Volume 43 Issue 7
Jul.  2022
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Cuiling WU, Hongyi LIU, Yuan FAN, Jiarui LIU. Research Progress in Pathogenesis of Diabetic Encephalopathy[J]. Journal of Kunming Medical University, 2022, 43(7): 145-151. doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20220733
Citation: Cuiling WU, Hongyi LIU, Yuan FAN, Jiarui LIU. Research Progress in Pathogenesis of Diabetic Encephalopathy[J]. Journal of Kunming Medical University, 2022, 43(7): 145-151. doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20220733

Research Progress in Pathogenesis of Diabetic Encephalopathy

doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20220733
  • Received Date: 2022-01-14
  • Publish Date: 2022-07-14
  • Diabetic encephalopathy (DE) is one of the chronic complications associated with diabetes. It is affected by many risk factors. Its main clinical manifestations are cognitive impairment, decision making disorders and emotional disorders. At present, the possible pathogenesis is pancreatic amyloid polypeptide homeostasis imbalance, MicroRNAs, macrophage autophagy, lipoprotein Lipin1, advanced glycation end products (AGEs), oxidative stress, overphosphorylation of Tau protein, calcium homeostasis, and other mechanisms, which affect the function of brain tissue cells and cause corresponding pathological changes of diabetic encephalopathy. Promote the development of diabetic encephalopathy.
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