Clinical Epidemiological Characteristics of Mycoplasma Pneumoniae and Its Correlation with Climatic Environment
目的 研究儿童肺炎支原体(mycoplasma pneumoniae,MP)感染流行病学特征及其与气象环境的相关性。 方法 回顾性分析2020年1月至2021年12月因急性呼吸道感染入住昆明医科大学第二附属医院的患儿,采集血液进行特异性MP IgM、IgG 双抗体滴度测定,同时收集环境气象因素。MP感染患儿临床流行病学特征使用描述分析,相关性分析使用Logistic回归,采用逐步后退Wald法建立关系模型。 结果 1 260例检验样本中,MP阳性率32.46%,女性患儿和男性患儿MP检测阳性率分别为37.31%和28.96%,差异有统计学意义(χ2 = 9.752,P < 0.05);婴儿MP感染率显著低于其他年龄段儿童(χ2 = 67.68,P < 0.05);冬季检出率显著高于其他季节(χ2 = 31.089,P < 0.05);月累积降水量(P = 0.001)、PM2.5(P < 0.001)和NO2 (P < 0.001)显著增加MP感染的风险。 结论 昆明地区儿童MP感染与年龄、性别、季节和气象环境因素密切相关。 Abstract:Objective To explore the epidemiological characteristics of Mycoplasma pneumoniae (MP) infection in children and the association between MP infection and meteorological elements. Methods Children admitted to the Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University from January 2020 to December 2021 due to acute respiratory tract infection were retrospectively analyzed. Blood samples were collected for specific MP IgM and IgG double antibody titers, and environmental meteorological factors data were also collected. Descriptive statistics were used for clinical epidemiological characteristics of children with MP infection, logistic regression was used for correlation analysis, and regression Wald method was used to establish a relationship model. Results The positive rate of MP was 32.46% in 1260 test samples. The positive rates of MP in female and male children were 37.31% and 28.96%, respectively, and the difference was statistically significant (χ2 = 9.752, P < 0.05). The MP infection rate in infants was significantly lower than that in other age groups (χ2 = 67.68, P < 0.05). The detection rate in winter was significantly higher than that in other seasons (χ2 = 31.089, P < 0.05). Monthly cumulative precipitation (P = 0.001), PM2.5 (P < 0.001), and NO2 (P < 0.001) significantly increased the risk of MP infection. Conclusion MP infection in children in Kunming was significant associated with age, sex, season and meteorological evironment. -
Key words:
- Children /
- Mycoplasma pneumoniae /
- Epidemiology /
- Meteorological elements
表 1 不同性别、年龄段、年份、季节肺炎支原体检出率比较结果(n)
Table 1. Comparison of positive rates of Mycoplasma pneumoniae among different genders,age groups,years,and seasons (n)
项目 阳性例数(n = 409) 病例数(n = 1260) 检出率(%) χ2 P 性别 男 212 732 28.96 9.752 0.002 女 197 528 37.31 年龄段 婴儿(< 1岁) 103 516 19.96 67.680 < 0.001 幼儿(1~< 3岁) 98 221 44.34 学龄前儿童(3~ < 6岁) 140 376 37.23 学龄及青春期儿童(6~14岁) 68 147 46.26 年份 2020 175 633 27.65 13.44 < 0.001 2021 234 627 37.32 季节 春季(3~5月) 54 188 28.72 31.089 < 0.001 夏季(6~8月) 67 208 32.21 秋季(9~11月) 117 463 25.27 冬季(12~2月) 171 401 42.64 表 2 肺炎支原体不同年份季节分布情况[阳性例数n(%)]
Table 2. Seasonal distribution of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in different years [Number of positive cases n(%) ]
年份 春季(n = 54) 夏季(n = 67) 秋季(n = 117) 冬季(n = 171) P 2020 11(18.03) 14(14.43) 61(21.94) 89(45.18) < 0.001 2021 43(33.86) 53(47.75) 56(30.27) 82(40.20) 0.015 P 0.025 < 0.001 0.043 0.313 表 3 肺炎支原体感染临床症状体征比较结果(n)
Table 3. Comparison of symptoms and signs with Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection (n)
临床特征 阳性例数 阳性率(%) χ2 P 发热 939 74.52 10.261 < 0.001 咳嗽 887 70.40 1.764 0.184 喘息 124 9.84 0.064 0.801 啰音 248 19.68 4.816 0.028 表 4 肺炎支原体感染与气候环境因素的相关性
Table 4. Association between Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection and climatic and environmantal factors
气象因素 β P OR(95%CI) 月平均温度(℃) — — — 月平均湿度(%) — — — 月平均风速(knots) — — — 月累积降水量(mm) 0.004 0.001 1.004(1.001~1.006) 月降水天数(d) — — — AQI(空气质量指数) — — — PM2.5(μg/m3) 0.249 < 0.001 1.283(1.195~1.377) PM10(μg/m3) −0.172 < 0.001 0.842(0.800~0.886) SO2(μg/m3) — — — CO(mg/m3) — — — NO2(μg/m3) 0.109 < 0.001 1.115(1.064~1.169) O3(μg/m3) — — — 注:以下变量在纳入初始模型后,由于无统计学意义随后被剔除:平均温度(℃)、月平均湿度(%)、月平均风速(knots)、月降水天数(d)、空气质量指数 (AQI)、SO2(μg/m3)、CO(mg/m3)及O3(μg/m3) -
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