A Preliminary Survey of Physicians' Knowledge of Gout Diagnosis and Treatments in Anning City,Yunnan Province
目的 调查安宁市医师对痛风诊疗的认知情况,并探究其影响因素。 方法 2024年1月至4月采用问卷调查形式对安宁市3家疗养院和3家三级医院的全科和内科临床医师进行痛风相关知识调查,同时收集调查对象个人资料。采用卡方检验、二分类Logistic回归分析2种医疗机构医师差异和影响医师痛风诊疗规范认知现状的相关因素。 结果 在安宁市,疗养院医师的学历(χ2 = 49.093,P < 0.05)、职称(χ2 = 23.896,P < 0.05)较低,全科医师占比较高(64.10% vs 35.90%,P < 0.05);疗养院医师每年接诊的高尿酸血症(χ2 = 16.643,P < 0.05)痛风(χ2 = 18.479,P < 0.05)患者病例数较少;疗养院医师在痛风诊疗规范的总体知晓率较低(χ2 = 5.193,P < 0.05),尤其在痛风急性期处理和药物选择方面表现不足;学历(OR = 2.044,95%CI:1.055~3.960,P < 0.05)和每年接诊高尿酸病人例数(OR = 3.706,95%CI:1.952~7.038,P < 0.05)与安宁市医师的痛风诊疗规范知晓情况呈正相关。 结论 安宁市医师对痛风诊疗的认知存在一定的盲区,特别体现在疗养院医师对痛风急性期处理和面对为复杂共病患者选择降尿酸药物方面。在提高安宁市医师痛风管理能力时,不仅要关注医师的教育背景,也应提供更多的专科临床实践机会。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the knowledge and awareness of physicians in Anning City regarding the diagnosis and treatment of gout, and explore the influencing factors. Methods From January to April 2024, a questionnaire survey was conducted among general practitioners and physicians in 3 sanatoriums and 3 tertiary hospitals in Anning City to assess their knowledge of gout. Personal information of the participants was also collected. Chi-square test and binary logistic regression analysis were used to explore the differences between participants in two medical institutions and the factors influencing their awareness of the standardized diagnosis and treatment of gout. Results In Anning City, participants in sanatoriums had lower educational backgrounds (χ2 = 49.093, P < 0.05) and professional titles (χ2 = 23.896, P < 0.05), with a higher proportion of general practitioners (64.10% vs 35.90%, P < 0.05). In addition, participants in sanatoriums had fewer annual cases of hyperuricemia (χ2 = 16.643, P < 0.05) and gout (χ2 = 18.479, P < 0.05). Furthermore, participants in sanatoriums had lower overall awareness of the standardized diagnosis and treatment of gout (χ2 = 5.193, P < 0.05), especially in the management of acute gout attacks and the selection of medications. Educational background (OR = 2.044, 95%CI = 1.055-3.960, P < 0.05) and the number of annual cases of hyperuricemia (OR = 3.706, 95%CI = 1.952-7.038, P < 0.05) were positively associated with the awareness of standardized diagnosis and treatment of gout among physicians in Anning City. Conclusions Physicians in Anning City have certain blind spots in their knowledge of gout management, especially in the management of acute gout attacks and the selection of urate-lowering medications for patients with complex comorbidities by physicians in sanatoriums. Improving the gout management capabilities of physicians in Anning City should not only focus on their educational backgrounds but also provide more opportunities for specialized clinical practice. -
Key words:
- Gout /
- Diagnostic and therapeutic knowledge /
- Anning City /
- Sanatoriums /
- Physicians
表 1 被调查者的一般情况[n(%)]
Table 1. General characteristics of the participants[n(%)]
项目 疗养院
(n = 100)三级医院
(n = 95)χ2 P 性别 4.828 0.028* 男 31(31.00) 44(46.30) 女 69(69.00) 51(53.70) 年龄(岁) 4.715 0.194 ≤29 26(26.00) 22(23.20) 30~39 40(40.00) 29(30.50) 40~49 22(22.00) 34(35.80) ≥50 12(12.00) 10(10.50) 工作年限(a) 2.820 0.244 ≤10 43(43.00) 30(31.60) 11~19 28(28.00) 30(31.60) ≥20 29(29.00) 35(36.80) 学历 49.093 < 0.001* 本科及以下 88(88.00) 38(40.00) 硕士及以上 12(12.00) 57(60.00) 职称 23.896 < 0.001* 中职及以下 88(88.00) 54(56.80) 高职及以上 12(12.00) 41(43.20) 专业 11.509 0.001* 全科 59(59.00) 33(34.74) 非全科 41(41.00) 62(65.26) *P < 0.05。 表 2 医师报告情况[n(%)]
Table 2. Physicians reporting[n(%)]
项目 疗养院 三级医院 χ2 P 每年接诊高尿
酸血症(n)16.643 < 0.001* < 5 49(49.00) 20(21.05) ≥5 51(51.00) 75(78.95) 每年接诊痛风(n) 18.479 < 0.001* < 5 59(59.00) 27(28.42) ≥5 41(41.00) 68(71.58) 近1 a接受痛风/高尿
继续教育次数2.209 0.137 0 92(92.00) 81(85.26) ≥1 8(8.00) 14(14.74) *P < 0.05。 表 3 痛风基本概念知晓情况对比[n(%)]
Table 3. Comparison of knowledge of basic gout concepts [n(%)]
答题结果 疗养院 三级医院 χ2 P 不知晓 35(35.00) 23(24.21) 2.714 0.099 知晓 65(65.00) 72(75.79) 表 4 痛风诊疗规范知晓情况[n(%)]
Table 4. Knowledge of gout diagnosis and treatment standards[n(%)]
答题结果 疗养院 三级医院 χ2 P 不知晓 52(52.00) 34(35.79) 5.193 0.023* 知晓 48(48.00) 61(64.21) *P < 0.05。 表 5 痛风诊疗规范分题回答情况[n(%)]
Table 5. Answers to questions on the diagnostic and treatment standards for gout[n(%)]
项目 疗养院 三级医院 χ2 P 第4题 错误 58(58.00) 24(25.26) 21.426 < 0.001* 正确 42(42.00) 71(74.74) 第5题 错误 47(47.00) 24(25.26) 9.942 0.002* 正确 53(53.00) 71(74.74) 第6题 错误 44(44.00) 36(37.89) 0.751 0.386 正确 56(56.00) 59(62.11) 第7题 错误 4(4.00) 8(8.42) 1.649 0.099 正确 96(96.00) 87(91.58) 第8题 错误 42(42.00) 24(25.26) 6.095 0.014* 正确 58(58.00) 71(74.74) 第9题 错误 62(62.00) 31(32.63) 16.844 < 0.001* 正确 38(38.00) 64(67.37) 第10题 错误 27(27.00) 28(29.47) 0.147 0.701 正确 73(73.00) 67(70.53) 第4题:对于无合并症的痛风患者,急性期治疗痛风关节炎发作的首选药物;第5题:哪项不是降低血尿酸的药物;第6题:对于一般患者目前推荐降尿酸治疗的理想目标值;第7题:哪些非药物治疗措施可以协助控制尿酸水平;第8题:痛风合并慢性肾功能不全时降尿酸药物优先考虑哪一种;第9题:口服降尿酸药物治疗初期患者出现急性发作采取治疗措施;第10题:痛风常见合并疾病;*P < 0.05。 表 6 痛风诊疗规范知晓情况的单因素、多因素二分类logistic回归分析结果
Table 6. Results of univariate and multivariate binary logistic regression analysis on awareness of gout diagnosis and treatment standards
变量 单因素分析 多因素分析 β P OR (95%CI) β P OR (95%CI) 医疗机构类别 0.665 0.023* 1.944 (1.094,3.452) — — — 学历 0.991 0.002* 2.695 (1.440,5.043) 0.715 0.034★ 2.044(1.055,3.960) 专业 0.796 0.007* 2.216 (1.245,3.943) — — — 职称 0.810 0.018* 2.248 (1.148,4.404) — — — 每年接诊高尿酸患者情况 1.459 < 0.001* 4.300 (2.301,8.037) 1.310 < 0.001★ 3.706(1.952,7.038) 每年接诊痛风患者情况 0.947 < 0.001* 2.577 (1.439,4.615) — — — 近1a接受继续教育情况 −0.062 0.892 0.940 (0.386,2.293) — — — 注:*单因素回归分析中,P < 0.05;★多因素回归分析中,P < 0.05;“-”为无数据。 -
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