The Calculation Method and Application Development of Quality-adjusted Life Years
摘要: 质量调整生命年(quality adjusted life years,QALYs)作为多维健康效用指标的1种,它在卫生经济学评价和疾病负担评价中的应用越来越广泛。目前,未见详细归纳阐述不同研究类型下QALYs测算方法的报道。该文主要探讨了QALYs计算的基本原理和过程,并进一步归纳总结在具体研究中如何根据研究设计来选择合适的QALYs计算方法,以期为研究者提供参考依据,促进其在我国卫生领域研究中的应用。Abstract: Quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), as a kind of multi-dimensional health utility index, has been widely used in the health economics evaluation and disease burden evaluation. At present, there are no detailed reports on the calculation methods of QALYs under different research types. This paper mainly discusses the basic principle and process of QALYs calculation, and further summarizes how to select the suitable QALYs estimation method according to the research design in the specific research, so as to provide a reference for researchers, and promote its application in the field of health research in China.
表 1 2019年云南省期望寿命表
Table 1. Life expectancy table of Yunnan province in 2019
年龄组x~(岁) 死亡概率qx 尚存人数lx 死亡人数dx 生存人年数Lx 生存总人年数Tx 期望寿命ex 0~ 0.019 100000 1924 98249 7042784 70.43 1~ 0.039 98076 3781 2789375 6944535 70.81 30~ 0.040 94295 3738 1386385 4155160 44.07 45~ 0.093 90556 8380 1295495 2768775 30.58 60~ 0.370 82176 30414 1004541 1473279 17.93 75~ 1.000 51763 51763 468739 468739 9.06 表 2 2019年云南省一般人群剩余QALYs
Table 2. Remaining QALYs among the general population in Yunnan province in 2019
年龄组x~(岁) 生命质量相对权重qi 一般人群(n) 一般人群剩余QALYs 0~ − − − 1~ − − − 30~ 1 (0.97/0.97) 1728 76152.96 45~ 1 (0.95/0.95) 2287 69936.46 60~ 1 (0.92/0.92) 662 11869.66 75~ 1 (0.88/0.88) 48 434.88 合计 − 4725 158393.96 表 3 2019年云南省血压患者剩余QALYs
Table 3. Remaining QALYs of blood pressure patients in Yunnan province in 2019
年龄组x~(岁) 生命质量相对权重qi 高血压患者(n) 高血压患者剩余QALYs 0~ − − − 1~ − − − 30~ 0.98 (0.95/0.97) 622 26863.31 45~ 0.96 (0.91/0.95) 3763 110469.64 60~ 0.95 (0.87/0.92) 3039 51764.81 75~ 0.94 (0.83/0.88) 309 2631.56 合计 − 7733 191729.32 表 4 总人群寿命表中的QALYs和QALE
Table 4. QALYs and QALE in the total population life expectancy table
x~ lx Lx Tx ex Wx QALYs Cumulative QALYs QALE 0~ 100000 98249 7042784 70.43 − − − − 1~ 98076 2789375 6944535 70.81 − − − − 30~ 94295 1386385 4155160 44.07 0.96 1330929 3800520 40.30 45~ 90556 1295495 2768775 30.58 0.92 1191855 2469591 27.27 60~ 82176 1004541 1473279 17.93 0.88 883996 1277736 15.55 75~ 51763 468739 468739 9.06 0.84 393740 393740 7.61 -
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