A Randomized Controlled Study on the Treatment of Multidrugresistant Tuberculosis with a Regimen Containing Bedaquiline Fumarate Tablets
目的 探索含富马酸贝达喹啉片方案治疗耐多药肺结核的临床治疗效果及安全性。 方法 选择2019年3月至2022年9月就诊于昆明市第三人民医院的耐多药肺结核(multidrugresistant tuberculosis,MDR-TB)患者作为研究对象,利用随机数字表法进行分组,观察组(n = 93)采用含富马酸贝达喹啉片方案抗痨治疗,对照组(n = 90)采用未含富马酸贝达喹啉片方案抗痨治疗。收集2组患者在治疗第24周末的病灶吸收率、痰菌阴转率、空洞缩小率、治疗有效率,以及治疗期间所发生的药物不良反应。 结果 在治疗24周末,观察组和对照组的病灶吸收率(85.7%、63.3%)、痰涂片阴转率(89.7%、71.4%)、痰培养阴转率(82.1%、68.6%)、空洞缩小率(88.2%、69.4%)以及治疗总有效率(81.9%、60.2%)差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组的药物不良反应发生率为69.9%,对照组的药物不良反应发生率为83.4%,2组间差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),但是2组间发生药物不良反应的严重程度差异无统计学意义(P>0.05), 结论 含富马酸贝达喹啉片方案治疗耐多药肺结核具有较好的临床疗效和安全性,值得临床推广。 Abstract:Objective To explore the clinical efficacy and safety of betaquiline fumarate tablets in the treatment of multi drug resistant pulmonary tuberculosis. Methods Patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis(MDR-TB) admitted to the Third People's Hospital of Kunming from March 2019 to September 2022 were selected as the research objects. They were divided into two groups by random number table method. The observation group (n = 93) received anti tuberculosis treatment with a regimen containing bedaquiline fumarate tablets, while the control group (n = 90) received anti tuberculosis treatment with a regimen without bedaquiline fumarate tablets. The lesion absorption rate, sputum negative conversion rate, cavity reduction rate, treatment efficiency, and adverse drug reactions during treatment were collected at the end of 24 weeks. Results At the end of the 24th week of treatment, the differences between the observation group and the control group in the rates of lesion absorption rate(85.7%, 63.3%), negative conversion of sputum smears(89.7%, 71.4%), negative conversion of sputum cultures(82.1%, 68.6%), cavity shrinkage rate(88. 2%, 69. 4%), and total treatment efficacy(81.9%, 60.2%) were statistically significant(P<0.05). The difference in the incidence of adverse drug reactions between the observation group and the control group(69.9% and 83.4%) was statistically significant(P<0.05), but the difference in the severity of adverse reactions was not statistically significant(P> 0.05). Conclusion The regimen containing betaquiline fumarate tablets has good efficacy and is safe in the treatment of multidrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis. -
Key words:
- Tuberculosis /
- Multidrug-resistant /
- Efficacy and safety as topic /
- Bedaquiline
表 1 2组患者的基线资料
Table 1. Baseline data of two groups of patients
项目 观察组(n=93) 对照组(n=90) Z/ t /χ2 P 年龄(岁) 42(27.5,53) 37(26.5,47) Z=−1.526 0.127 BMI(kg/m2) 20.15±0.38 20.19±0.35 t=0.796 0.826 病程(a) 6(1,18) 7(1,24) Z=−1.174 0.240 性别 男性 58(62.4) 63(70.0) χ2=1.190 0.275 女性 35(37.6) 27(30.0) 民族 汉族 83(89.2) 75(83.3) χ2=1.356 0.244 少数民族 10(10.8) 15(16.7) 婚姻状态 未婚 21(22.6) 23(25.6) χ2=0.222 0.638 已婚 72(77.4) 67(74.4) 职业 农民 53(56.9) 47(52.2) χ2=0.419 0.517 其他 40(43.1) 43(47.8) 合并疾病 有 41(44.1) 39(43.3) χ2=0.011 0.918 无 52(55.9) 51(56.7) 治疗史 初治 37(39.8) 37(41.1) χ2=0.033 0.855 复治 56(60.2) 53(58.9) 用药前有无肺部空洞 有 42(45.2) 48(53.3) χ2=1.222 0.269 无 51(54.8) 42(46.7) 用药前肺部病灶位置 单肺 35(37.6) 30(33.3) χ2=0.369 0.543 双肺 58(62.4) 60(66.7) 表 2 2组痰涂片、痰培养阴转率比较[n(%)]
Table 2. Comparison of negative probability of sputum smear and sputum culture between the two groups[n(%)]
组别 痰涂片阴转例数 痰培养阴转例数 观察组(n=93) 81(87.1) 74(79.6) 对照组(n=90) 64(71.1) 58(64.4) χ2 7.104 5.205 P 0.008* 0.023* *P<0.05。 表 3 2组病灶吸收率比较[n(%)]
Table 3. Comparison of the absorption rate of two groups of lesions[n(%)]
组别 明显吸收 吸收 无变化 恶化 病灶吸收 观察组(n=93) 30(32.3) 46(49.5) 14(15.1) 3(3.1) 76(81.7) 对照组(n=90) 17(28.8) 21(35.6) 15(25.5) 6(10.1) 59(65.6) χ2 4.283 13.455 0.089 1.158 6.177 P 0.038* 0.000* 0.765 0.282 0.013* *P<0.05。 表 4 2组空洞缩小率比较[n(%)]
Table 4. Comparison of void reduction rate between two groups[n(%)]
组别 闭合 减小 无变化 增大 空洞缩小 观察组(n=42) 19(45.2) 14(33.3) 7(16.7) 2(4.8) 33(78.6) 对照组(n=48) 12(25.0) 18(37.5) 12(25.0) 6(12.5) 30(62.5) χ2 4.063 0.169 0.934 1.656 2.755 P 0.044* 0.680 0.334 0.198 0.097 *P<0.05。 表 5 2组治疗总有效率比较[n(%)]
Table 5. Comparison of therapeutic efficiency between the two groups[n(%)]
组别 治愈 显效 有效 无效 治疗总
有效例数观察组(n=93) 42(45.2) 19(20.4) 15(16.1) 17(18.3) 76(81.7) 对照组(n=90) 24(26.7) 17(18.9) 13(14.4) 36(40.0) 55(61.1) χ2 6.785 0.069 0.100 10.488 9.551 P 0.009* 0.793 0.752 0.001* 0.002* *P<0.05。 表 6 2组药物不良反应总发生率比较[n(%)]
Table 6. Comparison of the total incidence of adverse reactions between two groups of drugs [n(%)]
组别 发生例数 未发生例数 观察组(n=93) 65(69.9) 28(30.1) 对照组(n=90) 75(83.3) 15(16.7) χ2 4.597 P 0.032* *P<0.05。 表 7 2组药物不良反应发生例次描述[n(%)]
Table 7. Description of Adverse Drug Reactions between Two Groups [n (%)]
不良反应 观察组(n = 154) 对照组(n = 240) 肝功能不全 17(11.0) 45(18.8) QT间期延长 16(10.4) 1(0.4) 电解质紊乱 9(5.8) 29(12.1) 贫血 22(14.3) 16(6.7) 白细胞减少 16(10.4) 14(3.8) 肾功能不全 14(9.1) 24(10.0) 头晕 11(7.1) 16(6.7) 恶心 11(7.1) 25(10.4) 周围神经性病变 10(6.5) 15(6.3) 呕吐 9(5.8) 21(8.8) 甲状腺功能异常 7(4.5) 8(3.3) 过敏反应 4(2.6) 5(2.1) 抽搐 3(2.0) 5(2.1) 失眠 2(1.3) 4(1.7) 听神经损害 1(0.7) 4(1.7) 晕厥 1(0.7) 5(2.1) 视神经损害 1(0.7) 3(1.3) 表 8 2组不良反应的严重程度比较[n(%)]
Table 8. Comparison of severity of adverse reactions between two groups [n (%)]
ADR严重程度 观察组(n=154) 对照组(n=240) 轻度(Ⅰ级) 84(54.6) 114(47.5) 中度(Ⅱ级) 49(31.8) 82(34.2) 重度(Ⅲ级) 21(13.6) 44(18.3) 表 9 使用含Bdq方案治疗后肝功能不全、QT间期延长、电解质紊乱的相关性分析
Table 9. Correlation analysis of liver dysfunction,prolonged QT interval,and electrolyte disorders after treatment with Bdq containing regimen
协变量 肝功能不全 QT间期
紊乱年龄(岁) r=0.074 r=0.136* r=−0.027 BMI (kg/m2) r=0.030 r=0.099 r=0.134 病程(a) r=0.158* r=0.098 r=0.133* 性别(男或女) τ=0.008 τ=0.116 τ=0.121 治疗史(初治或复治) τ=0.248* τ=0.138* τ=0.043 合并疾病(有或无) τ=0.033 τ=0.112 τ=0.076 居住地(云南省外或省外) τ=0.093 τ=0.078 τ=−0.060 民族(汉族或少数民族) τ=0.082 τ=−0.066 τ=0.004 婚姻状态(已婚或未婚) τ=0.019 τ=0.110 τ=0.003 职业(农民或其他) τ=0.032 τ=−0.109 τ=0.113 用药前有无空洞(有或无) τ=0.031 τ=0.044 τ=0.141 用药前病灶位置(单肺或双肺) τ=0.008 τ=0.001 τ=0.029 “r”为Spearman相关系数,“τ”为Kendall’s tau-b相关系数,*P<0.05。 -
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