The Current Situation and Related Factors of Alcohol Dependence among Dulong Ethnic Residents in Yunnan Province
目的 了解云南省独龙族居民酒精依赖现状,探究其相关影响因素,为延缓酒精依赖患病率攀升提出科学的参考依据。 方法 根据横断面研究的方法对云南省独龙族世居居民(18~65周岁)采用随机整群抽样进行现场问卷调查。 结果 纳入456人,其中存在饮酒行为的居民199人,饮酒率为43.64%(199/456);筛查出87人发生酒精依赖,酒精依赖发生率为19.08%(87/456);在有饮酒行为的居民中,酒精依赖发生率为43.72%(87/199);发生酒精依赖的居民中,酒精依赖严重程度以轻度为主。Spearman相关分析显示独龙族居民发生酒精依赖与饮酒频率呈正相关关系(rs = 0.749,P < 0.001)。通过 Logistic回归分析发现,年龄、职业和饮酒量是发生酒精依赖的主要影响因素(P < 0.05)。 结论 云南省独龙族居民饮酒率较高,在有饮酒行为的居民中酒精依赖发生率较高,酒精依赖严重程度以轻为主,应尽早对存在酒精依赖的居民开展相关干预。 Abstract:Objective To explore the alcohol dependence state among Dulong ethnic residents in Yunnan province and its influencing factors so as to delay the increase in the prevalence. Methods With the use of the cross-sectional research methods, a random cluster sampling survey was conducted on the Dulong ethnic group residents (aged 18-65) in Yunnan Province for on-site questionnaire survey. Results Among 456 people surveyed, 199 had the drinking behavior, and the drinking rate was 43.64% (199/456). 87 people were found to have alcohol dependence and the incidence of alcohol dependence was 19.08% (87/456). Among the residents drinking alcohol, the incidence of alcohol dependence was 43.72% (87/199), and the severity of alcohol dependence in residents with the alcohol dependence was mainly mild. Spearman correlation analysis showed that the alcohol dependence of Dulong residents was positively correlated with drinking frequency (rs = 0.749, P < 0.001). Through Logistic regression analysis, it was found that age, occupation and alcohol consumption were the main influencing factors of alcohol dependence (P < 0.05). Conclusion The incidence of alcohol dependence among Dulong residents in Yunnan is high. Among the residents who drink alcohol, the incidence of alcohol dependence is high. The severity of alcohol dependence is mainly light. Relevant intervention should be carried out as soon as possible for residents with alcohol dependence. -
Key words:
- Alcohol dependence /
- Ethnic minorities /
- Cross-sectional study /
- Incidence
表 1 饮酒居民的酒精依赖严重程度
Table 1. Severity of alcohol dependence of drinking residents
严重程度 无 低度 轻度 中度 较重 例数(n) 112 19 39 27 2 构成比(%) 56.28 9.55 19.60 13.57 1.01 表 2 不同人口学特征的酒精依赖比较[n(%)]
Table 2. Comparison of alcohol dependence with different demographic characteristics [n(%)]
变量 人数(n = 456) 发生率 χ2 P 性别 男 241 60(24.90) 11.204 0.001* 女 215 27(12.56) 年龄(岁) 18~ 67 7(10.45) 11.972 0.018* 26~ 151 25(16.56) 36~ 127 24(18.90) 46~ 75 24(32.00) 56~65 36 7(19.44) 文化程度 文盲 62 12(19.35) 0.151 0.985 小学 132 26(19.70) 初中 177 34(19.21) 高中及以上 85 15(17.65) 婚姻状况 已婚 336 65(19.35) 0.059 0.809 未/离/再/丧 120 22(18.33) 职业 农民 360 77(21.39) 5.910 0.015* 非农民 96 10(10.42) 懂汉语程度 一点也不懂 16 2(12.50) 11.650 0.040* 仅会听 33 7(21.21) 能听也能说 162 29(17.90) 识汉字 16 8(50.00) 会写 4 0(0.00) 能读也会写 225 41(18.22) 个人月收入(元) ≤999 202 49(24.26) 6.707 0.082 1000~ 95 15(15.79) 2000~ 86 11(12.79) ≥3000~ 73 12(16.44) *P < 0.05。 表 3 不同生活行为方式的居民酒精依赖发生情况比较[n(%)/M(P25,P75)]
Table 3. Comparison of alcohol dependence among residents with different lifestyles [n(%)/M(P25,P75)]
变量 人数(n = 456) 发生情况 χ2/Z P 是否吸烟 是 137 35(25.55) 5.307 0.021* 否 319 52(16.30) 吸烟时间(a) 137 10.00(5.00,18.00) −1.643 0.100 吸烟量(支) 137 20.00(10.00,20.00) −0.543 0.587 饮酒频率 不饮酒 257 0(0.00) 443.393 < 0.001* 少于每周1次 110 0(0.00) 每周2~3次 43 42(97.67) 每周4~6次 12 12(100.00) 每天1次及以上 34 33(97.06) 饮酒时间(a) 199 10.00(5.00,15.00) −2.872 0.004* 饮酒量(g) 199 2.50(2.00,4.00) −3.393 0.001* 慢性病 无 335 57(17.01) 3.484 0.062 有 121 30(24.79) 负性生活事件 无 430 78(18.14) 4.311 0.038* 有 26 9(34.62) 伤残/残疾 无 447 82(18.34) 7.912 0.005* 有 9 5(55.56) 住院 住过 81 21(25.93) 2.991 0.084 没住过 375 66(17.60) *P < 0.05。 表 4 酒精依赖Logistic回归分析
Table 4. Logistic regression analysis of alcohol dependence
变量(对照) β Sb Wald χ2 P OR及其95% CI 常量 −2.417 1.205 4.023 0.045 0.089 年龄 0.356 0.152 5.507 0.019* 1.427(1.060,1.921) 职业(农民) −1.126 0.421 7.148 0.008* 0.324(0.142,0.740) 饮酒量 0.261 0.078 11.323 0.001* 1.298(1.115,1.512) *P < 0.05。 -
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