Correlation Between Serum Soluble ST2 and Cardiac Remodeling in Patients with Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction
目的 探讨射血分数降低的心力衰竭(HFrEF)患者血清可溶性致癌抑制因子2(sST2)水平与心功能、心脏重构的相关性。 方法 入选2019年7月至2020年9月在昆明医科大学第一附属医院心内科住院的HFrEF患者110例,通过免疫荧光干式定量法检测血清sST2水平,收集超声心动图中反映心功能和心脏结构的参数,包括左室射血分数(LVEF)、室间隔厚度、左房内径、右房长径、左室后壁、右室长径、左室舒张末期容积(LVEDV)、左室收缩末期容积(LVESV)等指标,并计算左室舒张末期容积指数(LVEDVI)和左室收缩末期容积指数(LVESVI)。以血清sST2水平的中位数20.0 ng/mL将研究对象分为低水平组(sST2 < 20.0 ng/mL,n = 55)和高水平组(sST2≥20.0 ng/mL,n = 55)。分析血清sST2水平与心功能、心脏重构指标之间的相关性。 结果 在110例HFrEF患者中,血清sST2水平的中位数为20.0 ng/mL;血清sST2高水平组患者较低水平组患者更易合并慢性肾脏疾病和甲状腺功能异常。与低水平组比较,高水平组患者的D-二聚体、B型利钠肽、血肌酐、尿酸、谷草转氨酶水平更高,右房长径更大,肺动脉收缩压更高(P < 0.05)。血清sST2水平与肺动脉收缩压( r = 0.284,P = 0.003)、右房长径(r = 0.356,P = 0.000)呈正相关。 结论 在HFrEF患者中,血清sST2水平与肺动脉收缩压、右房长径均呈正相关,sST2水平越高,右心房长径越大,肺动脉收缩压越高,提示HFrEF患者sST2水平与右心结构功能相关,血清sST2可能在HFrEF患者的心脏重构中发挥一定作用。 -
- 射血分数降低的心力衰竭 /
- 可溶性ST2 /
- 心功能 /
- 心脏重构
Abstract:Objective To investigate the correlation between serum soluble oncogenic inhibitor 2 (sST2) level and cardiac function and remodeling in patients with heart failure (HFrEF) with reduced ejection fraction. Methods A total of 110 patients with HFrEF admitted to the Department of Cardiology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University from July 2019 to September 2020 were enrolled. Serum sST2 levels were detected by immunofluorescence dry quantitative method, and parameters reflecting cardiac function and structure in echocardiography were collected. Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), interventricular septal thickness, left atrial inner diameter, right atrial length diameter, left ventricular posterior wall, right ventricular length diameter, left ventricular end-diastolic volume (LVEDV), left ventricular end-systolic volume (LVESV) and other indicators were calculated. LVEDVI and LVESVI were calculated. The subjects were divided into low level group (sST2 < 20.0 ng/mL, n = 55) and high level group (sST2 ≥20.0 ng/mL, n = 55) according to the median serum sST2 level of 20.0 ng/mL. The correlation between serum sST2 level and cardiac function and cardiac remodeling indexes was analyzed. Results Among 110 HFrEF patients, the median serum sST2 level was 20.0 ng/mL. Patients with higher serum sST2 level were more likely to have chronic kidney disease and thyroid dysfunction than patients with lower serum sST2 level. Patients with higher serum sST2 level had higher D-dimer, B-type natriuretic peptide, creatinine, uric acid, aspartate aminotransferase level, and larger right atrial diameter, higher pulmonary artery systolic pressure than patients with lower serum sST2 level (P < 0.05). Serum sST2 level was positively correlated with pulmonary artery systolic pressure ( r = 0.284, P = 0.003) and right atrial diameter (r = 0.356, P = 0.000). Conclusion In HFrEF patients, serum sST2 level was positively correlated with pulmonary artery systolic pressure and right atrial diameter. The higher sST2 level was, the larger right atrial diameter and pulmonary artery systolic pressure were. In other words, serum sST2 level in patients with HFrEF is correlated with right heart function. Serum sST2 may play an important role in cardiac remodeling in patients with HFrEF. -
表 1 入选HFrEF患者临床资料[ $\bar x \pm s$/n(%)/M(P25,P75)]
Table 1. Baseline characteristics of HFrEF patients [ $\bar x \pm s$/n(%)/M(P25,P75)]
项目 数值 项目 数值 年龄(岁) 57.9 ± 14.1 合并症 男性 65(58.6) 高血压 46(41.8) 饮酒史 27(24.5) 心房颤动 23(20.9) 吸烟史 46(41.8) 慢性肾脏疾病 26(23.6) LVEF值(%) 31.0(24.0,36.0) 心肌梗死 18(16.4) 心率(次/min) 88.2 ± 16.5 糖尿病 17(15.5) QRS时限(ms) 110.0(100.0,130.8) 高脂血症 17(15.5) 收缩压(mmHg) 113.0(101.5,134.3) 冠脉介入治疗 19(17.3) 舒张压(mmHg) 73.0(66.8,86.0) 甲状腺功能异常 12(10.9) 体表面积(m2) 1.6(1.5,1.8) 白细胞(×109/L) 6.4(5.1,8.7) sST2(ng/mL) 20.0(9.4,38.7) 血红蛋白(g/L) 144.1 ± 22.6 肌钙蛋白(ng/mL) 0.05(0.05,0.085) 总胆固醇(mmol/L) 3.9 ± 1.1 D-二聚体(ng/mL) 659.5(260.0, 1722.5 )低密度脂蛋白(mmol/L) 2.4 ± 0.9 B型利钠肽(ng/mL) 1 941( 1187.5 ,5000.0 )血钠(mmol/L) 143.0(140.9,145.3) 室间隔(mm) 10.0(8.0,11.0) 血钾(mmol/L) 3.7 ± 0.5 左房内径(mm) 44.6 ± 8.0 血肌酐(µmol/L) 95.7(82.5,123.6) 右房长径(mm) 52.8 ± 11.0 尿酸(µmol/L) 510.6(389.6,651.5) 左室后壁(mm) 9.5(8.0,11.0) 尿素氮(mmol/L) 6.9(5.6,9.6) 右室长径(mm) 77.0(70.0,84.0) 谷丙转氨酶(IU/L) 24.5(19.0,41.3) 肺动脉压(mmHg) 41.0(30.0,51.0) 谷草转氨酶(IU/L) 26.3(20.0,36.0) LVESV(mL) 146.0(116.5,198.0) 总胆红素(µmol/L) 18.3(11.6,26.2) LVESVI(mL/m2) 88.9(70.0,119.0) 空腹血糖(mmol/L) 4.8(4.3,5.4) LVEDD(mm) 63.0(58.0,72.0) RDW(fl) 48.0(45.0,51.1) LVEDV(mL) 211.5(178.8,283.8) LVEDVI(mL/m2) 129.1(110.9,166.7) LVEF为左室射血分数,ST2为可溶性生长刺激表达基因2蛋白,LVESV为左室收缩末容积,LVESVI为左室收缩末容积指数,LVEDD为左室舒张末内径,LVEDV为左室舒张末容积,RDW为红细胞分布宽度,LVEDVI为左室舒张末容积指数。 表 2 sST2与一般临床指标的相关性分析结果
Table 2. Correlation analysis between sST2 and general clinical indicators
项目 r P 项目 r P 白细胞(×109/L) 0.205 0.032* B型利钠肽(pg/mL) 0.279 0.003* 血红蛋白(g/L) −0.105 0.276 肌钙蛋白(ng/mL) 0.077 0.425 血钠(mmol/L) −0.381 < 0.001* 血肌酐(µmol/L) 0.342 < 0.001* 血钾(mmol/L) 0.055 0.566 尿酸(µmol/L) 0.404 < 0.001* 总胆固醇(mmol/L) −0.213 0.025* 空腹血糖(mmol/L) −0.065 0.50 低密度脂蛋白(mmol/L) −0.146 0.127 总胆红素(µmol/L) 0.465 < 0.001* 谷丙转氨酶(IU/L) 0.274 0.004* 谷草转氨酶(IU/L) 0.446 < 0.001* *P < 0.05。 表 3 sST2与心功能、心脏重构指标的相关性分析结果
Table 3. Correlation analysis of sST2 with cardiac function and cardiac remodeling
项目 r P 项目 r P 右房长径(mm) 0.356 < 0.001* LVEF(%) 0.112 0.243 左室后壁厚度(mm) 0.007 0.943 LVEDV(mL) 0.026 0.784 左室舒张末内径(mm) 0.054 0.574 LVEDVI(mL/m2) 0.024 0.801 右室长径(mm) 0.101 0.293 LVESV(mL) 0.025 0.796 室间隔厚度(mm) 0.084 0.386 LVESVI(mL/m2) 0.015 0.878 肺动脉收缩压(mmHg) 0.284 0.003* 左房内径(mm) 0.049 0.614 QRS时限(ms) 0.06 0.532 收缩压(mmHg) −0.112 0.240 心率(次/min) 0.143 0.137 舒张压(mmHg) 0.027 0.781 LVEF为左室射血分数,LVEDV为左室舒张末容积,LVEDVI为左室舒张末容积指数,LVESV为左室收缩末容积,LVESVI为左室收缩末容积指数。*P < 0.05。 表 4 不同sST2水平组中HFrEF患者临床基线资料比较[ $\bar x \pm s$/n(%)/M(P25,P75)]
Table 4. Clinical baseline data of HFrEF patients in different sST2 level groups [ $\bar x \pm s$/n(%)/M(P25,P75)]
项目 低水平组(n = 55) 高水平组(n = 55) Z/χ2 P 年龄(岁) 56.6 ± 1.6 59.3 ± 2.1 −0.610 0.542 男性 33(60.0) 32(58.2) 0.038 0.846 体质指数(kg/m2) 24.5(21.0,26.3) 22.9(19.6,26.0) −1.330 0.183 心率(次/min) 85.2 ± 1.9 91.2 ± 2.5 −1.645 0.098 收缩压(mmHg) 113.0(103.0,140.0) 113.0(99.0,129.0) −1.396 0.163 舒张压(mmHg) 73.0(67.0,89.0) 75.0(66.0,83.0) −0.326 0.744 合并症及既往史 心房颤动 8(14.5) 15(27.2) 2.849 0.241 高血压 25(45.5) 21(38.2) 0.598 0.439 慢性肾脏疾病 8(14.5) 18(32.7) 5.037 0.025* 糖尿病 5(9.1) 12(21.8) 3.409 0.065 冠脉介入治疗 11(20.0) 8(14.5) 0.573 0.449 甲状腺功能异常 1(1.8) 11(20.0) 9.420 0.009* 高脂血症 12(21.8) 5(9.1) 3.409 0.065 D-二聚体(ng/mL) 310.0(100.0,663.0) 1400.0 (656.0,2480.0 )−5.334 < 0.001* 肌钙蛋白(ng/mL) 0.05(0.05,0.10) 0.05(0.05,0.71) −0.541 0.589 B型利钠肽(ng/mL) 1530.0 (536.0,4455.0 )5000.0 (3800.0 ,5000.0 )−3.654 < 0.001* 血肌酐(µmol/L) 88.7(75.7,109.7) 102.2(85.5,131.6) −2.944 0.003* 尿酸(µmol/L) 437.6(354.8,552.3) 601.9(426.8,935.6) −3.53 < 0.001* 白细胞(×109/L) 5.56(5.03,7.82) 6.38(5.37,9.52) −1.354 0.176 血红蛋白(g/L) 146.1 ± 2.8 142.2 ± 3.3 −0.984 0.325 谷丙转氨酶(IU/L) 23.2(17.1,35.0) 25.6(20.5,67.0) −1.868 0.062 谷草转氨酶(IU/L) 24.0(18.6,31.0) 30.0(23.2,57.2) −3.453 0.001* 总胆固醇(mmol/L) 4.1 ± 0.1 3.7 ± 0.2 −1.844 0.065 低密度脂蛋白(mmol/L) 2.5 ± 0.1 2.4 ± 0.1 −0.711 0.477 空腹血糖(mmol/L) 4.9(4.5,5.4) 4.7(4.0,5.6) −0.899 0.380 QRS时限(ms) 115.0(100.0,138.0) 109.0(100.0,126.0) −0.993 0.321 LVEF值(%) 34.0(24.0,37.0) 30.0(24.0,35.0) −1.645 0.100 室间隔(mm) 10.0(8.0,12.0) 10.0(8.0,11.0) −0.308 0.758 左房内径(mm) 43.0(38.0,49.0) 46.0(40.0,50.0) −1.951 0.051 右房长径(mm) 48.0(41.0,54.0) 57.0(50.0,64.0) −4.502 < 0.001* 左室后壁(mm) 9.0(8.0,11.0) 10.0(8.0,10.0) −0.362 0.718 右室长径(mm) 78.0(70.0,84.0) 77.0(70.0,85.0) −0.087 0.931 肺动脉压(mmHg) 34.0(24.0,46.0) 46.0(37.0,54.0) −4.241 < 0.001* LVESV(mL) 145.0(114.0,187.0) 147.0(117.0,210.0) −0.179 0.858 LVESVI(mL/m2) 83.2(68.2,116.4) 93.7(72.6,119.6) −0.601 0.548 LVEDV(mL) 212.0(178.0,279.0) 205.0(179.0,300.0) −0.206 0.837 LVEDVI(mL/m2) 124.2(105.4,174.5) 131.9(112.2,166.1) −0.714 0.475 LVEDD(mm) 63.0(58.0,70.0) 64.0(58.0,72.0) −0.257 0.797 LVEF为左室射血分数,LVESV为左室收缩末容积,LVESVI为左室收缩末容积指数,LVEDV为左室舒张末容积,LVEDVI为左室舒张末容积指数,LVEDD为左室舒张末内径,*P < 0.05。 -
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