Analysis of Breastfeeding Duration and Influencing Factors of Children Aged 0-5 Years in Yunnan Province
目的 了解云南省0~5岁儿童母乳喂养持续时间现状,探讨母乳喂养持续时间的影响因素。 方法 利用第六次国家卫生服务调查云南省的数据,选取云南省1582名0~5岁儿童作为研究对象,应用Kaplan-Meier法和Cox回归分析母乳喂养持续时间的影响因素。 结果 云南省0~5岁儿童母乳喂养持续时间均值为9.29个月,地区、辅食添加时间、吸吮时间和家庭收入是母乳喂养持续时间的主要影响因素(P < 0.05)。 结论 云南省0~5岁儿童母乳喂养持续时间与WHO和我国儿童母乳喂养指导建议均存在着较大的差距,面对当前的情况相关部门应进一步提高重视。 Abstract:Objective To understand the current situation of breastfeeding duration in children aged 0-5 years in Yunnan Province, and to explore the influencing factors of breastfeeding duration. Methods Using the data of the 6th National Health Service Survey in Yunnan Province, 1582 children aged 0~5 years in Yunnan Province were selected as the research subjects, and the Kaplan-Meier method and Cox regression were used to analyze the influencing factors of breastfeeding duration. Results The mean duration of breastfeeding for children aged 0~5 years in Yunnan Province was 9.29 months, and region, time of complementary food addition, time of suckling and family income were the main factors influencing the duration of breastfeeding. Conclusion The duration of breastfeeding for children aged 0~5 years in Yunnan Province deviates significantly from the recommendations provided by both the World Health Organization(WHO) and China's child breastfeeding guidelines. Given the current situation, the relevant departments must enhance their focus on this issue. -
Key words:
- Breastfeeding /
- Duration /
- Influence factors /
- Survival analysis
表 1 母乳喂养持续时间的Kaplan-Meier分析[n (%)]
Table 1. Kaplan-Meier analysis of breastfeeding duration [n (%)]
影响因素 人数 已断乳人数 截尾比(%) 中位数 χ2 P 地区 农村 1272(80.40) 1098(81.39) 13.68 10.46 11.67 <0.001* 城市 310(19.60) 251(18.61) 19.03 9.89 民族 汉族 1059(66.94) 912(67.61) 13.88 10.30 0.27 0.76 少数民族 523(33.06) 437(32.39) 16.44 10.41 家庭收入(元) 0~ 351(22.19) 298(22.09) 15.1 10.85 8.37 0.036* 10000~ 399(25.22) 343(25.43) 14.04 10.5 25000~ 467(29.52) 406(30.10) 13.06 10.33 50000~ 365(23.07) 302(22.39) 17.26 9.74 医疗服务可及性 好(<30 min) 1386(87.61) 1177(87.25) 15.08 10.28 0.78 0.52 差(≥30 min) 196(12.39) 172(12.75) 12.24 10.76 辅食添加时间(月) ≤6 1142(72.19) 987(73.16) 13.57 10.31 9.73 0.027* >6 440(27.81) 362(26.84) 17.73 10.48 第1次吸吮时间 出生1 h内 736(46.52) 642(47.59) 12.77 10.3 7.95 0.039* 出生1 h到24 h 322(20.35) 277(20.53) 13.98 10.16 出生24 h后 524(33.12) 430(31.88) 17.94 10.51 儿童贫血情况 是 131(8.29) 126(9.34) 13.98 10.39 5.09 0.12 否 1451(91.71) 1345(90.66) 14.85 10.42 母亲就业情况 在业 1283(81.10) 1102(81.69) 14.11 10.26 1.02 0.38 未在业 299(18.90) 247(18.31) 17.39 10.69 *P<0.05。 表 2 母乳喂养持续时间影响因素的Cox回归分析
Table 2. Cox regression analysis of factors influencing the duration of breastfeeding
因素 β SE Wald P Exp(β) 95%CI 家庭收入(元) 50000~ 1 0~ −0.28 0.16 3.92 0.05 0.56 0.49~0.87 10000~ −0.29 0.14 4.33 0.04* 0.75 0.57~0.98 25000~ −0.29 0.15 4.01 0.04* 0.82 0.39~0.92 地区 城市 1 农村 −0.51 0.17 9.55 0.002* 0.60 0.44~0.82 辅食添加时间 >6个月 1 ≤6个月 0.50 0.36 46.81 <0.001* 1.12 1.02~1.42 吸吮时间 出生24 h后 1 出生1 h内 −1.85 0.53 3.60 0.04* 0.46 0.35~0.87 出生1 h
到24 h内−0.97 0.58 3.84 0.53 0.40 0.19~1.24 *P<0.05。 -
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