The Risk Factor Analysis for Recurrence in the Treatment of Choledochojejunostomy for Hepatolithiasis
目的 探讨肝胆管结石患者采用胆管空肠术治疗后结石复发的危险因素。 方法 回顾性分析昆明医科大学第二附属医院2014年6月至2019年6月行胆管空肠吻合手术的肝胆管结石患者的临床资料。按照胆管结石复发标准将纳入患者分为复发组和非复发组,通过单因素和多因素分析确定肝胆管结石复发的相关危险因素。 结果 最终共纳入77例行胆管空肠吻合术的肝胆管结石患者,所有患者均随访成功,其中复发组21例,未复发组56例。单因素分析及多因素分析均显示:结石大小≥10 mm、胆总管直径 < 20 mm、多处结石、胆道炎症、吻合器吻合、无支撑管、无胆道引流、未行肝切除是胆管空肠吻合术后肝胆管结石复发的危险因素(P < 0.05)。 结论 结石≥10 mm、胆总管直径 < 20 mm、多处结石、胆道炎症、吻合器吻合、无支撑管、无胆道引流、未行肝切除是胆管空肠吻合术后肝胆管结石复发的危险因素。 Abstract:Objective To study the related risk factor of recurrence after the treatment of choledochojejunostomy in hepatolithiasis. Methods Retrospective analysis was performed on the clinical data of patients with hepatolithiasis who underwent biliary jejunostomy in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University from June 2014 to June 2019.According to the criteria for recurrence of bile duct stones, the included patients were divided into the recurrence group and the non-recurrence group. Results A total of 77 patients with hepatolithiasis and undergoing the underwent choledochojejunostomy were included in this study, all of whom were followed up successfully, including 21 in the recurrence group and 56 in the non-recurrence group.Univariate analysis and multivariate analysis showed that stone size ≥10 mm, choledochal diameter < 20 mm, stone location, biliary inflammation, anastomotic anastomosis, no supporting tube, no biliary drainage and no hepatectomy were the risk factors for recurrence of hepatolithiasis after the biliary jejunectomy (P < 0.05). Conclusion Stone size ≥10 mm, choledochal diameter < 20 mm, stone location, biliary inflammation, anastomotic anastomosis, no supporting tube, no biliary drainage and no hepatectomy are the risk factors for the recurrence of hepatolithiasis after the biliary jejunectomy. -
Key words:
- Choledochojejunostomy /
- Hepatolithiasis /
- Recurrence /
- Risk factor
图 1 感染、炎症与结石形成的关系
Figure 1. Relationship between infection,inflammation and stone formation
表 1 观察指标及取值
Table 1. Observation indexes and values
资料类型 项目 取值 一般临床
资料年龄 - 性别 男、女 BMI - 嗜酒史 有、无 吸烟史 有、无 高血压病史 有、无 糖尿病病史 有、无 肝炎病史 有、无 肝硬化病史 有、无 结石大小 < 10 mm和≥10 mm
长径为观察值)胆总管直径 < 20 mm、≥20 mm
为观察值)结石位置 单发、多发 术前合并胆道炎症 合并、不合并 手术相关
临床资料吻合术式 端侧、端端、侧侧 缝合方式 吻合器、手工 缝合方式 连续、间断 缝线粗细 3-0至4-0、5-0至6-0 胆道支撑管 有、无 胆道引流方式 有、无 肝切除 合并、不合并 术后胆漏 有、无 表 2 胆管空肠吻合术后肝胆管结石复发的单因素分析
Table 2. Single-factor analysis for recurrence in the treatment of choledochojejunostomy for hepatolithiasis
因素 复发组(n = 21) 未复发组(n = 56) t/χ2 P 年龄($\bar x \pm s $),岁 54.6 ± 7.9 58.7 ± 11.5 −1.499a 0.138 性别(男/女) 11/10 26/30 0.217 0.642 体重指数($\bar x \pm s $),kg/m2 22.5 ± 1.6 22.9 ± 1.4 0.568 a 0.537 吸烟史(有/无) 5/16 16/40 0.175 0.676 嗜酒史(有/无) 5/16 18/38 0.506 0.477 高血压病史(有/无) 1/20 6/50 0.655 0.418 糖尿病病史(有/无) 0/21 1/55 0.380 0.538 肝炎病史(有/无) 1/20 7/49 0.982 0.322 肝硬化病史(有/无) 1/20 2/54 0.058 0.810 结石大小( < 10 mm/≥10 mm) 2/19 26/30 8.989 0.003* 胆总管直径( < 20 mm/≥20 mm) 16/5 26/30 5.456 0.019* 结石位置(单处/多处) 3/18 21/35 4.353 0.037* 胆道炎症(是/否) 15/6 23/33 5.631 0.018* 吻合方式(吻合器/手工) 8/13 7/49 6.379 0.012* 缝合方式(连续/间断) 10/3 31/14 0.314 0.575 缝线粗细(3-0~4-0/5-0~6-0) 7/6 27/26 0.035 0.851 Y襻长度(40~60 cm/60~70 cm) 18/3 53/3 1.695 0.193 支撑管(有/无) 7/14 38/18 7.495 0.006* 胆道引流(有/无) 8/13 40/16 7.228 0.007* 合并肝切除(有/无) 6/15 35/21 5.631 0.018* 术后胆漏(合并/不合并) 3/18 1/55 4.845 0.028* *P < 0.05。 表 3 胆管空肠吻合术后肝胆管结石复发的多因素分析
Table 3. Multi-factor analysis for recurrence in the treatment of choledochojejunostomy for hepatolithiasis
因素 β OR SE P OR95%CI 结石大小( < 10 mm/≥10 mm) 1.783 2.359 0.332 0.028* 1.492,5.347 胆总管直径( < 20 mm/≥20 mm) 2.469 3.043 0.498 0.011* 1.335,4.269 结石位置(单处/多处) 1.943 2.314 0.671 0.020* 1.435,4.546 胆道炎症(是/否) 1.068 1.325 0.214 0.039* 1.134,3.291 吻合方式(吻合器/手工) 2.285 6.731 0.447 0.023* 1.362,12.257 支撑管(有/无) 3.125 4.583 0.584 0.016* 1.247,4.193 胆道引流(有/无) 4.421 7.586 0.815 0.007* 3.342,16.465 合并肝切除(有/无) 7.832 8.295 0.765 0.002* 5.386,17.537 术后胆漏(合并/不合并) 1.575 0.863 0.345 0.188 1.328,3.763 *P < 0.05。 -
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