Correlation Analysis of Chronic Diseases and Physical Labor Intensity among the Rural Elderly in Two Counties of Yunnan Province
目的 了解云南省玉龙县和富民县两县农村老年人群慢性病患病现状,探索和分析老年慢性病与体力劳动强度之间的关联,为老年慢性病的防治提供有针对性的防控策略。 方法 采用多阶段分层随机抽样方法抽取云南省玉龙县和富民县农村地区2 299名60岁及以上老年人进行糖尿病、高血压、冠心病、脑卒中、COPD、哮喘、高血脂、慢性肾病、消化道溃疡、白内障10种慢性病患病情况的问卷调查和体格检查。采用描述性分析、χ2检验和多因素Logistic 回归分析分析影响老年人慢性病患病的因素。 结果 不同民族、是否读过书、是否独居、是否农民、体力劳动强度、是否肥胖,差异有统计学意义(经χ2检验,均P < 0.05)。老年人群慢性病患病率为83.3%,其中汉族慢性病患病率为83.1%,纳西族慢性病患病率为83.6%。随着年龄的增加,除75岁及以上人群慢性病患病率下降外,所调查地区老年人群的慢性病患病率呈上升趋势,差异具有统计学意义(经χ2检验,P < 0.05)。中心性肥胖为老年慢性病患病的危险因素,有中心性肥胖的老年人患慢性病的风险是没有中心性肥胖的1.895倍;中体力劳动强度为老年慢性病患病的保护因素,中强度体力劳动患慢性病的风险是低强度体力劳动的0.643倍,差异均具有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。随着年龄的增加,高强度的体力劳动占比呈下降趋势,轻强度的体力劳动占比呈上升趋势,且差异具有统计学意义(经χ2检验,P < 0.05)。 结论 中心性肥胖、体力劳动强度是老年慢性病患病的影响因素,随着年龄的增加体力劳动强度存在差异,提示预防老年慢性病,需要在生活方式上对老年人群继续做好健康教育工作,进一步预防老年慢性疾病的发生。 Abstract:Objective To understand the prevalence of chronic diseases among the rural elderly in Yulong County and Fumin County of Yunnan Province, explore and analyze the relationship between elderly chronic diseases and physical labor intensity, and provide targeted prevention and control strategies for the prevention and treatment of elderly chronic diseases. Methods Multi-stage stratified random sampling method was used in this survey and the elderly 2299 elderly people aged ≥60 years in rural areas of Yulong County and Fumin County of Yunnan Province were selected. The elderly aged 60 years and above were investigated with questionnaires and physical examinations on the prevalence of 10 chronic diseases, including diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, COPD, asthma, hyperlipidemia, chronic kidney disease, gastrointestinal ulcer, and cataract. Descriptive analysis, χ2 test and multivariate logistic regression analysis were used to analyze the influencing factors. Results There were statistically significant differences between different ethnic groups in whether they have read books, whether they live alone, whether they are farmers, whether they are physical labor intensity, and whether they are obese (χ2 test, P < 0.05). The prevalence of chronic diseases in the elderly was 83.3%, of which the prevalence of chronic diseases in the Han nationality was 83.1%, and the prevalence of chronic diseases in the Naxi nationality was 83.6%. With the increase of age, in addition to the decline in the prevalence of chronic diseases in the population aged 75 and over, the prevalence of chronic diseases in the elderly population in the surveyed areas showed an upward trend, and the difference was statistically significant (χ2 test, P < 0.05). Central obesity was a risk factor for chronic diseases in the elderly. The risk of chronic diseases in elderly people with central obesity was 1.895 times that without central obesity. The moderate-intensity physical labor was a protective factor for elderly chronic diseases. The risk of chronic disease of moderate-intensity physical labor was 0.643 times that of low-intensity physical labor, and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). With the increase of age, the proportion of high-intensity physical labor showed a downward trend, and the proportion of light-intensity physical labor showed an upward trend, and the difference was statistically significant (χ2 test, P < 0.05). Conclusions Central obesity and physical labor intensity are the influencing factors of chronic diseases in the elderly. There are differences in physical labor intensity with the increase of age, suggesting that to prevent chronic diseases in the elderly, it is necessary to continue to do a good job in health education for the elderly in terms of lifestyle and to further prevent the aging occurrence of chronic diseases. -
Key words:
- Elderly /
- Chronic disease /
- Physical labor intensity /
- Correlation
表 1 云南省两县调查人群基本人口学特征[n(%)]
Table 1. Demographic characteristics among study population in two counties of Yunnan Province [n(%)]
人口学特征 年龄 调查人数(n = 2299) χ2 P 60~64岁
(n = 688)65~69岁
(n = 622)70~74岁
(n = 470)≥75岁
(n = 519)性别 男性 306(44.5) 315(50.6) 229(48.7) 250(48.2) 1100(47.8) 5.247 0.155 女性 382(55.5) 307(49.4) 241(51.3) 269(51.8) 1199(52.2) 民族 汉族 329(47.8) 373(60.0) 267(56.8) 290(55.9) 1259(54.8) 21.244 < 0.001* 纳西族 359(52.2) 249(40.0) 203(43.2) 229(44.1) 1040(45.2) 读过书 是 525(76.3) 435(69.9) 365(77.7) 277(53.4) 1602(69.7) 93.829 < 0.001* 否 163(23.7) 187(30.1) 105(22.3) 242(46.6) 697(30.3) 独居 是 162(23.5) 198(31.8) 151(32.1) 170(32.8) 681(29.6) 17.499 0.001* 否 526(76.5) 424(68.2) 319(67.9) 349(67.2) 1618(70.4) 农民 是 648(94.2) 589(94.7) 426(90.6) 459(88.4) 2122(92.3) 21.175 < 0.001* 否 40(5.8) 33(5.3) 44(9.4) 60(11.6) 177(7.7) 医保 有 685(99.6) 619(99.5) 466(99.1) 512(98.7) 2282(99.3) 4.128 0.248 无 3(0.4) 3(0.5) 4(0.9) 7(1.3) 17(0.7) 吸烟 是 243(35.3) 259(41.6) 187(39.8) 207(39.9) 896(39.0) 6.033 0.110 否 445(64.7) 363(58.4) 283(60.2) 312(60.1) 1403(61.0) 饮酒 是 106(15.4) 102(16.4) 71(15.1) 67(12.9) 346(15.1) 2.815 0.421 否 582(84.6) 520(83.6) 399(84.9) 452(87.1) 1953(84.9) 体力劳动强度 高强度 341(49.6) 289(46.5) 127(27.0) 71(13.6) 828(36.0) 315.821 < 0.001* 中强度 274(39.8) 248(39.9) 232(49.4) 223(43.0) 977(42.5) 轻强度 73(10.6) 85(13.6) 111(23.6) 225(43.4) 494(21.5) 体育活动频率/周 小于1次 311(45.2) 301(48.4) 193(41.1) 232(44.7) 1037(45.1) 10.533 0.309 1~3次 132(19.2) 128(20.6) 103(21.9) 113(21.8) 476(20.7) 4~6次 130(18.9) 111(17.8) 103(21.9) 104(20.0) 448(19.5) 7次及以上 115(16.7) 82(13.2) 71(15.1) 70(13.5) 338(14.7) 肥胖 正常 382(55.5) 405(65.1) 320(68.2) 389(75.0) 1496(65.1) 53.872 < 0.001* 超重 225(32.7) 165(26.5) 112(23.9) 104(20.0) 606(26.4) 肥胖 81(11.8) 52(8.4) 37(7.9) 26(5.0) 196(8.5) *P < 0.05。 表 2 云南省两县调查人群的慢性病患病情况[n(%)]
Table 2. Prevalence of chronic diseases among study population in two counties of Yunnan Province [n(%)]
特征 慢性病 调查人数
(n = 2299)χ2 P 患慢性病(n = 1 915) 未患慢性病(n = 384) 性别 男性 922(83.8) 178(16.2) 1100(83.3) 0.412 0.521 女性 993(82.8) 206(17.2) 1199(17.7) 年龄(岁) 60~ 558(81.1) 130(18.9) 688(29.9) 9.429 0.024* 65~ 511(82.2) 111(17.8) 622(27.1) 70~ 412(87.7) 58(12.3) 470(20.4) ≥75 434(83.6) 85(16.4) 519(22.6) 民族 汉族 1046(83.1) 213(16.9) 1259(54.8) 0.093 0.761 纳西族 869(83.6) 171(16.4) 1040(45.2) 农民 是 1760(82.9)((82.9) 362(17.1) 2122(92.3) 2.517 0.113 否 155(87.6) 22(12.4) 177(7.7) 医保 有 1899(83.2) 383(16.8) 2282(99.3) 1.441 0.230 无 16(94.1) 1(5.9) 17(0.7) 读书 是 1340(83.6) 262(16.4) 1602(69.7) 0.461 0.497 否 575(82.5) 122(17.5) 697(30.3) 吸烟 是 762(85.0) 134(15.0) 896(39.0) 3.223 0.073 否 1153(82.2) 250(17.8) 1403(61.0) 饮酒 是 290(83.8) 56(16.2) 346(15.1) 0.079 0.779 否 1625(83.2) 328(16.8) 1953(84.9) 肥胖 正常 1212(81.0) 284(19.0) 1496(65.1) 18.608 < 0.001* 超重 523(86.3) 83(13.7) 606(26.4) 肥胖 179(91.3) 17(8.7) 196(8.5) 中心性肥胖 是 1115(87.8) 155(12.2) 1270(55.2) 41.265 < 0.001* 否 800(77.7) 229(22.3) 1029(44.8) 体力劳动强度 高体力劳动强度 656(79.2) 172(20.8) 828(36.0) 16.248 < 0.001* 中体力劳动强度 830(85.0) 147(15.0) 977(42.5) 轻体力劳动强度 429(86.8) 65(13.2) 494(21.5) 参加体育活动 是 1054(83.5) 208(16.5) 1262(54.9) 0.098 0.754 否 861(83.0) 176(17.0) 1037(45.1) *P < 0.05。 表 3 云南省两县调查人群慢性病患病影响因素多因素Logistic回归分析
Table 3. Multivariate logistic regression analysis of influencing factors of chronic diseases among study population in two counties of Yunnan Province
特征 参照组 B Wald χ2 Exp(B) 95%CI P 性别 男性 0.025 0.019 1.025 0.720-1.459 0.891 民族 汉族 0.020 0.029 1.020 0.813-1.280 0.864 读过书 否 −0.008 0.003 0.992 0.766-1.286 0.954 吸烟 否 0.335 3.658 1.398 0.992-1.972 0.056 饮酒 否 0.106 0.366 1.112 0.788-1.570 0.545 中心性肥胖 否 0.639 21.759 1.895 1.449-2.479 < 0.001* 中体力劳动强度 轻体力劳动强度 −0.441 6.438 0.643 0.457-0.904 0.011* 高体力劳动强度 −0.123 0.549 0.884 0.639-1.224 0.459 超重 正常 −0.519 3.423 0.595 0.344-1.031 0.064 肥胖 −0.415 2.154 0.660 0.380-1.149 0.142 参加体育活动 否 −0.064 0.295 0.938 0.745-1.181 0.587 *P < 0.05。 -
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