Accuracy of iTero Element 1 Intraoral Scanner Digital Model in Mild to Moderate Crowding of the Maxillary and Mandibular Arch
目的 评估轻中度拥挤下采用iTero Element 1口内扫描仪获得的数字化模型和传统石膏模型测量数据的准确性。 方法 选取到昆明医科大学附属口腔医院前兴路门诊部就诊的37名患者,使用iTero Element 1口内扫描仪扫描获得数字化模型和藻酸盐取模获得同一患者传统石膏模型,比较数字化模型自动测量和传统石膏模型人工测量牙冠宽度、牙弓宽度、覆盖的差异。 结果 数字化模型和石膏模型的3次重复测量一致性检验ICC值均在0.9以上,均具有良好的可重复性。轻度拥挤组11、16、21、31、36、41、43、46牙冠宽度、14~24牙弓宽度、22覆盖,中度拥挤组11、23、16、31牙冠宽度、14~24牙弓宽度、11、12覆盖差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。 结论 iTero数字化模型在轻中度拥挤时部分数据与手工测量石膏模型存在一定差异,可能是由于牙齿排列不齐,导致测量误差,但测量数据差异较小,不影响iTero数字化模型在临床中的应用。 -
- 数字化模型 /
- 石膏模型 /
- iTero Element 1口内扫描仪 /
- 拥挤度
Abstract:Objective To evaluate the accuracy of digital models obtained using the iTero Element 1 intraoral scanner and traditional plaster models for measurements in mild to moderate crowding. Methods 37 patients who sought treatment at the Qinxing Road Clinic of Kunming Medical University Affiliated Stomatological Hospital were selected. The iTero Element 1 intraoral scanner was used to obtain digital models, while alginate impression was used to obtain traditional plaster models. The differences in digtal measurements and manual measurements of the traditional plaster models of tooth crown width, dental arch width, and coverage were compared. Results The ICC value of the three repeated measurements for both digital and plaster models were all above 0.9, indicating good repeatability. There were statistically significant differences in the arch width of 14~24 in mild and moderate crowded group, crown width (11、16、21、31、36、41、43、46) and 22 overjet in mild crowded group, and crown width of (11、23、16、31)and 11、12 overjet in moderate crowded group. Conclusion There are some differences between the data from iTero digital models and the manually measured plaster models in cases of mild to moderate crowding. This may be due to misalignment of teeth, leading to measurement errors. However, the differences in measurement data are small and do not affect the clinical application of iTero digital models. -
Key words:
- Digital model /
- Plaster model /
- iTero Element 1 intraoral scanner /
- Crowd
表 1 石膏模型和数字化模型3次重复测量牙冠宽度的ICC值
Table 1. The ICC value of the three repeated measurements consistency tests of the digital model and plaster model
测量项目 石膏模型测量ICC值 数字化测量ICC值 11牙冠宽度 0.946 0.986 12牙冠宽度 0.972 0.982 13牙冠宽度 0.954 0.962 14牙冠宽度 0.963 0.966 15牙冠宽度 0.994 0.962 16牙冠宽度 0.957 0.950 21牙冠宽度 0.973 0.991 22牙冠宽度 0.980 0.993 23牙冠宽度 0.940 0.972 24牙冠宽度 0.972 0.936 25牙冠宽度 0.991 0.984 26牙冠宽度 0.910 0.969 31牙冠宽度 0.954 0.945 32牙冠宽度 0.958 0.956 33牙冠宽度 0.950 0.977 34牙冠宽度 0.972 0.952 35牙冠宽度 0.994 0.990 36牙冠宽度 0.937 0.969 41牙冠宽度 0.933 0.942 42牙冠宽度 0.921 0.926 43牙冠宽度 0.982 0.978 44牙冠宽度 0.957 0.964 45牙冠宽度 0.991 0.991 46牙冠宽度 0.982 0.976 表 2 上颌牙列轻中度拥挤下石膏模型测量和iTero Element 1测量牙冠宽度差值(mm,
$\bar x \pm s $ )Table 2. Difference of crown width measured by plaster model and iTero Element 1 under mild and moderate crowding in maxillary dentition (mm,
$\bar x \pm s $ )牙位 轻度拥挤组(n = 17) t P 中度拥挤组(n = 8) t P 11 0.125 ± 0.205 2.523 0.023* 0.176 ± 0.180 2.768 0.028* 12 0.039 ± 0.214 0.749 0.465 0.125 ± 0.203 1.740 0.125 13 −0.001 ± 0.250 −0.010 0.992 −0.048 ± 0.089 −1.514 0.174 14 0.030 ± 0.432 0.286 0.778 −0.066 ± 0.319 −0.587 0.575 15 0.350 ± 0.770 1.435 0.170 0.070 ± 0.240 1.111 0.303 16 −0.488 ± 0.554 −3.631 0.002* −0.470 ± 0.310 −2.392 0.048* 21 0.095 ± 0.175 2.251 0.039* 0.250 ± 0.240 1.890 0.101 22 −0.020 ± 0.268 −0.308 0.762 0.115 ± 0.272 1.195 0.271 23 0.074 ± 0.219 1.392 0.183 0.141 ± 0.164 2.440 0.045* 24 0.186 ± 0.530 1.452 0.166 0.096 ± 0.489 0.557 0.595 25 0.060 ± 0.730 0.239 0.814 −0.139 ± 0.276 −1.423 0.198 26 −0.471 ± 0.386 −5.035 < 0.001* −0.221 ± 0.313 −1.999 0.086 *P < 0.05。 表 3 下颌牙列轻中度拥挤下石膏模型测量和iTero Element 1测量牙冠宽度差值(mm,
$\bar x \pm s $ )Table 3. Difference of crown width measured by plaster model and iTero Element 1 under mild and moderate crowding in mandibular dentition (mm,
$\bar x \pm s $ )牙位 轻度拥挤组(n = 16) t P 中度拥挤组(n = 10) t P 31 0.180 ± 0.180 3.367 0.004* 0.210 ± 0.310 1.908 0.089 32 0.020 ± 0.280 1.248 0.231 0.150 ± 0.220 1.751 0.114 33 0.030 ± 0.230 0.103 0.920 0.260 ± 0.140 1.126 0.289 34 0.010 ± 0.200 −0.425 0.677 0.040 ± 0.215 0.589 0.570 35 0.033 ± 0.391 0.339 0.739 −0.033 ± 0.125 −0.834 0.426 36 −0.202 ± 0.252 −2.996 0.010* −0.170 ± 0.200 −2.692 0.025* 41 0.176 ± 0.279 2.519 0.024* 0.046 ± 0.240 0.605 0.560 42 0.210 ± 0.330 2.957 0.010* 0.084 ± 0.367 0.725 0.487 43 0.010 ± 0.180 2.166 0.047* 0.153 ± 0.298 1.626 0.138 44 0.004 ± 0.293 0.060 0.953 0.049 ± 0.246 0.630 0.545 45 0.100 ± 0.250 0.247 0.808 0.051 ± 0.200 0.807 0.440 46 −0.140 ± 0.206 −2.454 0.030* −0.266 ± 0.391 −2.038 0.076 *P < 0.05。 表 4 上颌牙轻中度拥挤下石膏模型测量和iTero Element 1测量牙弓宽度差值(mm,
$\bar x \pm s $ )Table 4. Difference of arch width measured by plaster model and iTero Element 1 under mild and moderate crowding in maxillary dentition (mm,
$\bar x \pm s $ )牙弓宽度 轻度拥挤组 t P 中度拥挤组 t P 13~23 0.138 ± 1.567 0.351 0.730 −0.850 ± 1.378 −1.744 0.125 14~24 −0.920 ± 0.900 −3.086 0.008* −0.690 ± 0.680 −2.615 0.040* 15~25 −1.393 ± 1.612 −3.234 0.007* −0.490 ± 0.440 −1.236 0.271 16~26 −0.220 ± 0.832 −1.024 0.323 0.100 ± 0.590 −0.894 0.401 *P < 0.05。 表 5 下颌牙轻中度拥挤下石膏模型测量和iTero Element 1测量牙弓宽度差值(d牙弓宽度)(mm,
$\bar x \pm s $ )Table 5. Difference of arch width measured by plaster model and iTero Element 1 under mild and moderate crowding in mandibular dentition (mm,
$\bar x \pm s $ )牙弓宽度 轻度拥挤组 t P 中度拥挤组 t P 33~34 −0.188 ± 1.074 −0.698 0.496 −0.310 ± 0.470 −2.085 0.067 34~44 −0.380 ± 1.270 −4.172 < 0.001* −0.513 ± 1.089 −1.331 0.225 35~45 −0.540 ± 1.680 −1.796 0.093 −0.090 ± 0.824 −0.345 0.738 36~46 −1.360 ± 1.106 −4.764 < 0.001* −0.490 ± 0.550 −0.150 0.884 *P < 0.05。 表 6 轻中度拥挤下石膏模型测量和iTero Element 1测量覆盖差值(d覆盖)(mm,
$\bar x \pm s $ )Table 6. Difference of arch width measured by plaster model and iTero Element 1 under mild and moderate crowding in mandibular dentition (mm,
$\bar x \pm s $ )牙位 轻度拥挤组(n = 17) t P 中度拥挤组(n = 8) t P 11 −0.550 ± 0.660 −1.245 0.231 −0.488 ± 0.490 −2.806 0.026* 12 −0.440 ± 0.710 −1.692 0.109 −0.550 ± 0.644 −2.413 0.046* 21 −0.570 ± 0.730 −1.017 0.324 −0.463 ± 0.741 −1.758 0.121 22 −0.610 ± 0.620 −3.637 0.002* −0.258 ± 0.768 −0.950 0.373 *P < 0.05。 -
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