A Study on Quality of Life and the Influence of Different Positions on Swallowing Function in Patients with Stroke-Induced Dysphagia
目的 了解卒中吞咽障碍患者生活状况,找到合适的吞咽体位。 方法 2023年1月至9月到云南省第三人民医院老年病科、康复医学科因卒中导致吞咽障碍的90例患者作为研究对象,经洼田饮水试验分级后,根据不同洼田饮水试验等级,按30° 、60° 、90° 的检查体位将患者随机分成3组,每组30例,并给患者发放《卒中吞咽功能障碍患者生活状况调查问卷》,分析患者生活状况和不同体位对吞咽功能的影响。 结果 患者生活自理能力异常比例为91.11%,轻度焦虑率6.67%,轻度抑郁率16.67%,中度营养风险率91.11%,胃食管反流率36.67%;不同等级吞咽功能障碍患者的生活自理能力、胃食管反流存在差异(P < 0.05);30° 、60° 分别与90° 检查体位对比吞咽造影检查发生渗漏、误吸发生率有差异(P < 0.05)。 结论 卒中吞咽障碍患者的健康状况不太乐观,可以使用 30° 、60° 体位有效降低患者吞咽的渗漏、误吸,通过加强患者健康教育和管理,积极开展营养指导和心理疏导,以及药物、护理、康复训练等综合措施,进一步改善患者的生活质量。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the quality of life of stroke patients with dysphagia and find the appropriate position for swallowing. Methods From January to September 2023, 90 patients with dysphagia caused by stroke were selected from the Department of Geriatrics and Rehabilitation Medicine at the Third People's Hospital of Yunnan Province as study subjects. After the water swallowing test categorization, patients were randomly divided into 3 groups based on different levels of the test - 30° , 60° , 90° examination positions, with each group containing 30 cases. The patients were given a "Stroke Dysphagia Patient Quality of Life Survey" questionnaire to analyze the impact of different positions on swallowing function and the patients' quality of life. Results The proportion of patients with abnormal self-care ability was 91.11%, the rate of mild anxiety was 6.67%, the rate of mild depression was 16.67%, the rate of moderate nutritional risk was 91.11%, and the rate of gastroesophageal reflux was 36.67%. There were differences in self-care ability and gastroesophageal reflux among patients with different levels of swallowing dysfunction (P < 0.05). There were differences in the incidence of leakage and aspiration in the 30° , 60° and 90° positions respectively (P < 0.05). Conclusion The health status of stroke patients with dysphagia is concerning. The use of the 30° and 60° positions can effectively reduce the leakage and aspiration of the patients' swallowing. By enhancing patient health education and management, actively providing nutritional guidance and psychological support, as well as comprehensive measures such as medication, care, and rehabilitation training, the quality of life of patients can be further improved. -
Key words:
- Stroke /
- Dysphagia /
- Quality of life
表 1 3组患者洼田饮水试验分级情况[n(%)]
Table 1. Water swallowing test results in three groups[n(%)]
分组 改良洼田饮水试验分级 χ2 P Ⅱ级 Ⅲ级 Ⅳ级 Ⅴ级 30° 1(3.33) 2(6.67) 14(46.67) 13(43.33) 5.906 0.434 60° 3(10.00) 4(13.33) 9(30.00) 14(46.67) 90° 5(16.67) 1(3.33) 12(40.00) 12(40.00) 表 2 被调查患者基本情况[n(%)]
Table 2. Basic information of the patients[n(%)]
人口学特征 n 不同检查体位 χ2/Z P 30° 60° 90° 性别 男 60(66.67) 22(73.33) 19(63.33) 19(63.33) 0.900 0.638 女 30(33.33) 8(26.67) 11(36.67) 11(36.67) 年龄(岁) 18~40 12(13.33) 6(20.00) 3(10.00) 3(10.00) 3.667 0.453 41~60 36(40.00) 11(36.67) 15(50.00) 10(33.33) 61~80 42(46.67) 13(43.33) 12(40.00) 17(56.67) 婚姻 未婚 3(3.33) 2(6.67) 1(3.33) 0(0.00) 1.336 0.513 已婚 76(84.44) 23(76.67) 24(80.00) 29(96.67) 离异 2(2.22) 1(3.33) 0(0.00) 1(3.33) 丧偶 9(10.00) 4(13.33) 5(16.67) 0(0.00) 民族 汉族 81(90.00) 29(96.67) 26(86.67) 26(86.67) 2.222 0.329 少数民族 9(10.00) 1(3.33) 4(13.33) 4(13.33) 学历 小学及以下 30(33.33) 9(30.0) 10(33.33) 11(36.67) 4.760 0.575 中学 21(23.33) 4(13.33) 8(26.67) 9(30.00) 高中或中专 23(25.56) 11(36.67) 7(23.33) 5(16.67) 大学或大专 16(17.78) 6(20.00) 5(16.67) 5(16.67) 收入(元) ≤2 000 25(27.78) 7(23.33) 11(36.67) 7(23.33) 3.920 0.688 2 001~4 000 25(27.78) 10(30.00) 6(20.00) 9(30.00) 4 001~6 000 30(33.33) 11(36.67) 10(33.33) 9(30.00) ﹥6 000 10(11.11) 2(6.67) 3(10.00) 5(16.67) 职业 农民 26(28.89) 7(23.33) 12(40.00) 7(23.33) 5.061 0.536 公务员或事业单位 24(26.67) 6(20.00) 8(26.67) 10(33.33) 工厂或企业 23(25.56) 9(30.00) 6(20.00) 8(26.67) 其他 17(18.89) 8(26.67) 4(13.33) 5(16.67) 表 3 卒中吞咽功能障碍患者生活状况[n(%)]
Table 3. Quality of life in stroke patients with swallowing disorder[n(%)]
项目 改良洼田饮水试验分级 Z P Ⅱ级 Ⅲ级 Ⅳ级 Ⅴ级 生活自理能力 13.673 0.005* 无需依赖 2 2 1 3 轻度依赖 3 3 6 5 中度依赖及以上 4 2 28 31 焦虑情况 1.015 0.798 正常 8 6 33 37 轻度焦虑 1 1 2 2 抑郁情况 3.858 0.277 正常 6 6 32 31 轻度抑郁 3 1 3 8 营养风险情况 5.009 0.171 低风险 1 2 1 4 中度风险 8 5 34 35 胃食管反流情况 7.928 0.048* 未反流 5 3 18 31 反流 4 4 17 8 *P < 0.05。 表 4 不同检查体位吞咽造影检查渗漏、误吸发生率情况[n(%)]
Table 4. The incidence of leakage and aspiration at different positions[n(%)]
分组 吞咽检查情况 χ2 P 无渗漏及误吸 渗漏、误吸 30° 16(53.33) 14(46.67) 6.541 0.038* 60° 17(56.67) 13(43.33) 90° 8(26.67) 22(73.33) *P < 0.05。 -
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