Efficacy and Safety of Sofosbuvir/Vipatavir Combined with Ribavirin in Treatment of Genotype 3 Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C
目的 观察索磷布韦维帕他韦联合利巴韦林(SOF/VEL+RBV)抗病毒治疗基因3(GT3)型初治慢性丙型肝炎患者的疗效和安全性。 方法 选取就诊于昆明市第三人民医院肝病科的80例基因3型慢性丙型肝炎初治患者,观察组治疗方案为索磷布韦维帕他韦联合利巴韦林抗病毒治疗患者40例;对照组治疗方案为索磷布韦维帕他韦单药抗病毒治疗患者40例。观察治疗4周、12周、停药后随访12周持续病毒学应答、生化学指标变化、Fibroscan指标变化和治疗期间不良反应的情况。 结果 采用观察组或对照组4周时SVR率分别为90.00%,70.00%、12周时SVR率分别为97.50%,80.00%、停药后随访12周时SVR率分别为97.50%,80.00%;在ALT、AST、GGT、ALB等血清生化指标在治疗4周、12周时,观察组比对照组下降更显著(P < 0.05),在停药后随访12周时,两组差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05);观察组比对照组在治疗12周时Fibroscan值显著下降(t = 5.700,P = 0.018),停药后随访12周时,两组的Fibroscan值无差异(t = 0.012,P = 0.912);治疗期间两组的不良反应主要为乏力、头痛和头晕。 结论 对于基因3型初治慢性丙型肝炎患者,观察组比对照组抗病毒治疗可获得更高的SVR率和生化学应答率,肝纤维化明显改善且具有良好的安全性。 Abstract:Objective To observe the efficacy and safety of combined with Ribavirin (SOF/VEL+RBV) in the treatment of genotype-3 patients with chronic hepatitis C. Methods We selected 80 genotype-3, and newly treated chronic hepatitis C patients, who were admitted to the Department of Liver Diseases, Kunming Third People's Hospital, and divided them into 2 groups. The combined treatment group, containing 40 patients, was treated with the antiviral therapy that combines Sofosbuvir/Velpatasvir and Ribavirin (SOF/VEL + RBV). The control group was 40 patients that were adopted with a single-agent antiviral treatment of Sofosbuvir/Velpatasvir. All patients were monitored with their continuous virological response, the changes in biochemical indicators and Fibroscan indicators during the treatment of 4 and 12 weeks as well as an additional 12 weeks after stopping the therapy. Results The combined treatment group showed their SVR rate at the 4th and 12th week were 90.00%, 70.00% and 97.50%, 80.00%, respectively and reached 97.50%, 80.00%, at 12th week after the termination of the treatment. The patients' serum biochemical indicators such as ALT, AST, GGT, and ALB decreased more significantly than the patients in the single-agent group (P < 0.05) and there was no significant difference between the two groups at the 12-week follow-up after the treatment termination (P > 0.05). For the single-agent group, at the 12th week after the treatment the Fibroscan value decrease significantly (F = 5.700, P = 0.018) and at 12th-week follow-up after the treatment termination there was no difference in Fibroscan values between the two groups (F = 0.012, P = 0.912). During the period of the treatment time, the adverse reactions from both groups were mainly fatigue, headache and dizziness. Conclusions For genotype-3 patients with newly treated chronic hepatitis C, the combined treatment of Sofosbuvir/Velpatasvir and Ribavirin (SOF/VEL + RBV) can have higher SVR rate and biochemical response rate, better efffect on improving liver fibrosis with better safety than single-agent treatment of Sofosbuvir/Velpatasvir. -
Key words:
- Chronic hepatitis C /
- Sofosbuvir/Velpatasvir /
- Efficacy; Safety
表 1 基因3型丙肝患者的一般资料比较[
$\bar x \pm s$ /n(%)]Table 1. General data comparison results of genotype 3 hepatitis C patients [
$\bar x \pm s$ /n(%)]项目 总体 观察组 对照组 t/χ2 P 年龄(岁) 44.21 ± 9.20 45.18 ± 7.70 43.25 ± 10.50 0.935 0.353 性别 0.058 0.809 男 55(68.75) 28(70.00) 27(67.50) 女 25(31.25) 12(30.00) 13(32.50) 基因型 1.920 0.166 3a 30(37.50) 12(30.00) 18(45.00) 3b 50(62.50) 28(70.00) 22(55.00) 生化学指标 ALT(U/L) 88.62 ± 58.78 93.75 ± 58.01 83.36 ± 59.84 0.784 0.436 AST(U/L) 79.37 ± 54.16 87.29 ± 59.62 71.25 ± 42.54 1.112 0.270 TBIL(μmol/L) 18.15 ± 11.76 18.08 ± 9.17 18.24 ± 14.05 −0.062 0.950 GGT(U/L) 105.89 ± 78.03 126.24 ± 86.44 83.89 ± 73.61 1.497 0.139 ALB(g/L) 42.33 ± 9.23 43.96 ± 11.42 40.58 ± 5.71 1.670 0.099 共感染 HBV 3(3.75) 2(5.00) 1(2.50) HIV 7(8.75) 4(10.00) 3(7.50) 共患疾病 高血压 12(15.00) 6(15.00) 6(15.00) 2型糖尿病 7(8.75) 5(12.50) 2(5.00) 表 2 两组治疗基因3型丙肝患者的持续病毒学应答的比较[n(%)]
Table 2. Comparison of sustained virological response between control group and experimental group for treatment of genotype 3 hepatitis C patients [n(%)]
治疗时间 观察组 对照组 χ2 P 基线 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 治疗4周 36(90.00) 28(70.00) 5.00 0.025* 治疗12周 39(97.50) 32(80.00) 4.507 0.034 停药后随访12周 39(97.50) 32(80.00) 4.507 0.034 注:*P < 0.05。 表 3 两组治疗基因3型患者的血清生化学指标的比较(n = 80,
$\bar x \pm s$ )Table 3. Serum biochemical indexes of SOF/VEL group and SOF/VEL+RBV group for treatment of genotype 3 patients (n = 80,
$\bar x \pm s$ )观察时间 观察指标 观察组 对照组 F P 基线 ALT(U/L) 93.75 ± 58.01 83.36 ± 59.84 0.784 0.436 AST(U/L) 87.29 ± 59.62 71.25 ± 42.54 1.112 0.270 TBIL(μmol/L) 18.08 ± 9.17 18.24 ± 14.05 −0.062 0.950 GGT(U/L) 126.24 ± 86.44 83.89 ± 73.61 1.497 0.139 ALB(g/L) 43.96 ± 11.42 40.58 ± 5.71 1.670 0.099 治疗4周 ALT(U/L) 42.00 ± 30.63 57.10 ± 34.05 −2.084 0.040* AST(U/L) 38.59 ± 14.92 52.30 ± 18.81 −2.239 0.028* TBIL(μmol/L) 17.92 ± 11.32 18.09 ± 8.01 0.552 0.583 GGT(U/L) 98.57 ± 57.25 69.98 ± 60.77 2.166 0.033* ALB(g/L) 39.27 ± 6.49 42.13 ± 5.31 2.198 0.031* 治疗12周 ALT(U/L) 26.13 ± 12.80 33.67 ± 14.93 −2.006 0.049* AST(U/L) 28.94 ± 12.16 35.49 ± 13.08 −2.240 0.028* TBIL(μmol/L) 15.82 ± 9.05 17.85 ± 7.68 0.893 0.376 GGT(U/L) 81.74 ± 44.89 62.87 ± 42.42 −2.092 0.040* ALB(g/L) 38.01 ± 4.79 40.51 ± 8.52 2.915 0.005* 停药后随访12周 ALT(U/L) 20.27 ± 8.63 25.98 ± 12.55 1.304 0.203 AST(U/L) 29.17 ± 11.88 33.00 ± 12.07 −0.490 0.626 TBIL(μmol/L) 20.22 ± 8.70 24.37 ± 9.90 −1.780 0.080 GGT(U/L) 35.56 ± 11.34 26.15 ± 12.15 2.223 0.030* ALB(g/L) 38.19 ± 9.26 41.68 ± 5.27 −2.739 0.011 注:*P < 0.05。 表 4 观察组和对照组治疗基因3型丙肝患者的Fibroscan值的对比(n = 80,
$\bar x \pm s$ )Table 4. Comparison of Fibroscan values between experimental group and control group for treatment of genotype 3 hepatitis C patients (n = 80,
$\bar x \pm s$ )治疗时间 观察组 对照组 t P 基线 12.73 ± 8.17 13.18 ± 8.85 3.840 0.052 治疗12周 5.35 ± 1.70 8.05 ± 2.32 5.700 0.018* 停药随访12周 5.46 ± 1.76 5.35 ± 1.62 0.012 0.912 注:*P < 0.05。 -
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