Analysis of Genetic Diagnosis Results for Thalassemia in Childbearing Age Population in Baoshan City
目的 了解云南省保山市育龄人群地中海贫血基因携带情况。 方法 利用高通量测序技术对874例样本进行α-地贫及β-地贫检测,统计分析人群分布特征。 结果 874例样本中检出地贫基因阳性样本251例,地贫基因的人群阳性率为28.72%(251/874);α-地贫基因阳性样本140例,阳性率为16.02%(140/874),以基因突变类型α α/-α3.7为主;β-地贫阳性样本95例,阳性率为10.87%(95/874),以基因型CD26为主;α β-复合型地贫基因阳性样本16例,阳性率为1.83%(16/874);汉族人群和少数民族人群地贫携带差异性比较差异具有统计学意义(P < 0.01)。此外另检出α-珠蛋白基因三联体阳性率为1.49%(13/874),以基因型α α αanti3.7为主。 结论 保山市是地贫高发地区,地中海贫血阳性率较高,最为常见的突变类型是α α/-α3.7和CD26。研究对保山地区地贫防控、临床遗传咨询工作提供了一定的理论依据。 -
- 地中海贫血 /
- α-珠蛋白基因三联体 /
- 遗传咨询
Abstract:Objective To investigate the gene-carrying rate of thalassemia in the population of Baoshan. Methods A total of 874 samples were α-thalassemia and β-thalassemia detected by NGS, and the ethnic characteristics of the population were statistically analyzed. Results There were 251 cases of positive thalassemia gene, accounting for 28.72%(251/874). There were 140 α-thalassemia carriers, with a positive rate of 16.02% (140/874). The most common gene mutation type was α α/-α3.7. There were 95 β-thalassemia carriers, with a positive rate of 10.87% (95/874). The most common gene mutation type was CD26. There were 16 α- and β-thalassemia compound carriers, with a positive rate of 1.83% (16/874); Comparison of the differences between Han and Ethnic populations in thalassemia carry (P < 0.01) was statistically significant. There were 13 α-globin gene triplet carriers, with a positive rate of 1.49% (13/874). The most common gene mutation type was α α αanti3.7. Conclusions Baoshan region population has a high thalassemia carrier frequency. The most common gene mutation type was α α/-α3.7and CD26. This study provides theoretical support for thalassemia prevention and control as well as clinical genetic counseling in the Baoshan region. -
Key words:
- Thalassemia /
- α-globin gene triple /
- Genetic counseling
表 1 α-地贫的基因突变类型
Table 1. Types of gene mutations in α-Thalassemia
基因型 n 构成比(%) αα/-α3.7 99 70.71 αα/--SEA 14 10.00 αα/αCSα 10 7.14 -α3.7/SEA 4 2.86 αα/-α4.2 4 2.86 αHKα/αα 2 0.43 -α/-α3.7 1 0.71 -α3.7/αCSα 1 0.71 -α3.7/--SEA 1 0.71 -α3.7/-α3.7 1 0.71 αα/αQSα(HBA2:c.377T>C) 1 0.71 Hb Hekinan II(HBA1:c.84G>T) 1 0.71 HBA1:c.293A>G 1 0.71 140 100 表 2 β-地贫的基因突变类型
Table 2. Types of gene mutations in β-Thalassemia
基因型 n 构成比(%) CD26(HBB:c.79G>A) 76 80 CD17(HBB:c.52A>T) 3 3.16 CD41-42(HBB:c.126_129delCTTT) 3 3.16 IVS-II-654(HBB:c.316-197C>T) 2 2.11 3,UTR+132(HBB:c.132C>T) 1 1.05 CD8/9(HBB:c.27dupG) 1 1.05 CD71-72(HBB:c.217dupA) 1 1.05 3,UTR+129(HBB:c.129T>A) 1 1.05 Hb G-Copenhagen(HBB:c.142G>A) 1 1.05 Hb New York(HBB:c.341T>A) 1 1.05 IVS-II-5(HBB:c.315+5G>C) 1 1.05 Hb Dhonburi(HBB:c.380T>G) 1 1.05 Hb GIbbon(HBB:c.373C>A) 1 1.05 αααanti3.7合并CD26 1 1.05 αααanti4.2合并CD26 1 1.05 95 100 表 3 少数民族地贫阳性携带情况
Table 3. Positive carrying of Thalassemia among ethnic minorities
少数民族 阳性人数(n) 人数(n) 阳性率(%) 构成比(%) 傣族 31 47 65.96 31.63 白族 21 57 36.84 21.43 彝族 16 48 33.33 16.33 傈僳族 9 42 21.43 9.18 景颇族 6 12 50 6.12 阿昌族 3 5 / 3.06 苗族 3 8 / 3.06 布依族 2 3 / 2.04 德昂族 2 4 / 2.04 满族 2 2 / 2.04 回族 1 4 / 1.02 水族 1 1 / 1.02 佤族 1 3 / 1.02 怒族 0 3 / 0 布朗族 0 3 / 0 纳西族 0 2 / 0 哈尼族 0 2 / 0 瑶族 0 1 / 0 壮族 0 1 / 0 总计 98 248 39.52 100 注:/少数民族5个阳性样本以内的不计算阳性率。 -
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