Prevalence and Determinants of Hypertension in Senior Nu Ethnic Group
目的 了解怒族老年人群高血压患病情况,探讨其影响因素。 方法 2018年7至9月,采用多阶段分层整群抽样,抽取年龄 ≥ 60岁怒族老年人1080人进行现场问卷调查以及体格检查。 结果 高血压检出率为29.5%(95%CI:26.8%~32.3%),正常高值检出率为29.3%(95%CI:26.5%~32.0%)。高血压检出率,随年龄的增长呈上升趋势,正常高值检出率,随年龄的增长呈下降趋势(P < 0.05);高血压检出率,离婚或丧偶的怒族老年人群高于有配偶人群;超重人群高于正常BMI人群;企事业单位人群高于农民人群;中度医疗人群负担高于轻度人群;一直饮酒人群高于曾经饮酒人群和从未饮酒人群,曾经饮酒人群高于从未饮酒人群;中度和轻度抑郁人群高于正常人群;经济发展水平中等地区高于经济发展水平较低地区( P < 0.05)。多层Logistic回归模型分析表明,经济发展水平与饮酒的跨层交互作用,差异有统计学意义( P < 0.05),个体水平协变量BMI( OR = 1.057,95%CI 1.007~1.111)、离婚或丧偶对高血压有正效应(OR = 1.901,95%CI 1.296~2.788)。 结论 怒族老年人高血压检出率低于全国水平,主要危险因素包括经济发展水平、饮酒、BMI、离婚或丧偶、超重、企事业单位职工、中度医疗负担。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the prevalence of hypertension and explore the influencing factors in the elderly of Nu ethnic group. Methods From July to September 2018, 1 080 Nu ethnic people aged ≥60 years old were selected by multi-stage stratified cluster sampling for the on-site questionnaire survey and physical examination. Results The detection rate of hypertension was 29.5% (95% CI: 26.8%-32.3%), the detection rate of prehypertension was 29.3% (95% CI: 26.5%-32.0%). The detection rate of hypertension increased with age, while the detection rate of normal prehypertension decreased with age (P < 0.05). Hypertension detection rate of divorced or widowed elderly Nu was higher than that of married population; in overweight population was higher than that in normal BMI population; employees of enterprises and public institutions was higher than that farmers; moderate medical population was higher than mild population; drinkers were higher than non-drinkers; moderate and mild depression group was higher than normal population; the middle level of economic development was higher than the lower level of economic development( P < 0.05). The analysis of the multi-logistic regression model showed that the cross-layer interaction between the economic development level and alcohol consumption was statistically significant ( P < 0.05), and the individual level covariate BMI ( OR = 1.057, 95% CI: 1.007-1.111), divorce OR death had a positive effect on hypertension (OR = 1.901, 95% CI: 1.296-2.788). Conclusion The detection rate of hypertension in the elderly patients of the Nu ethnic group is lower than the national level. The major risk factors are the economic development, alcohol consumption, BMI, divorces or widowes, overweight, employment in enterprises and public institutions, and moderate medical burden. -
Key words:
- Elderly people /
- Nu ethnic group /
- Hypertension /
- Determinant /
- Multilevel model
表 1 不同特征怒族老年人高血压、正常高值和正常血压检出率的比较[n(%)]
Table 1. Comparison of the detection rate of hypertension,prehypertension and normal blood pressure among the different characteristics elderly of Nu ethnic group[n(%)]
特征 项目 高血压 正常高值 正常血压 性别 男 160(28.88) 168(30.32) 226(40.79) 女 159(30.23) 148(28.14) 219(41.63) 受教育程度 文盲或小学 280(28.99) 273(28.26) 413(42.75) 初中及以上 39(34.21) 43(37.72) 32(28.07) 婚姻状况 离婚或丧偶 102(42.32) 62(25.73) 77(31.95) 有配偶 217(25.86) 254(30.27) 368(43.86) 职业 农民 297(28.70)a 303(29.28) 435(42.03) 工人 12(38.71) 11(35.48) 8(25.81) 企事业单位 10(71.43) 2(14.29) 2(14.29) BMI 体重过低 44(36.36) 26(21.49) 51(42.15) 正常 183(25.99) 205(29.12) 316(44.89) 超重 71(36.60)h 64(32.99) 59(30.41)h 肥胖 21(34.43) 21(34.43) 19(31.15) 医疗负担 轻度 70(18.57) 118(31.30) 199(50.13) 中度 240(35.56)b 190(28.15) 245(36.30)b 重度 9(32.14) 8(28.57) 11(39.29) 空巢老人 是 298(28.90) 295(29.09) 426(42.01) 否 26(39.39) 21(31.82) 19(28.79) 鳏寡老人 是 235(27.78) 243(28.72) 368(43.50) 否 84(35.90) 73(31.20) 77(32.91) 失独老人 是 311(29.56) 304(28.90) 437(41.54) 否 8(28.57) 12(42.86) 8(28.57) 吸烟 从不吸烟 139(31.10) 124(27.74) 184(41.16) 曾经吸烟 94(25.07) 109(29.07) 172(45.87) 一直吸烟 86(33.33) 83(32.17) 89(34.50)c 饮酒 从不饮酒 32(13.79) 65(28.02) 135(58.19) 曾经饮酒 155(32.02)d 124(25.62) 205(42.36) 一直饮酒 132(36.26)de 127(34.89)e 105(28.85)d 焦虑程度 正常 97(34.28) 61(21.55) 125(44.17) 轻度 145(26.56) 172(31.50)f 229(41.94) 中度 75(30.49) 82(33.33)f 89(36.18) 重度 1(25.00) 1(25.00) 2(50.00) 抑郁程度 正常 74(39.78) 43(23.12) 69(37.10) 轻度 173(27.64) 187(29.87) 266(42.49) 中度 70(26.32) 86(32.33) 110(41.35) 重度 2(100.00) 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 经济发展水平 较低 155(26.41) 184(31.35) 248(42.25) 中等 164(33.27) 132(26.77) 197(39.96) 与企事业单位相比,aP < 0.017;与轻度医疗负担相比, bP < 0.017;与曾经吸烟相比, cP < 0.017;与从不饮酒相比, dP < 0.017;与曾经饮酒相比, eP < 0.017;与正常相比, fP < 0.0083;与正常相比 ;与BMI正常相比, hP < 0.0083。 表 2 拟选高血压检出率影响因素及其数量化
Table 2. To choose hypertension detection rate with determinants and its quantification
因素 数量化 经济发展水平 较低地区 = 0,中等地区 = 1 性别 男 = 1,女 = 2 BMI 连续型数值 年龄组 60~岁 = 1、65~岁 = 2、70~岁 = 3、75~岁 = 4、80~岁 = 5 饮酒 否 = 0,是 = 1 文盲或小学 否 = 0,是 = 1 离婚或丧偶 否 = 0,是 = 1 吸烟 否 = 0,是 = 1 高盐饮食 否 = 0,是 = 1 高脂饮食 否 = 0,是 = 1 经常食用蔬菜 否 = 0,是 = 1 表 3 控制协变量的高血压检出率与影响因素关系的多层Logistic回归模型(n = 1 080)
Table 3. The model of covariate-adjusted multilevel logistic regression of the association of hypertension detection rate with determinants (n = 1 080)
参 数 估计值 标准误 t P OR估计值(95% CI) 固定效应 截距 −5.1145 0.8642 −5.92 <0.0001 — 经济发展水平 1.9084 0.1811 2.8 0.0141 6.742(4.544,10.004) 饮酒 2.7652 0.1039 5.08 0.0002 15.882(12.664,19.917) 经济发展水平×饮酒 −1.4966 0.6170 −2.43 0.0294 0.224(0.060,0.841) BMI 0.0559 0.0230 2.43 0.0293 1.057(1.007,1.111) 性别 0.1652 0.1562 1.06 0.3080 1.180(0.844,1.649) 年龄组 0.1484 0.0699 2.12 0.0520 1.160(0.999,1.348) 文盲或小学 −0.1532 0.2392 −0.64 0.5322 0.858(0.514,1.433) 离婚或丧偶 0.6424 0.1786 3.6 0.0029 1.901(1.296,2.788) 吸烟 −0.1407 0.1931 −0.73 0.4784 0.869(0.574,1.315) 高盐饮食 −0.1987 0.2187 −0.91 0.3791 0.820(0.513,1.311) 高脂饮食 0.0266 0.1983 0.13 0.8953 1.027(0.671,1.571) 经常使用蔬菜 −0.2391 0.1601 −1.49 0.1576 0.787(0.558,1.110) 随机成分 随机截距方差 0.4618 0.0344 13.43 < 0.0001 — 随机斜率方差 0.1618 0.0344 4.71 0.0003 — 截距与斜率协方差 −0.0764 0.0687 −1.11 0.2849 — 注:模型拟合统计量:–2LL = 1160.4,AIC = 1192.4,AICC = 1192.9,BIC = 1204.7。 -
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