Song Jia Mei , Chen Hui , Xu Pei Qi , Meng Yu Shi . Effect of Female Basal Testosterone Level on the Pregnancy Outcome of in Vitro Fertilization Embryo Transfer[J]. Journal of Kunming Medical University, 2017, 38(07): 93-98.
Citation: Song Jia Mei , Chen Hui , Xu Pei Qi , Meng Yu Shi . Effect of Female Basal Testosterone Level on the Pregnancy Outcome of in Vitro Fertilization Embryo Transfer[J]. Journal of Kunming Medical University, 2017, 38(07): 93-98.

Effect of Female Basal Testosterone Level on the Pregnancy Outcome of in Vitro Fertilization Embryo Transfer


基金: 昆明医科大学重点学科 (B类) 建设项目 (2016-2020);

  • Received Date: 2017-04-12
  • Objectives To analyze the influence of female basal testosterone (bT) level of infertile women with normal serum sex hormones on the pregnancy outcome of in vitro fertilization embryo transfer (IVF-ET) and to evaluate the predictive value of bT on pregnancy outcome and its clinical significance. Methods A total of 229 cases of infertile women with normal serum sex hormones were selected and divided into pregnancy group (group A, n=114) and non-pregnancy group (group B, n=115) . The bT levels of the two groups were compared.The influence of bT value on IVF-ET pregnancy outcome was explored. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) was analyzed according to the differences of bT levels of all the patients to find the bT threshold. Based on the bT levels, the patients were divided into group C (bT≤bT threshold, n=129) and group D (bT>bT threshold, n=100) . The relationship between bT value and IVF-ET pregnancy outcome was further explored. Results (1) The bT levels, MⅡ egg rate and high quality embryo rate in group A were significantly higher than those in group with B [ (0.94 ±0.34) , (0.63 ±0.32) ], [ (1208/1419) 85.13%, (906/1168) 77.57% ], [ (432/828) 52.17%, (319/701) 45.51%) ] (P<0.05) . (2) There was a moderate predictive value of bT on pregnancy outcome (sensitivity: 51.8%, specificity: 35.7%) . The best bT threshold was 0.72 nmol/L. (3) MⅡ egg rate and pregnancy rate in group D were significantly higher than those in group C [ (1078/1173) 91.9%, (1036/1414) 73.27%], [ (59/100) 59 % (55/129) 42.64%] (P<0.05) . Conclusions The bT levels of infertile women with normal sex hormone levels may preliminary predict and assess the outcome of IVF-ET. For the patients with bT level under the threshold, exogenous androgen supplements may be considered to increase to raise the bT level to a fine level therefore improve IVF pregnancy outcome.
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