The Mediating Effect of Hospital Unit Safety Climate between the Nursing Work Environment and Job Satisfaction
目的 探讨护士感知工作环境、医院安全氛围和护士满意度之间的关系和影响路径。 方法 采用便利抽样法,于2021年9月至11月选取成都市2家三级甲等综合医院和1家三级甲等专科医院护士为研究对象,以护士感知工作环境问卷、医院安全氛围量表和工作满意度量表对护士进行调查,采用Pearson相关性分析医院安全氛围、护士感知工作环境与满意度之间相关性,根据相关性检验结果建立路径关系模型,用Bootstrap法进行中介效应检验,深入剖析医院安全氛围在护士感知工作环境和满意度之间的中介效应。 结果 护士工作环境感知与满意度呈正相关(r = 0.428,P < 0.01),医院安全氛围与护士工作环境呈正相关(r = 0.693,P < 0.01),医院安全氛围与护士满意度呈正相关(r = 0.466,P < 0.01),护士感知工作环境正向预测医院安全氛围(β = 0.773,P = 0.003),对满意度的正向预测作用差异无统计学意义(β = 0.060,P = 0.530),医院安全氛围在护士感知工作环境和满意度间的间接效应值为0.414(95%CI 0.557~1.531),占总效应的87.34%。 结论 医院安全氛围在护士感知工作环境和满意度间起到完全中介作用,促进护理队伍健康稳定发展。 Abstract:Objective To explore the relationship and influence path between nurses’ perceived work environment, hospital safety climate and nurses’ satisfaction. Methods Using convenience sampling method, 444 in-service nurses in a third-class A hospital in Chengdu City were selected as research subjects from September to November 2021, and the nurses were surveyed with the Nurses’ Perceived Work Environment Questionnaire. Hospital Safety Climate Scale, and Job Satisfaction Scale, and the correlation between hospital safety climate, Nurses’ perceived work environment and satisfaction were analyzed by Pearson correlation, and a path relationship model was established based on the correlation test, and a mediation effect test was conducted by Bootstrap method. Based on the results of the correlation test, a path relationship model was established, and the mediation effect test was conducted by Bootstrap method to deeply analyze the mediation effect of hospital safety atmosphere between Nurses’ perceived work environment and satisfaction. Results Nurses’ perceived work environment was positively correlated with satisfaction (r = 0.428, P < 0.01), hospital safety climate was positively correlated with Nurses’ work environment (r = 0.693, P < 0.01), hospital safety climate was positively correlated with Nurses’ satisfaction (r = 0.466, P < 0.01), Nurses’ perceived work environment positively predicted hospital safety climate (β = 0.773, P = 0.003), while the positive predictive effect on satisfaction was not statistically significant (β = 0.060, P = 0.530). The value of the indirect effect of hospital safety climate between Nurses’ perceived work environment and satisfaction was 0.414 (95%CI 0.557-1.531), which accounted for 87.34% of the total effect. Conclusion Hospital safety climate acts as a complete mediator between Nurses’ perceived work environment and satisfaction, promoting a healthy and stable nursing workforce. -
Key words:
- Nurse /
- Working environment /
- Safety climate /
- Satisfaction /
- Mediating effect
表 1 一般人口学及职业相关特征[n=444]
Table 1. General demographic and occupation-related characteristics [n=444]
变量 n(%) 性别 男 25(5.6) 女 419(94.37) 婚姻 未婚 131(29.50) 已婚 297(66.89) 其他 16(3.60) 职称 护士 106(23.87) 护师 181(40.77) 主管护师 141(31.76) 副主任护师及以上 16(3.60) 学历 中专及以下 20(4.50) 大专 171(38.51) 本科及以上 253(56.98) 聘任类型 非编制内 315(70.95) 编制内 129(29.05) 表 2 护士感知工作环境、医院安全氛围及工作满意度得分($ \bar x \pm s $,n=444)
Table 2. Nurses’ perceived work environment,hospital safety climate,and job satisfaction scores($\bar x \pm s $,n=444)
项目 量表总分 总得分 条目均分 护士感知工作环境 19~95 73.77±8.84 3.88±0.47 医疗配置 4~20 14.99±2.38 3.75±0.59 质量管理 8~40 30.91±3.86 3.87±0.48 同事关系 5~25 21.27±3.06 4.25±0.61 人力资源 2~10 6.61±1.33 3.30±0.66 医院安全氛围 31~155 106.16±12.65 3.83±0.46 培训 5~25 19.36±2.57 3.87±0.51 团队正向态度 5~25 20.32±3.00 4.06±0.60 工作人员安全 5~25 20.60±2.76 4.12±0.55 安全重视 5~25 19.97±2.32 3.99±0.46 责备 5~25 14.29±4.30 2.86±0.86 非惩罚系统 3~15 11.93±1.97 3.98±0.66 报告系统 3~15 12.18±2.09 4.06±0.70 工作满意度 6~30 22.83±4.84 3.80±0.81 表 3 护士感知工作环境、医院安全氛围、护士满意度相关性分析
Table 3. Correlation analysis of Nurses’ perceived work environment,hospital safety climate,and Nurses’ satisfaction
项目 感知工
全氛围培训 团队正向
重视责备 非惩罚
系统满意度 感知工作环境 1 − − − − − − − − − − − − − 医疗配置 0.862** 1 − − − − − − − − − − − − 质量管理 0.907** 0.691** 1 − − − − − − − − − − − 同事关系 0.827** 0.629** 0.624** 1 − − − − − − − − − − 人力资源 0.575** 0.494** 0.463** 0.260** 1 − − − − − − − − − 医院安全氛围 0.693** 0.617** 0.598** 0.596** 0.396** 1 − − − − − − − − 培训 0.625** 0.567** 0.531** 0.556** 0.319** 0.876** 1 − − − − − − − 团队正向态度 0.620** 0.559** 0.479** 0.650** 0.235** 0.836** 0.755** 1 − − − − − − 工作人员安全 0.600** 0.518** 0.503** 0.567** 0.297** 0.826** 0.687** 0.690** 1 − − − − − 安全重视 0.634** 0.548** 0.544** 0.573** 0.337** 0.857** 0.752** 0.693** 0.720** 1 − − − − 责备 0.206** 0.208** 0.275** 0.075 0.379** 0.459** 0.304** 0.065 0.172** 0.263** 1 − − − 非惩罚系统 0.519** 0.458** 0.387** 0.563** 0.209** 0.738** 0.576** 0.712** 0.613** 0.642** 0.042 1 − − 报告系统 0.606** 0.512** 0.493** 0.643** 0.204** 0.786** 0.685** 0.790** 0.688** 0.651** 0.016 0.697** 1 − 满意度 0.428** 0.387** 0.300** 0.493** 0.148** 0.466** 0.476** 0.545** 0.442** 0.402** 0.097* 0.452** 0.518** 1 *P < 0.05,**P < 0.01。 表 4 医院安全氛围中介、直接、总效应分析
Table 4. Analysis of mediated,direct,and total effects of hospital safety climate
路径 效应值 SE 95%CI P 效应占比(%) Lower Upper 中介效应 0.414 0.240 0.557 1.531 0.001* 87.34% 直接效应 0.060 0.257 −0.231 0.759 0.548 12.66% 总效应 0.474 0.275 0.633 1.657 0.002* − *P < 0.05。 -
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