Analysis of Incidence Rate and Risk Factors of Preeclampsia Based on A Maternal and Infant Health Cohort
目的 探讨子痫前期发病的影响因素,为子痫前期的预测和治疗提供依据。 方法 选取曲靖市妇幼保健院2021年1月1日至2022年6月30日纳入母婴健康队列的11679名孕产妇为研究对象,收集记录其临床病历资料,以有无子痫前期为结局,采用单因素和多因素Logistic回归分析子痫前期发病的危险因素。 结果 子痫前期发病率为1.36%,由单因素分析结果可知,在年龄、分娩孕周、孕前体质指数、文化程度、多胎妊娠、辅助生殖、妊娠期高血压、妊娠期糖尿病、子宫肌瘤、规范产检等10个因素比较上,2组孕产妇间差异具统计学意义(P值均 < 0.05);由多因素Logistic回归分析结果可知,文化程度低(OR = 1.932)、妊娠期高血压(OR = 32.107)、妊娠期糖尿病(OR = 1.765)和未规范产检(OR = 1.503)是孕产妇发生子痫前期的危险因素。 结论 子痫前期是由多种因素共同作用引起的妊娠期高血压疾病,其发生与文化程度、妊娠期高血压、妊娠期糖尿病、是否规律产检等因素相关,应加强对子痫前期的早期预测,减少不良妊娠结局的发生,改善母婴健康。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the influencing factors of preeclampsia to provide basis for prediction and treatment of preeclampsia. Methods In Qujing Maternal and Child-care Hospital, 11679 pregnant women who were included in the prospective cohort of maternal during the period from January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 were selected as the study subjects, and the clinical medical records of pregnant women were collected and recorded, the final result is preeclampsia or not.The risk factors of preeclampsia were analyzed by univariate and multivariate Logistic regression analysis. Results The attack rate of preeclampsia in this research was 1.36%, univariate analysis showed that there were statistically significant differences between the two groups in age, gestational weeks, pre-pregnancy BMI, educational level, multiple pregnancy, assisted reproduction, gestational hypertension, gestational diabetes, uterine fibroids, and regular antenatal examination (P < 0.05). With the multivariate Logistic regression analysis, we found low educated degree (OR = 1.932), gestational hypertension (OR = 32.107), gestational diabetes (OR = 1.765)and without regular antenatal examination (OR = 1.503)were the risk factors for preeclampsia. Conclusions Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-induced hypertension caused by a variety of factors, and its occurrence is related to education level, pregnancy-induced hypertension, gestational diabetes, regular birth check-up and other factors. Early prediction of preeclampsia should be strengthened to reduce the occurrence of adverse pregnancy outcomes and improve maternal and child health. -
Key words:
- Preeclampsia /
- Incidence rate /
- Risk factors /
- Maternal and infant health cohort
表 1 子痫前期影响因素单因素分析[
$\bar x \pm s $ /n(%)]Table 1. Univariate analysis on influencing factors of preeclampsia [
$\bar x \pm s $ /n(%)]变量 子痫前期 t/χ2 P 否(n = 11520) 是(n = 159) 年龄(岁) 28.371 ± 4.885 30.423 ± 5.704 −4.496 < 0.001* < 35 10225(98.8) 123(1.2) 20.186 < 0.001* ≥35 1295(97.3) 36(2.7) 分娩孕周(周) 38.630 ± 1.613 36.624 ± 2.269 11.102 < 0.001* 28~37 794(93.1) 59(6.9) 211.050 < 0.001* ≥37 10709(99.1) 100(0.9) 孕前BMI(kg/m2) < 28 10936(98.7) 140(1.3) 15.399 < 0.001* ≥28 580(96.8) 19(3.2) 产次 初产妇 5772(98.5) 89(1.5) 2.162 0.141 经产妇 5748(98.8) 70(1.2) 文化程度 初中及以下 6293(98.4) 104(1.6) 9.863 0.007* 高中、中专 2497(98.7) 33(1.3) 大专及以上 2730(99.2) 22(0.8) 多胎妊娠 是 271(95.1) 14(4.9) 27.429 < 0.001* 否 11249(98.7) 145(1.3) 剖腹产史 是 2087(98.6) 29(1.4) 0.002 0.968 否 9433(98.6) 130(1.4) 流产史 是 47(100) 0(0.0) 0.651 0.420 否 11473(98.6) 159(1.4) 辅助生殖 是 450(95.9) 19(4.1) 26.324 < 0.001* 否 11070(98.8) 140(1.2) 妊娠期高血压疾病 是 530(83.7) 103(16.3) 1107.998 < 0.001* 否 10990(99.5) 56(0.5) 妊娠期糖尿病 是 1025(96.4) 38(3.6) 42.663 < 0.001* 否 10495(98.9) 121(1.1) 肾脏疾病史 是 1104(98.2) 20(1.8) 1.618 0.203 否 10416(98.7) 139(1.3) 子宫肌瘤 是 377(96.7) 13(3.3) 11.683 0.001* 否 11143(98.7) 146(1.3) 规范产检 是(>8次) 5414(99.3) 40(0.7) 30.052 < 0.001* 否(≤8次) 6106(98.1) 119(1.9) *P < 0.05。 表 2 子痫前期影响因素Logistic 回归分析[
$\bar x \pm s $ /n(%)]Table 2. Logistic regression analysis on influencing factors of preeclampsia [
$\bar x \pm s $ /n(%)]变量 Β S.E. Wald P OR 95%CI 文化程度(Ref:大专及以上) 初中及以下 0.659 0.253 6.786 0.009 1.932 1.177~3.171 妊娠期高血压(Ref:否) 3.469 0.178 377.771 < 0.001 32.107 22.637~45.555 妊娠期糖尿病(Ref:否) 0.568 0.216 6.912 0.009 1.765 1.156~2.696 规范产检(Ref:是) 0.407 0.200 4.152 0.042 1.503 1.016~2.224 分娩孕周 −1.735 0.195 78.929 < 0.001 0.176 0.126~0.259 -
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