Clinical Characteristics of 131 Children with Hand,Foot,and Mouth Disease Infected with EV71 and Preventive Effect of EV71 Vaccination
目的 分析EV71阳性手足口病患儿临床特征及其EV71疫苗接种情况,探索重症发生和接种EV71疫苗的预防效果的关系。 方法 回顾性分析昆明市儿童医院2020年1月1日至2022年12月31日确诊的131例EV71阳性手足口病患儿临床资料,选取临床确诊手足口病患者的粪便做肠道病毒核酸检测,对结果为肠道病毒通用型阳性并且EV71阳性手足口病患儿的临床病例资料及其EV71疫苗接种情况进行分析。 结果 检出的131例阳性病例中包括116例轻症和15例重症,其中80例接受电话咨询其EV71疫苗接种情况的患儿中,17例接种疫苗,63例未接种疫苗,接种疫苗的患儿皆为轻症患者,未接种疫苗的患儿中有6例为重症患者。2020至2022年,每年4~9月为EV71阳性手足口病检出率高峰期(χ2 = 125.705,P = 0.000),小于1岁及大于5岁患儿阳性检出率高于1~5岁年龄段患儿(χ2 = 8.765,P = 0.033),男女阳性检出率无明显差异(χ2 = 1.221,P = 0.269)。 结论 接种EV71疫苗对减少重症病例出现具有重要意义。结合目前云南昆明地区该疫苗接种率仍然偏低的情况,提示相关机构仍需继续加大EV71疫苗接种的宣传力度。 Abstract:Objective To analyze the clinical features of children with EV71 positive hand, foot, and mouth disease(HFMD) and EV71 vaccination, and to explore the relationship between the occurrence of severe disease and the preventive effect of EV71 vaccine. Methods From January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2022, the clinical data of 131 children with HFMD diagnosed with EV71 infection in Kunming Children's Hospital were retrospectively analyzed. The stool samples of patients with clinically confirmed HFMD were selected for enterovirus nucleic acid detection. The clinical data and EV71 vaccination status of children with universal enterovirus positive and EV71 positive HFMD were analyzed. Results Among the 131 positive cases detected, there were 116 mild cases and 15 severe cases. Among the 80 children who received phone consultations about their EV71 vaccine status, 17 were vaccinated, and 63 were not vaccinated. The vaccinated children were all mild cases, while among the unvaccinated children, 6 were severe cases. From 2020 to 2022, the period from April to September each year is the peak period for detecting EV71-positive hand, foot, and mouth disease(χ2 = 125.705, P = 0.000). The positive detection rate for children under 1 year old and over 5 years old was higher than that for children aged 1 to 5 years(χ2 = 8.765, P = 0.033), and there was no significant difference in the positive detection rate between boys and girls(χ2 = 1.221, P = 0.269). Conclusion EV71 vaccine is of great significance in reducing the occurrence of severe cases. Combined with the current low vaccination rate in Kunming, Yunnan Province, it is suggested that relevant institutions should continue to increase the publicity of EV71 vaccination. -
Key words:
- EV71 positive /
- Hand foot, and mouth disease /
- EV71 vaccine
表 1 2020至2022年EV71阳性手足口病患儿检出例数分布情况
Table 1. Distribution detected cases of HFMD children with EV71 positive from 2020 to 2022
年份 检测数(n) 阳性数(n) 阳性率(%) χ2 P 2020 6462 3 0.046 136.055 0.000* 2021 3006 77 2.562 2022 3638 51 1.402 合计 13106 131 1.000 *P < 0.05。 表 2 2020~2022年各月份EV71阳性手足口病患儿检出例数分布情况
Table 2. Distribution detected cases of HFMD children with EV71 positive in different months from 2020 to 2022
月份 检测数
(%)χ2 P 1月 714 2 0.280 125.705 <0.001* 2月 151 1 0.662 3月 145 0 0.000 4月 267 9 3.371 5月 620 25 4.032 6月 1549 30 1.937 7月 1722 22 1.278 8月 655 9 1.374 9月 1128 16 1.418 10月 2373 11 0.464 11月 2467 4 0.162 12月 1315 2 0.152 合计 13106 131 1.000 *P < 0.05。 表 3 2020至2022年EV71阳性手足口病患儿年龄分布情况
Table 3. Age distribution of HFMD children with EV71 positive from 2020 to 2022
年龄(岁) 检测数(n) 阳性数(n) 阳性率(%) χ2 P <1 824 12 1.456 8.765 0.033* 1~3 8657 77 0.889 4~5 2605 24 0.921 6~17 1020 18 1.765 合计 13106 131 1.000 *P < 0.05。 表 4 2020至2022年EV71阳性手足口病患儿性别分布情况
Table 4. Sex distribution of HFMD children with EV71 positive from 2020 to 2022
性别 检测数(n) 阳性数(n) 阳性率(%) χ2 P 男 7827 72 0.920 1.221 0.269 女 5279 59 1.118 合计 13106 131 1.000 表 5 131例EV71阳性手足口病患儿临床表现
Table 5. Clinical manifestations of 131 HFMD children with EV71 positive
临床表现 阳性数(n) 发生率(%) 皮疹 130 99.237 发热 50 38.168 易惊 15 11.450 四肢抖动 10 7.634 呕吐(非喷射性) 9 6.870 嗜睡 2 1.527 心率增快 32 24.427 高血压 5 3.817 表 6 EV71阳性手足口病患儿是否接种EV71疫苗的情况分析
Table 6. Analysis of whether HFMD children with EV71 positive have been vaccinated with EV71 vaccine
是否接种EV71疫苗 患儿人数(n) 构成比(%) 接种 17 21.250 未接种 63 78.750 合计 80 100 表 7 EV71阳性手足口病患儿临床表现与是否接种EV71疫苗的比较分析[n(%)]
Table 7. Comparative analysis of clinical manifestations and whether EV71 vaccine is administered in HFMD children with EV71 positive [n(%)]
临床表现 接种疫苗 未接种疫苗 χ2 P 皮疹部位 手皮疹 16(94.118) 56(88.889) 0.406 0.939 足皮疹 11(64.706) 40(63.492) 口皮疹 11(64.706) 47(74.603) 其他部位皮疹 1(5.882) 6(9.524) 神经系统 易惊 1(5.882) 8(12.698) 2.046 0.724 四肢抖动 1(5.882) 6(9.524) 发热 7(41.176) 21(33.333) 呕吐(非喷射性) 2(11.765) 5(7.937) 嗜睡 1(5.882) 1(1.587) 心血管系统 高血压 0(0.000) 5(7.937) 0.691 1.000 心率增快 2(11.765) 14(22.222) 表 8 EV71阳性手足口病患儿病情与是否接种EV71疫苗的比较分析
Table 8. Comparative analysis between clinical condition of HFMD children with EV71 positive with the vaccination of EV71 vaccine
临床病情 接种(n) 未接种(n) χ2 P 轻症病例 17 57 1.750 0.333 重症病例 0 6 合计 17 63 -
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