Needs Assessment of Health Education for Dysphagia in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Radiotherapy Patients Based on KANO Model
目的 用KANO模型对鼻咽癌放疗患者的吞咽困难健康教育需求进行定性分析,为临床优化健康教育策略提供依据。 方法 基于KANO模型设计鼻咽癌放疗患者吞咽困难知识需求的调查问卷,采用整群抽样法,选取2021年9月至2021年12月某三甲肿瘤专科医院放射治疗科收治的160例鼻咽癌放疗患者为研究对象进行调查。 结果 在鼻咽癌放疗患者吞咽困难健康教育需求的23个条目中,必备型需求6个(26.08%),期望型需求9个(39.13%),魅力型需求7 个(30.43%),无差异型需求1个(4.34%),重要度-满意度矩阵图中,2个(8.67%)条目位于待改进区,5个(21.73%)条目位于次要改进区。 结论 KANO模型可用于鼻咽癌放疗患者的健康教育需求调查,使用后能充分全面的了解了患者的需求,并为提升患者对于健康教育的满意度提供依据。 Abstract:Objective To qualitatively analyze the needs of health education for dysphagia in nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients undergoing radiotherapy by using KANO model, and provide the basis for optimizing the health education. Methods Based on the KANO model, a questionnaire was designed to investigate the knowledge needs of nasopharyngeal carcinoma radiotherapy patients on dysphagia. Cluster sampling method was used to investigate 160 patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma treated in radiotherapy department of a third-class cancer hospital from September 2021 to December 2021. Results Among the 23 items of health education needs of nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients with dysphagia after radiotherapy, 6 items are necessary (26.08%), 9 items are expected (39.13%), 7 items are attractive (30.43%) and 1 item is undifferentiated (4.34%).In the importance-satisfaction matrix, 2 items (8.67%) are located in the area for improvement, and 5 items (21.73%) are located in the area for minor improvement. Conclusion The KANO model can be used in the neeeds assessment of health education of patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma radiotherapy demand investigation, which helps us to fully and comprehensively understand the needs of patients and to improve the satisfaction of patients with health education. -
Key words:
- Nasopharyngeal carcinoma /
- Radiotherapy /
- Dysphagia /
- KANO model /
- Health education needs
表 1 KANO问卷中正反向成对问题举例
Table 1. Examples of positive and negative paired questions in KANO questionnaire
什么服务,您觉得喜欢 喜欢 理当如此 理当如此 无所谓 无所谓 能忍受 能忍受 不喜欢 不喜欢 表 2 KANO模型需求属性分类表
Table 2. KANO model demand attribute classification table
正向问题反向问题 喜欢 理当如此 无所谓 能忍受 不喜欢 喜欢 Q R R R R 理当如此 A I I I R 无所谓 A I I I R 能忍受 A I I I R 不喜欢 O M M M Q 表 3 鼻咽癌放疗患者吞咽困难健康教育需求KANO属性结果汇总
Table 3. Summary of KANO Attribute Results of Health Education Needs for Dysphagia in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Treated by Radiotherapy
维度 序号 项目 A O M I R Q 属性 SI系数 DSI系数 健康教育方式 1 举办健康讲座 16 55 73 11 1 0 M 0.458 0.823 2 发放健康教育资料 28 20 70 37 1 0 M 0.313 0.581 3 电话咨询 19 75 45 16 1 0 O 0.608 0.772 4 一对一健康指导 90 11 41 13 1 0 A 0.649 0.338 5 病友交流 33 31 39 23 1 1 O 0.60 0.7 6 移动平台 36 30 20 68 1 1 I 0.437 0.482 吞咽困难知识 7 吞咽困难发病原因 14 80 50 11 1 0 O 0.678 0.838 8 吞咽困难的危害 54 36 46 19 1 0 A 0.585 0.533 9 吞咽困难的症状 47 31 71 6 1 0 M 0.51 0.659 10 吞咽困难的预防 4 91 55 5 1 0 O 0.614 0.94 11 吞咽困难的预防 47 19 72 17 1 0 M 0.426 0.587 12 吞咽困难的预后 59 39 43 14 1 0 A 0.636 0.53 13 吞咽困难的注意事项 17 85 37 17 0 0 O 0.653 0.78 吞咽困难筛查 14 筛查的目的 24 74 49 8 1 0 O 0.63 0.792 15 筛查时机 15 77 50 13 1 0 O 0.596 0.822 16 筛查的方法 51 18 74 11 1 1 M 0.445 0.599 17 筛查的注意事项 57 34 46 18 1 0 A 0.586 0.514 吞咽困难康复 18 康复锻炼适应症 20 82 50 4 1 0 O 0.653 0.85 19 康复锻炼注意事项 56 42 49 57 2 0 A 0.628 0.584 20 康复锻炼方法 19 45 76 15 1 0 M 0.438 0.8 21 饮食指导 52 45 38 20 1 1 A 0.625 0.53 22 心理指导 53 52 35 16 1 0 A 0.679 0.56 23 康复锻炼时机 29 81 38 8 0 0 O 0.712 0.769 -
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