理类型区别
Table 9. Differences in pathological types among smokers
病理类型 n 比重(%) 非角化型癌 818 94.67 分化型 565 69.07 未分化型 140 17.12 未进一步细分 113 13.81 角化型鳞癌 42 4.86 腺样囊性癌 4 0.47 表 10 吸烟与病理类型关系
Table 10. Relationship between smoking and pathological types
病理类型 吸烟
(n = 864)不吸烟
(n = 1635)统计量 P 非角化型癌 818 1562 χ2 =1.368 0.504 角化型鳞癌 41 62 腺样囊性癌 5 11 表 11 EB病毒和EGFR比例分布
Table 11. Proportion distribution of EB virus and EGFR
组别 人数(n) 占比(%) EB病毒(阳性)
5.24EB病毒(阴性) 156 40.52 EGFR免疫组化 EGFR(+) 304 91.57 EGFR(−) 27 8.13 不确定 1 0.30 表 12 2133例云南籍鼻咽癌患者淋巴结转移情况
Table 12. 2133 cases of Yunnan nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients with lymph node metastasis
组别 人数(n) 占比(%) 颈部淋巴结转移 1794 84.11 单侧转移
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