Impact of RBL Teaching Method on the Critical Thinking of Medical Graduate Students
目的 评价基于研究的学习(research based learning ,RBL)这一新的教学法对医学研究生批判性思维能力的影响,以提高医学专业研究生批判性思维能力。 方法 330名医学专业研究生参与研究,分为2组。其中实验组(n = 165)采用RBL教学方式的《科研基本素质培养》课程学习;对照组(n = 165)学生未参与该课程的学习。之后,利用批判性思维能力问卷评价2组学生批判性思维能力的差异。 结果 实验组批判性思维总分高于对照组(P < 0.001),实验组在寻找真相、分析能力、批判性思维的自信心、求知欲、认知成熟度5个维度均高于对照组(P < 0.05)。 结论 RBL教学方式课可提高医学专业研究生批判性思维能力。 Abstract:Objective To evaluate the impact of research-based learning (RBL), a new teaching method, on the critical thinking ability of medical postgraduates in order to enhance their critical thinking skills. Methods A total of 330 postgraduate students majoring in medicine participated in this study. Among them, the experimental group (n = 165) completed the course of “Cultivation of Basic Quality of Scientific Research” using RBL teaching method, while the students in the control group (n = 165) did not participate in this course. Subsequently, a critical thinking ability questionnaire was used to assess the differences in critical thinking ability between the two groups. Results The experimental group had a higher total score in critical thinking ability compared to the control group (P < 0.001). The experimental group also scored higher than the control group in five dimensions: seeking truth, analytical ability, confidence in critical thinking, curiosity, and cognitive maturity (P < 0.05). Conclusion The RBL teaching method can improve the critical thinking ability of medical postgraduate students. -
Key words:
- RBL teaching method /
- Postgraduate students /
- Critical thinking
表 1 课程教学环节设置
Table 1. Teaching design
分组 课前 课中 课后 汇报组 1.精读汇报文献 1.汇报文献 1.制作成组文献思维导图
2.形成纸质文献阅读报告2.小组讨论、准备课堂汇报 2.回答其他组提问 提问组 1.阅读汇报组精读文献 1.向汇报组提问 2.准备文献相关的问题 2.判断汇报组回答问题的完整性和正确性 教师 1.挑选精读文献 1.对汇报组的回答进行补充 评价学生思维导图和纸质文献报告 2.指导汇报组文献阅读 2.解读文献 表 2 批判性思维水平统计分析(
$\bar x \pm s $ )Table 2. The analysis of critical thinking level (
$\bar x \pm s $ )指标 对照组
(n = 165)实验组
(n = 165)F P 寻找真相 37.91 ± 6.57 39.63 ± 6.67 7.410 0.007** 开放思想 35.52 ± 7.39 36.44 ± 8.37 1.510 0.220 分析能力 40.37 ± 7.49 42.58 ± 6.84 10.359 0.001** 系统化能力 38.84 ± 7.24 39.86 ± 7.02 2.255 0.134 批判思维
的自信心38.86 ± 7.23 40.82 ± 8.34 6.898 0.009** 求知欲 41.02 ± 8.83 43.01 ± 7.40 6.543 0.011* 认知成熟度 36.00 ± 7.86 37.72 ± 9.33 4.362 0.037* 批判性思维总分 268.51 ± 37.02 280.06 ± 35.01 11.249 < 0.001*** *P < 0.05,**P < 0.01,***P < 0.001。 表 3 实验组与对照组阅读专业文献情况[n(%)]
Table 3. Comparison of literature reading between the experimental group and the control group [n(%)]
指数 对照组 实验组 阅读专业文献数量 3~4篇/周 27(16.56) 46(27.88) 1~2篇/周 81(49.09) 68(42.2) 1~2篇/月 57(34.55) 51(30.91) < 10篇/a 0(0.00) 0(0.00) < 5篇/a 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 精度文献部分 关键词 7(4.24) 6(3.64) 摘要 83(50.30) 59(35.76) 材料与方法 34(20.61) 28(16.97) 讨论 31(18.79) 44(26.67) 全文 10(6.06) 34(20.61) 表 4 实验组与对照组阅读专业文献统计分析(
$\bar x \pm s $ )Table 4. Statistical analysis of literature reading between the experimental group and the control group (
$\bar x \pm s $ )指标 对照组
(n = 165)实验组
(n = 165)F P 阅读专业文献数 66.84 ± 55.69 80.47 ± 65.54 4.222 0.041* *P < 0.05。 -
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