Lu Xiao Ning , Zhang Hong Yun , Qian Hong , Lv Song Qin , Tian Yuan , Zhu Min , Zhao Yao . Value of Colposcopy in the Screening of High-grade Cervical Lesions in the Women with HIV Infection[J]. Journal of Kunming Medical University, 2018, 39(07): 41-46.
Citation: Lu Xiao Ning , Zhang Hong Yun , Qian Hong , Lv Song Qin , Tian Yuan , Zhu Min , Zhao Yao . Value of Colposcopy in the Screening of High-grade Cervical Lesions in the Women with HIV Infection[J]. Journal of Kunming Medical University, 2018, 39(07): 41-46.

Value of Colposcopy in the Screening of High-grade Cervical Lesions in the Women with HIV Infection


基金: 云南省科技厅-昆明医科大学应用基础研究联合专项基金资助项目 (2017FE468-50);

  • Received Date: 2018-03-12
  • Objective To compare the screening effects of TCT, HC2-HR-HPV and colposcopy and to evaluate the value of colposcopy in the screening of high-grade cervical lesions in the women with HIV infection.Me thods A total of 591 HIV-infected women underwent TCT, HC2-HR-HPV testing and colposcopy procedure.Localized biopsy was performed on the patients with positive results in colposcopy.The patients with negative results for the first colposcopy and unsatisfied with colposcopy would undergo colposcopy again only when TCT showed ACS-H, LSIL, HSIL or TCT showed ASC-US with HR-HPV infection, and multiple punch point biopsy and endocervical curettage (ECC) were performed. Results of TCT, HC2-HR-HPV test and the first colposcopy in the diagnosis of high-grade cervical lesions (≥CINII) were compared.Re s ults In the 591 HIV-infected women, 210 patients (35.53%) had HR-HPV infection, 62 patients (10.49%) had CINI, and 46 patients (7.78%) had CINII. The sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value in the first colposcopy were significantly better than those in TCT and HC2-HR-HPV testing (P<0.05) . Missing rates in the first colposcopy and HC2-HR-HPV testing were similar but were significantly lower than that in TCT testing (P<0.05) . Areas under the ROC curve in the first colposcopy and TCT testing but were significantly larger than that in HC2-HR-HPV testing (P <0.05) .Conclus ions The infection rate of HR-HPV and the incidence of high-grade cervical lesions in HIV-infected women are high. Colposcopy is high in specificity, low in missing rate and with the advantages of low charge, time-saving and immediate diagnosis and treatment, which provides high clinical value in the detection and screening of high-grade cervical lesions in HIV-infected women.
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