A Survey on the Current Situation of Demand for Extended Nursing Services for Newborns after Discharge
目的 了解新生儿出院后延伸护理服务需求现状。 方法 采用《新生儿出院后延伸护理服务需求调查表》对新生儿出院后延伸护理服务需求进行调查,并对结果进行分析。 结果 本次调查62.30%来源于父亲,父母文化程度以本科及以上为主,年龄(30.55±5.07)岁,中青年为主;针对延续性护理内容需求得分排在前5位的分别为: 提醒复诊(4.39±0.08)分, 出院用药指导(4.35±0.92)分,健康评估 (4.29±0.94)分,疾病相关知识宣教(4.28±0.95)分,专科护理(4.17±1.05)分和基础护理指导(4.17±1.04)分;家长对延伸性护理途径需求排前四位的分别是: 电话随访 2673 (85.45%),出院宣教2529 (80.85%),建立社区双向转诊2390 (76.41%),建立健康教育网络平台(如微信公众号、论坛、抖音直播)2271 (72.60%);家属希望医院为其提供延伸服务的执行者仍然是医生2340 例(74.81%)和医院护士1764 例(56.39%)为主;出院后,若因病情需要,医护人员上门为您提供相应的医疗护理服务,患儿家长同意按物价标准支付费用2759 例(88.20%),大部分同意支付出诊费2189 例(69.98%),材料费2057 例(65.76%),诊疗护理费1997 例(63.84%)。结论 在新生儿出院时和出院后提供连续性的延伸服务,可以降低新生儿的再入院率,促进体格发育,减少并发症,随着医疗技术及信息化的发展,新生儿家长对延伸性护理服务需求越来越高,开展延伸性护理服务势在必行。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the current demand for extended nursing services for newborns after discharge. Methods A survey was conducted on the demand for extended nursing services after discharge of newborns using the "Survey Form for Demand for Extended Nursing Services after Discharge of Newborns", and the results were analyzed. Results 62.30% of the data for this survey was provided by the father, possibly due to a Chinese tradition where mothers were confined at home during confinement after their child's discharge, making it inconvenient for them to go out. The educational level of parents was mainly undergraduate or above, with an age of 30.55±5.07 years old, mainly middle-aged and young; The top 5 scores for continuity of care content requirements were: reminder for follow-up visits (4.39±0.08) points, discharge medication guidance (4.35±0.92) points, health assessment (4.29±0.94) points, disease-related knowledge education (4.28±0.95) points, specialized nursing (4.17±1.05) points and basic nursing guidance (4.17±1.04) points;The top four scores of parents' demands for extended nursing channels were: telephone follow-up 2673 (85.45%), discharge education2529 (80.85%), community two-way referral2390 (76.41%), and health education network platform2271 (72.60%) (such as WeChat official account, forum, Tiktok live broadcast); Family members hope that2340 doctors (74.81%) and1764 hospital nurses (56.39%) were still the main executors of extended services provided by the hospital; After discharge, if necessary due to the condition, medical staff would come to your doorstep to provide corresponding medical care services. Patients agreed to pay2759 cases (88.20%) according to the price standard, with the majority agreeing to pay2189 cases (69.98%) for consultation fees,2057 cases (65.76%) for material fees and1997 cases (63.84%) for diagnosis, treatment, and nursing fees.Conclusion Providing continuous extended care services during and after the discharge of newborns can reduce their readmission rate, promote physical development, and reduce complications. With the development of medical technology and information technology, parents of newborns have an increasing demand for extended care services, and it is imperative to carry out extended care services. -
Key words:
- Newborns /
- Extended nursing services /
- Demand /
- Survey
表 1 新生儿家长的基本情况[n(%)]
Table 1. Basic information of newborn parents [n(%)]
项目 分组 n(%) 来源 父亲 1949 (62.30)母亲 1179 (37.69)年龄(岁) < 25 212(6.78) 25~35 2446 (78.20)36~45 450(14.39) > 45 20(0.64) 家庭月收入(元) < 3000 283(9.05) 3000 ~5000 968(30.95) 5001 ~10000 1230 (39.32)> 10000 647(20.68) 母亲文化程度 小学及以下 74(2.37) 初中及高中 911(29.12) 专科 785(25.10) 本科及以上 1358 (43.41)父亲文化程度 小学及以下 76(2.43) 初中及高中 1103 (35.26)专科 744(23.79) 本科及以上 1205 (38.52)母亲工作状况 在职 1589 (50.80)失业 582(18.61) 其他 957(30.59) 父亲工作状况 在职 2272 (72.63)失业 154(4.92) 其他 702(22.44) 新生儿病种 新生儿病理性黄疸(包含新生儿高胆红素血症、溶血性黄疸) 1723 (55.08)早产儿(包含低出生体重儿、呼吸窘迫综合征) 943(30.15) 新生儿肺炎(包含胎粪吸入综合征、感染性肺炎) 294(9.40) 其他(包含新生儿低血糖、新生儿坏死性小肠结肠炎、新生儿窒息等) 168(5.37) 表 2 家长对新生儿出院后延伸护理服务的需求内容及得分[n(%),($\bar x \pm s $)]
Table 2. Content and score of parents'demand for extended care service after discharge [n(%),($\bar x \pm s $)]
内容 非常需要 需要 无所谓 不需要 完全不需要 需求得分(分) 提醒复诊 1653 (52.85)1263 (40.38)42(1.34) 108(3.45) 62(1.98) 4.39 ± 0.08 出院用药指导 1680 (53.71)1166 (37.28)48(1.53) 159(5.08) 75(2.40) 4.35 ± 0.92 健康评估(测量生命体征、
大小便评估、营养评估等)1571 (50.22)1230 (39.32)70(2.24) 189(6.04) 68(2.17) 4.29 ± 0.94 疾病相关知识宣教 1552 (49.62)1244 (39.77)69(2.21) 184(5.88) 79(2.53) 4.28 ± 0.95 专科护理(用氧指导、
皮肤护理、喂养指导等)1485 (47.47)1155 (36.92)112(3.58) 292(9.34) 84(2.69) 4.17 ± 1.05 基础护理指导(新生儿沐浴、
新生儿抚触、脐部护理等)1467 (46.90)1187 (37.95)99(3.16) 293(9.37) 82(2.62) 4.17 ± 1,04 母乳喂养指导 1533 (49.01)1084 (34.65)84(2.69) 329(10.52) 98(3.13) 4.16 ± 1.09 出院计划 1398 (44.69)1161 (37.12)113(3.61) 351(11.22) 105(3.36) 4.09 ± 1.11 远程黄疸监测 1282 (40.98)1102 (35.23)160(5.12) 482(15.41) 102(3.26) 3.95 ± 1.17 居家环境评估及建议 1290 (41.24)1025 (32.77)217(6.94) 460(14.71) 136(4.35) 3.92 ± 1,21 患儿家属心理疏导 1282 (40.98)1015 (32.45)189(6.04) 517(16.53) 125(4.00) 3.90 ± 1.22 新生儿紧急情况处理指导 1598 (51.09)1221 (39.03)52(1.66) 184(5.88) 73(2.33) 1.69 ± 0.94 表 3 家长对新生儿出院后延伸护理服务的途径需求情况[n(%)]
Table 3. Parents' demand for access to extended care services after newborn discharge from hospital [n(%)]
途径 需要 频次 1次/周 次/半月 1次/月 1次/3月 1次/6月 出院宣教 2529 (80.85)/ / / / / 开设专科护理门诊 2212 (70.72)/ / / / / 建立社区双向转诊 2390 (76.41)/ / / / / 提供上门护理服务 1217 (38.91)/ / / / / 成立新生儿护理中心,
专门为其提供护理服务1816(58.06) / / / / / 举办相关知识讲座 2072 (66.24)759(36.63) 441(21.28) 610(29.44) 149(7.19) 113(5.45) 电话随访 2673 (85.45)1565 (58.55)563(21.06) 404(15.11) 80(2.99) 6(2.28) 建立健康教育网络平台
(如微信公众号、论坛、抖音直播)2271 (72.60)1342 (59.09)413(18.19) 375(16.51) 65(2.86) 76(3.35) 表 4 家长对新生儿出院后延伸护理服务的执行人需求情况 [n(%)]
Table 4. Parents' demand for staff to provide extended care services after discharge from hospital [n(%)]
执行人 n(%) 医院医生 2340(74.81) 医院护士 1764(56.39) 社区医生 1030(32.93) 营养师 704(22.51) 社区护士 703(22.47) 以医院为主导的医院-社区一体化团队 426(13.62) 药剂师 341(10.90) 心理医生 332(10.61) 以护士为主导的多学科团队 288(9.20) 社会工作者 229(7.32) 表 5 家长对新生儿出院后延伸护理服务的费用需求情况 [n(%)]
Table 5. Parents' willingness to pay for extended care services after discharge from hospital [n(%)]
费用项目 n(%) 材料费 2057(65.76) 出诊费 2189(69.98) 诊疗护理费 1997(63.84) 健康咨询费 1211(38.71) 其他 745(23.82) -
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