Effects of Different Vitamin D Doses on Bone Metabolism and Growth and Development Indicators of Preterm infants:A Cohort Study
目的 分析不同剂量维生素D(vitamin D,VitD)补充对早产儿骨代谢指标和生长发育指标的影响,为指导早产儿VitD的合理应用提供理论依据。 方法 选取胎龄 < 34周或出生体重 < 1500 g的早产儿为研究对象,采用回顾性队列研究的方法,根据VitD摄入量分为高剂量组(VitD总摄入量≥900 IU/d)和低剂量组(VitD总摄入量 < 900 IU/d),比较不同剂量VitD摄入对日龄28 d或出院时早产儿骨代谢指标(血清25羟维生素D、碱性磷酸酶、钙和磷水平)和生长发育指标(体重、身长和头围生长速率)的影响。 结果 符合纳入标准的早产儿共229例,其中高剂量组135例,低剂量组94例。在日龄28 d或出院时,2组早产儿血清25羟维生素D、血清钙水平比较,差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05),高剂量组早产儿低磷血症的发生率(χ2 = 6.215,P = 0.045)及血清碱性磷酸酶水平(Z = 3.174,P = 0.002)低于低剂量组;2组早产儿体重、身长增长速率比较,差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05),高剂量组早产儿头围增长速率≥5 mm/周的比例更高(χ2 = 4.036,P < 0.001),头围增长速率更快(β = 1.510,95%CI 0.751~2.269,P < 0.001)。 结论 高剂量VitD摄入可改善早产儿骨代谢状态,促进头围增长。 Abstract:Objective To analyze the effects of various dosages of vitamin D(VitD) supplementation on bone metabolism and growth and development indicators of preterm infants. Methods Preterm infants with gestational age < 34 weeks or birth weight < 1500 g were divided into high-dose group(Total vitamin D intake ≥900 IU) and low-dose group(Total vitamin D intake < 900 IU) based on the VitD intake. Multiple linear regression approach for the analysis of the relationships between VitD intake and growth and development indicators(including the growth rate of weight, length, and head circumference) and bone metabolism indicators(including serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D, Alkaline phosphatase, calcium, and phosphorus levels) of preterm infants at 28 days after birth or discharge. Results A total of 229 preterm infants met inclusion criteria, including 135 cases in the high-dose group and 94 cases in the low-dose group. There were no significant differences in serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and calcium levels among the groups(P > 0.05). Preterm infants in high-dose group had a lower incidence of hypophosphatemia(χ2 = 6.215, P = 0.045) and a higher level of serum alkaline phosphatase(Z = 3.174, P = 0.002) compared to the low-dose group. There were no significant differences in the growth rate of weight and length among the groups(P > 0.05). Preterm infants with high-dose group had a higher percentage of the growth rate of head circumference ≥5 mm per week(χ2 = 4.036, P < 0.001) and a higher growth rate of head circumference(β = 1.510, 95%CI: 0.751~2.269, P < 0.001) compared to the low-dose group. Conclusion High-dose vitamin D intake can stabilize bone metabolism and promote the growth rate of head circumference in preterm infants. -
Key words:
- Preterm infant /
- Vitamin D /
- Bone metabolism /
- Growth and development
表 1 VitD摄入高剂量组和低剂量组早产儿主要并发症及治疗措施比较[n(%)/M(P25,P75)/(
$\bar x \pm s $ )]Table 1. Comparison of the main complications and treatment measures in preterm infants receiving high-dose and low-dose VitD intake [n(%)/M(P25,P75)/
$ \bar x \pm s $ ]项目 高剂量组(n = 135) 低剂量组(n = 94) Z/t/χ2 P 胎龄(周) 32.0(30.7,33.1) 32.3(31.0,33.1) 0.223 0.823 出生体重(g) 1523.9 ± 282.1 1543.8 ± 373.4 0.459 0.647 性别 1.222 0.269 男 69(51.1) 55(58.5) 女 66(48.9) 39(41.5) 胎龄(周) 0.601 0.438 ≥32 72(53.3) 55(58.5) < 32 63(46.7) 39(41.5) 出生体重(g) 0.991 0.319 ≥1500 70(51.9) 55(58.5) < 1500 65(48.1) 39(41.5) 新生儿窒息 32(23.7) 23(24.5) 0.018 0.894 BPD 41(30.4) 32(34.0) 0.344 0.557 胆汁淤积症 22(16.3) 11(11.7) 0.948 0.330 呼吸机机械通气 51(37.8) 41(43.6) 0.786 0.375 输注悬浮红细胞 33(24.4) 27(28.7) 0.525 0.469 使用糖皮质激素 62(45.9) 42(44.7) 0.035 0.852 使用镇静剂 98(72.6) 65(69.1) 0.320 0.571 使用利尿剂 58(43.0) 32(34.0) 1.848 0.174 静脉营养时间(d) 12(9,21) 14(9,22) 0.525 0.537 表 2 VitD摄入高剂量组和低剂量组早产儿骨代谢指标比较[M(P25,P75)]
Table 2. Comparison of bone metabolism indicators between high-dose and low-dose VitD intake groups in premature infants[M(P25,P75)]
项目 高剂量组(n = 135) 低剂量组(n = 94) Z P 25(OH)D
(nmol/L)40.00(29.75,55.50) 40.15(29.15,49.53) 0.475 0.635 ALP
(IU/L)288.45(251.6,347.5) 335.6(272.9,442.35) 3.174 0.002* P
(mmol/L)2.02(1.87,2.20) 2.04(1.73,2.22) 1.39 0.165 Ca
(mmol/L)2.46(2.35,2.57) 2.46(2.38,2.55) 0.366 0.714 *P < 0.05。 表 3 VitD摄入高剂量组及低剂量组早产儿生长速率的比较[n(%)/M(P25,P75)]
Table 3. Comparison of growth rate between high-dose and low-dose groups of preterm infants receiving VitD intake[n(%)/M(P25,P75)]
项目 高剂量组(n = 135) 低剂量组(n = 94) Z/χ2 P 体重增长速率[g/(kg·d)] 10.86(7.72,12.87) 8.83(7.02,11.91) 1.858 0.063 体重增长≥15 g(kg·d)比例 17(12.6) 10(10.6) 0.203 0.652 身长增长速率(mm/周) 8.80(6.75,11.91) 8.60(5.00,12.20) 1.089 0.286 身长增长≥10 mm/周比例 62(58.0) 38(40.4) 0.147 0.702 头围增长速率(mm/周) 6.25(4.25,7.50) 5.00(3.25,6.25) 4.036 < 0.001* 头围增长≥5 mm/周比例 100(74.1) 51(54.3) 9.691 0.002* *P < 0.05。 表 4 不同VitD摄入水平对早产儿骨代谢指标及生长发育指标影响的多元线性回归分析
Table 4. Multiple linear regression analysis of the effects of different levels of VitD intake on bone metabolism and growth and development indicators in premature infants
项目 β 95%CI P 骨代谢指标 25(OH)D 2.289 −4.423~9.000 0.500 碱性磷酸酶 −53.172 −90.174~−16.169 0.005 血清磷 0.038 −0.067~0.143 0.475 血清钙 −0.008 −0.047~0.031 0.685 生长发育指标 体重增长速率 1.061 −0.065~2.188 0.065 身长增长速率 0.544 −0.824~1.912 0.434 头围增长速率 1.510 0.751~2.269 0.000 模型控制了早产儿性别、胎龄、出生体重、是否有新生儿窒息、是否合并BPD、是否合并胆汁淤积症、是否使用机械通气、是否输注悬浮红细胞、是否使用糖皮质激素、是否使用镇静剂、是否使用利尿剂及摄入钙磷比等协变量。 -
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