Comparative Study on Post Competence of Resident Standardization Training Students with Different Learning Styles
目的 通过对比不同学习风格住院医师规范化培训(简称“住培”)学员在临床医师岗位胜任力的不同,为开展更为有效且针对性的临床带教工作提供依据。 方法 对昆明医科大学第一附属医院的住培生进行Kolb学习风格和临床医师岗位胜任能力进行问卷调查,并比较各种学习风格住培生在临床医师岗位胜任能力的不同。 结果 住培生的学习风格以聚合型(46.1%)为主,调节型(23.2%)和发散型(17.1%)次之,吸收型(13.7%)最少。不同学习风格的临床医师岗位胜任力、临床基本技能、医患沟通能力、掌握与应用医学知识的能力、团队合作能力及学术研究能力差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。其中,吸收型学习风格的住培生临床医师岗位胜任能力成绩最高(P < 0.05)。 结论 带教老师通过对教学风格的认识,针对性地实施课程设计从而培养住培生的临床医师岗位胜任力。 Abstract:Objective To compare the differences in the competency of the students in the standardized training of residents with different learning styles, and explore more effective clinical teaching strategies. Methods Kolb learning style and clinician post competency of resident trainees in the First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University were investigated with a questionnaire, and the differences of resident trainees with different learning styles in clinician post competency were compared. Results The main learning style was aggregation (46.1%), followed by adjustment (23.2%) and divergence (17.1%), and absorption (13.7%). There were statistically significant differences in post competence, basic clinical ability, doctor-patient communication ability, mastering and applying medical knowledge, teamwork ability and academic research ability of clinicians with different learning styles (P < 0.05). Among them, absorptive learning style of clinical medicine student clinician post competency was the highest. Conclusion Through the understanding of learning style, the teaching teachers can carry out targeted teaching design to improve the post competence of clinical doctors in Pearson Residence. -
Key words:
- Physician /
- Questionnaire /
- Job competency /
- Learning style
表 1 临床医学生学习风格类型($ \bar x \pm s $,n=163)
Table 1. Types of learning styles of clinical medical students($ \bar x \pm s $,n=163)
学习风格类型 n 百分比(%) 调节型 38 23.2 发散型 28 17.1 聚合型 75 46.1 吸收型 22 13.7 合计 163 100 表 2 不同学习风格临床专业医学生的临床医师岗位胜任力情况[($ \bar x \pm s $),分]
Table 2. Clinician post competency of clinical medical students with different learning styles[($ \bar x \pm s $),scores]
项目 调节型 发散型 聚合型 吸收型 F P 岗位胜任力 3.83±0.66 3.91±0.56 3.80±0.40 4.28±0.71 3.74 <0.001* 临床基本能力 3.99±0.59 3.60±0.73 4.04±0.58 4.10±0.75 5.58 <0.001* 医生职业精神和素养 4.06±0.54 3.92±0.68 4.08±0.60 4.22±0.65 1.68 0.173 医患沟通能力 4.08±0.56 3.89±0.61 4.07±0.60 4.26±0.58 2.93 <0.001* 掌握与运用医学知识 4.10±0.71 3.72±0.74 4.07±0.59 3.98±0.57 3.31 <0.001* 团队合作能力 4.36±0.50 3.91±0.69 4.17±0.56 4.38±0.63 4.03 <0.001* 基本公共卫生服务能力 3.99±0.48 3.89±0.68 4.14±0.55 4.20±0.77 2.05 0.109 信息与管理能力 3.94±0.50 3.80±0.63 4.06±0.62 4.13±0.70 2.24 0.085 学术研究能力 3.82±0.67 4.14±0.74 4.01±0.64 4.07±0.81 3.27 <0.001* *P < 0.05。 -
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