Investigation on the Current Situation of Sexual Knowledge,Attitude and Behavior of College Students in Three Non-Medical Universities in Yunnan Province
目的 了解云南省3所非医学类高校大学生性知识-性态度-性行为现状。 方法 2022年9月至2023年6月采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样的方法选取云南省3所非医学类高校 1170 名大学生做性知识、性态度和性行为问卷调查,采用描述性方法分析大学生的性知识、态度和行为情况。结果 72 h内紧急避孕的知晓率为22.2%,安全套可防病避孕知晓率为65.6%;PrEP和PEP知晓为49.2%和39.3%,防AIDS知识整体知晓率不到90.0%,性健康、艾滋病防治知识女生的知晓率整体高于男生(P < 0.05);占抽样人群72.8%的人不反对婚前性行为,男生性态度较女生开放(P < 0.05);18.9%的人有过性行为,在性行为阳性史的人中,60.5%能坚持正确使用安全套,35.1%性伴≥2个,男生性行为高于女生(P < 0.05);大学生中42.6%初中接受过性教育,41.4%通过网络获取性知识。 结论 大学生性健康知识匮乏,性态度和性行为较开放,云南省非医学类高校开展全面性教育已势在必行。 Abstract:Objective To understand the current the status of sexual knowledge, attitude and behavior in university students from three non-medical colleges and universities in Yunnan Province. Methods From September, 2022 to June, 2023, 1170 college students from three non-medical universities in Yunnan Province were selected by multistage stratified cluster random sampling methods to conduct a questionnaire survey on their sexual knowledge, attitudes and behaviors, and descriptive methods were used to analyze their sexual knowledge, attitudes and behaviors.Results The awareness rate of emergency contraception within 72 hours was 22.2%, and the awareness rate of condoms for disease prevention and contraception was 65.6%. The awareness rates of PrEP and PEP were 49.2% and 39.3%, and the overall awareness rate of AIDS prevention knowledge was less than 90.0%. The overall awareness rate of sexual health and AIDS prevention knowledge among girls was higher than boys (P < 0.05). 72.8% of the sampled population did not oppose premarital sex, and boys have a more open attitude towards sex than girls (P < 0.05). 18.9% of respondents have had sexual activity. Among those with a history of sexual behavior, 60.5% can correctly use condoms consistently, and 35.1% have more than two sexual partners. The sexual behavior of boys is higher than that of girls (P < 0.05). Among college students, 42.6% received sex education in junior high school, and 41.4% obtained sexual knowledge through the Internet. Conclusion College students lack sexual health knowledge, and their sexual attitudes and behaviors are relatively open. It is imperative for non-medical colleges in Yunnan Province to carry out comprehensive sex education. -
Key words:
- College students /
- Sexual health /
- KAP /
- Yunnan province
表 1 大学生性与生殖健康知识掌握现状[n(%)]
Table 1. Current status of university students’ knowledge of sexual and reproductive health [n(%)]
性与生殖健康知识 男 女 总计 χ2 P 无病时不宜冲洗阴道 99(21.5) 253(35.6) 352(30.1) 116.779 <0.001* 知晓排卵期的概念 203(44.1) 310(43.7) 513(43.8) 0.522 0.770 精卵结合在输卵管 236(51.3) 448(63.1) 684(58.5) 22.399 <0.001* 性行为后用水清洗生殖器官不可以预防性病 333(72.4) 529(74.5) 862(73.7) 0.938 0.625 不洁性行为会传染性病/艾滋病 372(80.9) 608(85.6) 980(83.8) 7.700 0.021* 紧急避孕需72 h内 107(23.3) 153(21.6) 260(22.2) 2.115 0.347 安全期避孕不可靠 236(51.3) 427(60.1) 663(56.7) 10.690 0.005* 安全套能避孕防病 330(71.7) 438(61.7) 768(65.6) 15.867 <0.001* 体外射精不可靠 311(67.6) 474(66.8) 785(67.1) 3.271 0.195 无保护性行为后可紧急避孕 366(79.6) 588(82.8) 954(81.5) 3.057 0.217 紧急避孕药不可经常使用 377(82.0) 621(87.5) 998(85.3) 7.045 0.030* 性行为后用水冲洗阴道不可避孕 386(83.9) 631(88.9) 1017 (86.9)6.508 0.039* 了解性暴力的概念 368(80.0) 601(84.6) 969(82.8) 5.257 0.072 正确认识性骚扰 420(91.3) 678(95.5) 1098 (93.8)13.564 0.001* *P < 0.05。 表 2 大学生艾滋病防治知识掌握现状[n(%)]
Table 2. Current situation of college students' knowledge of AIDS prevention and treatment [n(%)]
AIDS知识 男 女 总计 χ2 P 了解获取PEP的途径 87(18.9) 65(9.2) 152(13.0) 23.515 <0.001* 知晓AIDS的窗口期 139(30.2) 227(32.0) 366(31.3) 1.897 0.389 从未听说过PEP 178(38.7) 282(39.7) 460(39.3) 39.808 <0.001* 未曾知晓PrEP 207(45.0) 369(52.0) 576(49.2) 47.856 <0.001* 知晓学生AIDS传播方式 237(51.5) 438(62.0) 675(57.7) 15.689 <0.001* 性病可增加AIDS风险 294(63.9) 447(63.0) 741(63.3) 4.197 0.123 艾滋病不能根治/可预防 351(76.3) 504(71.0) 855(73.1) 6.764 0.034* 新型毒品会增加AIDS风险 378(82.2) 588(82.8) 966(82.6) 0.273 0.872 正确用套可降低AIDS风险 422(91.7) 611(86.1) 1033 (88.3)8.726 0.013* 高危性行为后应及时测HIV 422(91.7) 674(94.9) 1096 (93.7)4.969 0.083 *P < 0.05。 表 3 大学生性态度现状[n(%)]
Table 3. Status quo of sexual attitudes in college students[n(%)]
性态度 男 女 总计 χ2 P 不反对学生婚前性行为 383(83.3) 469(66.1) 852(72.8) 83.855 <0.001* 不反对婚外性行为 137(29.8) 118(16.6) 255(21.8) 42.521 <0.001* 不反对男生婚前性行为 379(82.4) 424(59.7) 803(68.6) 140.891 <0.001* 不反对女生婚前性行为 335(72.8) 425(59.9) 760(65.0) 46.692 <0.001* 介意未来伴侣有性经历 212(46.1) 291(41.0) 503(43.0) 7.044 0.134 *P < 0.05。 表 4 大学生性行为现状[n(%)]
Table 4. Current situation of sexual behavior of college students [n(%)]
性行为 男 女 总计 χ2 P 与异性发生过性行为 123(60.0) 82(40.0) 205(100.0) 44.568 <0.001* 首次性行为是自愿发生 89(72.4) 54(65.9) 143(69.8) 18.182 0.001* 首次性行为采取避孕措施 101(82.1) 63(76.8) 164(80.0) 0.859 0.354 首次性对象是临时/商业性伴 13(10.6) 3(3.7) 16(7.8) 3.592 0.166 我了解伴侣性的经历 58(47.2) 46(56.1) 104(50.7) 4.117 0.128 我的性伴侣≥2个 45(36.6) 27(32.9) 72(35.1) 10.527 0.484 性行为坚持用安全套 71(57.7) 53(64.6) 124(60.5) 1.792 0.774 *P < 0.05。 -
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