Citation: | Yong DONG, Jiao YANG, Shuaizhong CAI, Yan SU, Haiyin YANG, Shiyao YANG, Yuexi ZHU, Qiongyao GUAN. Latent Class Analysis and Influencing Factors of Cognitive Ability Level of Hospice Care Nursing Students[J]. Journal of Kunming Medical University, 2024, 45(1): 179-186. doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20240130 |
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[1] | Yong DONG, Shuaizhong CAI, Haiyin YANG, Jiao YANG, Shiyao YANG, Yuexi ZHU, Jinhu MIAO, Qiongyao GUAN. The Current State and Influencing Factors of Medical Narrative Ability Among 931 Oncology Nurses. Journal of Kunming Medical University, 2025, 46(5): 1-8. |
[2] | Jiang ZHANG, Xijuan ZHAO, Jiang WU, Bingkun YANG, Ni YANG, Liping ZHOU. Analysis of Frailty Status and Influencing Factors in Lung Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy. Journal of Kunming Medical University, 2024, 45(9): 1-8. |
[3] | Yanmei JI, Wenjun LI, Qingyun LI, Ni GUO, Ni MENG, Dan ZHOU, Qiuyu LI, Xingfang JIN. The Analysis of Related Factors of Cognitive Impairment after the Acute Ischemic Stroke and Construction of Nomogram Model. Journal of Kunming Medical University, 2024, 45(5): 73-81. doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20240511 |
[4] | Yong DONG, Xingqiong GU, Shuaizhong CAI, Jiao YANG, Haiyin YANG, Qiongyao GUAN. Current Situation and Influencing Factors of Nurses’ Ability to Respond to Public Health Emergencies in Yunnan Province. Journal of Kunming Medical University, 2024, 45(2): 184-190. doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20240227 |
[5] | Rui WANG, Cilin HAN, Yuanqing CAO, Xiaoyan YANG. Multi-level Model Analysis of Factors Influencing Physicians' Job Burnout. Journal of Kunming Medical University, 2024, 45(11): 67-72. doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20241110 |
[6] | Huaxiang CHAI, Ziyu LUO, Aizhi DUAN, Deying LI, Weiqun DONG. The Analysis of Influence Factors on Platelet Antibody Production and Clinical Transfusion Effects. Journal of Kunming Medical University, 2023, 44(9): 62-68. doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20230901 |
[7] | Jie ZHANG, Haiyan FU, Hongjuan LI, Yan WAN, Bin XU, Jingru. SHANG. Effects of Multidisciplinary Team Building on Hospice Care for End-stage Patients. Journal of Kunming Medical University, 2023, 44(9): 121-125. doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20230924 |
[8] | Guangliu WU, Xuemei YANG, Mingying YANG, Xijuan ZHAO, Ya WANG, Rujiao YIN, Xiaoying ZHOU. Application of TBL Combined with PBL in Cultivating of Scientific Research Ability of Undergraduate Nursing Students. Journal of Kunming Medical University, 2022, 43(12): 171-176. doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20221231 |
[9] | Bin LIU, Xian-gang LI, Min ZHANG, Fang ZHOU, Ren-hua LIN, Jie YANG, Liang ZHANG, Xian-kun WANG, Ya-nan PAN. Main Influencing Factors of the Second Hospitalization of Patients with Coronary Heart Disease. Journal of Kunming Medical University, 2021, 42(6): 103-109. doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20210618 |
[10] | Xin-tian LONG, Jie CHEN, Yong MAO, Xiu-qing WANG, Shuang-yan LU, Hui-jie PU, Jia ZHOU, Cheng-huan SUN, Song-mei WANG, Ai-fang YE. Detection Rate and Determinants of Hypertension among Seniors in Anning City. Journal of Kunming Medical University, 2021, 42(12): 11-16. doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20211210 |
[11] | Bi Hong . The Analysis of Influential Factors of Pulmonary Function in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Kunming. Journal of Kunming Medical University, |
[12] | Su Yun Yu . . Journal of Kunming Medical University, |
[13] | Luo Dan . . Journal of Kunming Medical University, |
[14] | Qiu Wei . . Journal of Kunming Medical University, |
[15] | Luo Dan . . Journal of Kunming Medical University, |
[16] | Zhou Jia . . Journal of Kunming Medical University, |
[17] | Sun Yan Chun . . Journal of Kunming Medical University, |
[18] | Luo Wen Dong . . Journal of Kunming Medical University, |
[19] | Long Zhi Ren . . Journal of Kunming Medical University, |
[20] | He Li Ping . . Journal of Kunming Medical University, |