Citation: | Yong DONG, Shuaizhong CAI, Jiao YANG, Yan SU, Haiyin YANG, Shiyao YANG, Yuexi ZHU, Qiongyao GUAN. Latent Profile Analysis and Influencing Factors of Clinical Nurses' Psychological Resilience in Oncology Hospitals[J]. Journal of Kunming Medical University, 2024, 45(6): 182-189. doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20240626 |
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[1] | Yong DONG, Shuaizhong CAI, Haiyin YANG, Jiao YANG, Shiyao YANG, Yuexi ZHU, Jinhu MIAO, Qiongyao GUAN. The Current State and Influencing Factors of Medical Narrative Ability Among 931 Oncology Nurses. Journal of Kunming Medical University, 2025, 46(5): 1-8. |
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[13] | Yao Lan , Li Bin , Pu Ling Li , Lian Bai Ling , Ratanawadee Chontawan. Correlation Study on Organizational Culture and Quality of Work Life Among Nurses in Tertiary Hospitals. Journal of Kunming Medical University, 2016, 37(12): 140-143. |
[14] | Yao Lan . . Journal of Kunming Medical University, |
[15] | Yang Jiao . . Journal of Kunming Medical University, |
[16] | Feng Lei . . Journal of Kunming Medical University, |
[17] | Huang Jing Qiong . . Journal of Kunming Medical University, |
[18] | Yan Bin . . Journal of Kunming Medical University, |
[19] | Chang Xue Yan . . Journal of Kunming Medical University, |
[20] | Li Lei . . Journal of Kunming Medical University, |