Current Situation of Health Service Needs and Utilization among Six Zhiguo Ethnic Minority Groups in Yunnan Province
目的 了解云南省6个“直过民族”的卫生服务需要与利用状况,为卫生规划提供依据。 方法 采用分层随机抽样方法于2022年7~12月,选取云南省6个“直过民族”15岁及以上的1921名居民进行卫生服务需要与利用情况调查。 结果 云南省6个“直过民族”居民的2周患病率为22.54%,慢性病患病率为38.52%。其中,女性(OR=1.564)、年龄≥60岁(OR=1.727)与健康效应值较低(OR=5.277)居民的2周患病风险更高,而民族为基诺族(OR=0.470)和拉祜族(OR=0.659)、EQ-VAS评分较高(OR=0.446/0.174)居民则较低;年龄≥45岁(OR=3.392/7.072)居民的慢性病患病风险更高,而民族为基诺族(OR=0.409)、未婚(OR=0.479)、高受教育程度(OR=0.629/0.603)和高EQ-VAS评分(OR=0.208)的居民则较低(P<0.05)。6个“直过民族”居民的2周就诊率为14.32%,2周患病未就诊率为36.49%;1 a内住院率为19.89%,应住院未住院率为15.86%。其中,女性(OR=1.461)和年龄≥45岁(OR=1.510/1.560)居民的2周就诊风险更高,而高EQ-VAS评分(OR=0.445)居民则较低;年龄≥60岁(OR=2.029)、民族为怒族(OR=1.599)、傈僳族(OR=1.688)和基诺族(OR=1.968)的居民1a内住院的风险更高,而高EQ-VAS评分(OR=0.325)的居民则更低(P<0.05)。 结论 云南省“直过民族”卫生服务需要较低,但慢性病流行态势不容乐观;卫生服务利用相对充分,但门诊服务利用仍有待改善。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the need for and utilization of health services among six Zhiguo ethnic minority groups in Yunnan Province, aiming to provide further evidence for the improvement of healthcare. Methods Using stratified random sampling, 1921 individuals from six Zhiguo ethnic minority groups, aged 15 and above, were investigated with a structured questionnaire between August and December 2022. A structured questionnaire was used to collect participants’ information on health service needs and utilization. Results Among the surveyed participants, the two-week prevalence rate was found to be 22.54%, while the prevalence rate of chronic diseases was 38.52%. Among the residents, the risk of two-week prevalence was higher for females (OR=1.564), individuals aged ≥60 years (OR=1.727), and those who reported poorer health utility value (OR=5.277), while it was lower for residents of Keno (OR=0.470) and Lahu (OR=0.659) ethnicity, as well as those who reported higher EQ-VAS scores (OR=0.446/0.174). Meanwhile, residents aged ≥45 years (OR=3.392/7.072) were at higher risk for chronic disease prevalence, while it was lower for Keno ethnicity (OR=0.409), unmarried individuals (OR=0.479), and those with higher education levels (OR=0.629/0.603), higher EQ-VAS scores (OR=0.208)P < 0.05. Additionally, among the participants, the treatment rate for two-week illness was 14.32%, while the non-treatment rate stood at 36.49%. Furthermore, the one-year hospitalization rate was reported as 19.89%, with a corresponding rate of individuals who needed hospitalization but did not receive it being recorded at 15.86%. Among the residents, the likelihood of treatment for two-week illness was higher for females (OR=1.461) and residents aged ≥45 years (OR=1.510/1.560), whereas it was lower for individuals with higher EQ-VAS scores (OR=0.445). The likelihood of hospitalization within one year was also higher for residents aged ≥60 years (OR=2.029) and individuals of Nu (OR=1.599), Lisu (OR=1.688), and Keno (OR=1.968) ethnicity, whereas those with high EQ-VAS scores (OR=0.325) had a lower risk (P < 0.05). Conclusion In Yunnan Province, the need for healthcare services among six Zhiguo ethnic minority groups in this study is relatively low; however, the high prevalence of chronic diseases raises concerns. The utilization of healthcare services appears to be relatively sufficient, but the utilization of outpatient services still needs to be improved. -
表 1 不同特征“直过民族”居民的卫生服务需要比较 [n,%]
Table 1. Comparison of the health service needs of the residents among Zhiguo ethnic minority groups with different characteristics [n,%]
特征 2周患病情况 慢性病患病情况 2周患病人数 2周患病率 χ2 P 慢性病患病人数 慢性病患病率 χ2 P 性别 24.352 <0.001*** 11.425 0.001** 男 162 17.63 318 34.60 女 271 27.05 422 42.12 年龄(岁) 80.429 <0.001*** 385.582 <0.001*** 15~44 134 15.09a 149 16.78a 45~59 113 22.03a 235 45.81a ≥60 186 35.77a 356 68.46a 民族 14.902 0.011* 33.191 <0.001*** 佤族 76 25.94a 114 38.91a 怒族 75 25.00b 118 39.33b 傈僳族 94 24.87c 178 47.09c 基诺族 63 15.83a,b,c 109 27.39a,b,c,d,e 拉祜族 60 21.43d 112 40.00d 布朗族 65 23.90e 109 40.07e 婚姻状况 47.431 <0.001*** 147.803 <0.001*** 已婚 295 22.52a 531 40.53a 未婚 34 11.04a 34 11.04a 离异或丧偶 104 34.32a 175 57.76a 受教育程度 60.152 <0.001*** 164.726 <0.001*** 小学及以下 342 28.08a,b 600 49.26a,b 初中 66 14.44a 101 22.10a 高中及以上 25 10.16b 39 15.85b 职业 19.213 <0.001*** 51.040 <0.001*** 农民 327 25.49 566 44.12 非农民 106 16.61 174 27.27 家庭月收入(元) 0.668 0.716 22.988 <0.001*** 0~2999 254 23.07 473 42.96a,b 3000~6999 139 21.45 218 33.64a ≥7000 40 23.26 49 28.49b 健康素养 58.384 <0.001*** 139.498 <0.001*** 低健康素养 324 28.62 560 49.47 高健康素养 109 13.81 180 22.81 健康效应值 32.644 <0.001*** 59.669 <0.001*** <0.5 5 38.46b 11 84.62a 0.5~0.75 27 55.10a 42 85.71b >0.75 401 21.57a 687 36.96a,b EQ-VAS评分 123.428 <0.001*** 127.696 <0.001*** <50 22 57.89a 30 78.95a 50~75 202 36.40a 306 55.14a >75 209 15.74a 404 30.42a *P<0.05,**P<0.01,***P<0.001;a~e字母表示卡方两两比较结果,如2组间标记字母相同,则2组间差异有统计学意义。 表 2 不同特征“直过民族”居民的卫生服务利用比较 [n,%]
Table 2. Comparison of the health service utilizations of the residents among Zhiguo ethnic minority groups with different characteristics [n,%]
特征 2周就诊情况 1 a内住院情况 2周就诊人数 2周就诊率 χ2 P 1 a内住院人数 1 a内住院率 χ2 P 性别 12.917 <0.001*** 5.637 0.018 * 男 104 11.32 162 17.63 女 171 17.07 220 21.96 年龄(岁) 35.995 <0.001*** 74.424 <0.001*** 15~44 83 9.35a,b 113 12.73a 45~59 86 16.76a 104 20.27a ≥60 106 20.38b 165 31.73a 民族 2.921 0.712 44.454 <0.001*** 佤族 42 14.33 45 15.36a,b 怒族 50 16.67 62 20.67g 傈僳族 58 15.34 101 26.72a,c,d 基诺族 51 12.81 105 26.38b,e,f 拉祜族 36 12.86 34 12.14c,e 布朗族 38 13.97 35 12.87d,f 婚姻状况 18.568 <0.001*** 33.393 <0.001*** 已婚 199 15.19a 262 20.00a 未婚 21 6.82a,b 32 10.39a 离异或丧偶 55 18.15b 88 29.04a 受教育程度 23.268 <0.001*** 18.495 <0.001*** 小学及以下 209 17.16a,b 278 22.82a,b 初中 48 10.50a 71 15.54a 高中及以上 18 7.32b 33 13.41b 职业 11.328 0.001** 1.435 0.231 农民 208 16.21 265 20.65 非农民 67 10.50 117 18.34 家庭月收入(元) 2.896 0.235 0.180 0.914 0~2999 170 15.44 216 19.62 3000~6999 81 12.50 130 20.06 ≥7000 24 13.95 36 20.93 健康素养 19.036 <0.001*** 21.489 <0.001*** 低健康素养 195 17.23 265 23.41 高健康素养 80 10.14 117 14.83 健康效应值 8.748 0.013* 13.266 0.001** <0.5 1 7.69b 7 53.85a 0.5~0.75 14 28.57a 15 30.61b >0.75 260 13.99a 360 19.37a EQ-VAS评分 49.963 <0.001*** 53.374 <0.001*** <50 9 23.68b 18 47.37a 50~75 126 22.70a 154 27.75a >75 140 10.54a,b 210 15.81a *P<0.05,**P<0.01,***P<0.001;a~g字母表示卡方两两比较结果,如2组间标记字母相同,则2组间差异有统计学意义。 表 3 “直过民族”居民卫生服务需要影响因素分析
Table 3. Analysis of influencing factors on the health service needs of the residents among Zhiguo ethnic minority groups
变量 2周患病 慢性病患病 OR 95%CI OR 95%CI 性别(参考:男) 女 1.564*** (1.233,1.984) 1.232 (0.988,1.536) 年龄(参考:15~44岁) 45~59 1.126 (0.819,1.550) 3.392*** (2.558,4.497) ≥60 1.727** (1.240,2.406) 7.072*** (5.166,9.681) 民族(参考:佤族) 怒族 1.111 (0.742,1.663) 1.174 (0.795,1.733) 傈僳族 0.678 (0.455,1.009) 0.976 (0.664,1.436) 基诺族 0.470*** (0.309,0.714) 0.409*** (0.277,0.606) 拉祜族 0.659* (0.436,0.997) 0.863 (0.582,1.280) 布朗族 0.738 (0.488,1.117) 0.953 (0.637,1.425) 婚姻状况(参考:已婚) 未婚 0.791 (0.505,1.238) 0.479** (0.310,0.740) 离异或丧偶 1.151 (0.846,1.564) 0.988 (0.731,1.336) 受教育程度(参考:小学及以下) 初中 0.729 (0.504,1.056) 0.629** (0.452,0.874) 高中及以上 0.596 (0.344,1.030) 0.603* (0.371,0.979) 职业(参考:农民) 非农民 0.993 (0.734,1.344) 1.099 (0.825,1.463) 家庭月收入(参考:0~2999元) 3000~6999 − − 0.985 (0.768,1.264) ≥7000 − − 0.977 (0.624,1.529) 健康素养(参考:低健康素养) 高健康素养 0.791 (0.568,1.100) 1.052 (0.784,1.412) 健康效应值(参考:<0.5) 0.5~0.75 5.277* (1.311,21.239) 2.704 (0.423,17.306) >0.75 2.079 (0.581,7.441) 0.474 (0.092,2.454) EQ-VAS评分(参考:<50) 50~75 0.446* (0.216,0.922) 0.436 (0.181,1.051) >75 0.174*** (0.084,0.360) 0.208*** (0.087,0.498) *P<0.05,**P<0.01,***P<0.001。 表 4 “直过民族”居民卫生服务利用影响因素分析
Table 4. Analysis of influencing factors on the health service utilizations of the residents among Zhiguo ethnic minority groups
变量 2周就诊 1a内住院 OR 95%CI OR 95%CI 性别(参考:男) 女 1.461** (1.114,1.916) 1.195 (0.939,1.519) 年龄(参考:15~44岁) 45~59 1.510* (1.054,2.163) 1.387 (0.999,1.926) ≥60 1.560* (1.062,2.292) 2.029*** (1.442,2.855) 民族(参考:佤族) 怒族 − − 1.599* (1.027,2.491) 傈僳族 − − 1.688* (1.123,2.538) 基诺族 − − 1.968** (1.296,2.989) 拉祜族 − − 0.683 (0.418,1.116) 布朗族 − − 0.715 (0.436,1.174) 婚姻状况(参考:已婚) 未婚 0.743 (0.435,1.267) 0.819 (0.523,1.282) 离异或丧偶 0.942 (0.659,1.345) 1.158 (0.848,1.582) 受教育程度(参考:小学及以下) 初中 0.774 (0.517,1.160) 0.735 (0.508,1.063) 高中及以上 0.633 (0.343,1.167) 0.743 (0.451,1.224) 职业(参考:农民) 非农民 0.925 (0.665,1.287) − − 健康素养(参考:低健康素养) 高健康素养 0.984 (0.678,1.428) 0.954 (0.682,1.334) 健康效应值(参考:<0.5) 0.5~0.75 6.777 (0.771,59.597) 0.654 (0.173,2.468) >0.75 4.475 (0.551,36.375) 0.652 (0.199,2.135) EQ-VAS评分(参考:<50) 50~75 0.938 (0.419,2.097) 0.526 (0.256,1.078) >75 0.445* (0.199,0.997) 0.325** (0.159,0.666) *P<0.05,**P<0.01,***P<0.001。 -
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