The Application of Parallel Medical Record Writing in Nursing Practice Teaching
目的 探讨平行病历撰写在实习护生实践教学中的应用效果。 方法 选择2021年9月至2022年2月在襄阳市某三级甲等医院实习的58名护生作为对照组,采用传统实习培养模式;2022年9月至2023年2月在该医院实习的56名护生作为试验组,采用平行病历撰写培养模式。分别在实习前、实习后1、3、6个月4个时间点采用护士职业尊重感量表、批判性思维量表及关怀能力评价量表进行评分比较。 结果 2组护生的职业尊重感、批判性思维能力及人文关怀能力得分在时间效应、组间效应及交互效应上的比较,差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。 结论 平行病历撰写培养模式可有效提高护生的职业尊重感水平及批判性思维能力与人文关怀能力。 Abstract:Objective To explore the application effect of parallel medical record writing in practice teaching of nursing students. Methods From September 2021 to February 2022, 58 nursing students who practiced in a Grade A hospital in Xiangyang City were selected as the control group. 56 nursing students who practiced in the hospital from September 2022 to February 2023 were selected as the experimental group, and the training mode of parallel medical record writing was adopted. The nurses' job esteem scale, critical thinking scale and caring ability evaluation scale were used at four time points before the practice, 1, 3 and 6 months after the practice. Results There were statistically significant differences in the scores of job esteem , critical thinking ability and humanistic care ability of nursing students in the two groups in the time effect, inter-group effect and interaction effect (P < 0.05). Conclusions Parallel medical record writing training mode can effectively improve the level of job esteem, critical thinking ability and humanistic care ability of nursing students. -
表 1 2组实习护生一般资料比较[n(%)/($\bar x \pm s $)]
Table 1. Comparison of general data between the two groups of nursing students [n(%)/($\bar x \pm s $)]
项目 对照组(n=58) 干预组(n=56) t/χ2 P 性别 0.052 0.820 男 7(12.07) 6(10.71) 女 51(87.93) 50(89.29) 年龄(岁) 20.16±0.91 20.14±1.51 0.539 0.464 学历 0.538 0.463 专科 24(41.38) 27(48.21) 本科 34(58.62) 29(51.79) 选择本专业原因 0.583 0.900 父母决定 15(25.86) 18(32.14) 自己选择 15(25.86) 13(23.21) 共同决定 23(39.66) 21(37.50) 其它 5(8.62) 4(7.14) 每天学习时间(h) 0.539 0.910 >6 11(18.97) 13(23.21) 4~6 9(15.52) 8(14.29) 2~4 29(50.00) 25(44.64) <2 9(15.52) 10(17.86) 获取知识途径(多选) 0.244 0.970 教科书 25(43.10) 24(42.86) 带教老师 43(74.14) 45(80.36) 医院培训 24(41.38) 22(39.29) 其他 5(8.62) 6(10.71) 批判性思维培训经历 0.281 0.596 有 40(68.97) 36(64.29) 无 18(31.03) 20(35.71) 表 2 2组护生不同时间点职业尊重感、评判性思维能力及人文关怀能力得分比较[($ \bar{x} \pm s $),分]
Table 2. Comparison of scores of job-esteem,critical thinking ability and humanistic care ability of nursing students in the two groups at different time points[($ \bar{x} \pm s $), points]
项目 实习前 实习后
6个月t P F时间 F组间 F交互 JES-HN 对照组 59.62±5.55 64.62±5.56 73.84±5.28 85.55±5.50 6.274 0.517 533.166 40.799 110.398 试验组 60.43±5.40 66.48±5.39 79.43±5.60 103.02±5.75 0.725 <0.001* <0.001* <0.001* <0.001* t 0.787 1.815 5.475 16.589 P 0.433 0.072 <0.001* <0.001* CTDI-SCV 对照组 32.81±3.73 41.84±3.72 56.88±3.64 71.88±3.64 7.543 0.633 362.563 67.612 176.546 试验组 32.73±8.20 42.25±9.38 74.95±9.03 92.34±12.76 0.692 <0.001* <0.001* <0.001* <0.001* t −0.065 0.301 13.916 11.554 P 0.948 0.764 <0.001* <0.001* CAI 对照组 175.88±12.67 181.71±13.14 188.71±13.13 201.28±13.13 9.653 1.274 234.799 4.769 132.249 试验组 173.73±11.99 180.96±12.10 194.20±11.25 218.50±12.04 1.364 <0.001* <0.001* 0.031* <0.001* t −0.929 −0.313 2.393 7.291 P 0.355 0.754 0.018* <0.001* *P < 0.05。 -
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