Process Studies on the Surface Modification of Coral Hydroxyapatite
目的 探究纳米氧化锌(nmZnO)在不同条件下改性珊瑚羟基磷灰石(CHA)的工艺研究。 方法 在弱酸环境内,温度70 ℃条件下,采用硝酸锌溶胶-凝胶法改性珊瑚羟基磷灰石,通过超声、旋转搅拌、干燥、煅烧获得白色颗粒状多孔复合材料,应用扫描电子显微镜观察改性后材料表面特征。 结果 在不同原料配比条件下,nmZnO颗粒在CHA表面的分布及粒径大小存在差异。热处理过程中,保温温度及保温时间的改变会导致材料的除碳效果及结构完整性发生变化。 结论 利用硝酸锌溶胶-凝胶法可以对珊瑚羟基磷灰石进行表面改性,纳米氧化锌粒径小于100纳米,纳米粒子的团聚问题得以解决。 Abstract:Objective To explore the process of modifying coral hydroxyapatite by nmZnO under the different conditions. Methods Coral hydroxyapatite was modified by zinc nitrate sol-gel method at 70 ℃ in weak acid environment. White granular porous composite materials were obtained by ultrasonic, rotary stirring, drying and calcination. The surface characteristics of the modified materials were observed by scanning electron microscope. Results The results showed that the distribution and size of nmzno particles on the coral hydroxyapatite surface were different under the different raw material ratios. In the process of heat treatment, different holding temperature and holding time would lead to the change of carbon removal effect and structural integrity of materials. Conclusion Coral hydroxyapatite surface can be modified by zinc nitrate sol-gel method. The particle size of nano zinc oxide is less than 100 nanometers. The agglomeration problem of nano-particles is solved. -
Key words:
- Coral hydroxyapatite /
- Zinc oxide /
- Modification /
- Antibacterial property
表 1 复合材料热处理后情况
Table 1. Changes of composites after heat treatment
保温温度(℃) 保温1 h 保温3 h 保温5 h 560 色黑,原结构未破坏 色灰黑,原结构未破坏 色灰白,原结构未破坏 580 色灰,原结构未破坏 色灰白,原结构未破坏 色白,原结构未破坏 600 色灰白,原结构未破坏 色白黄,原结构未破坏 色白,原结构破坏 -
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