目的 探讨鼻唇沟皮瓣在面部皮肤缺损修复中的应用.方法 应用鼻唇沟皮瓣一期修复面部肿瘤术后缺损25例,外伤等造成缺损6例;其中修复鼻缺损15例,面部皮肤缺损8例,唇颊部缺损3例,下睑部缺损5例.缺损最大面积3.0 cm×4.5 cm,皮瓣沿鼻唇沟走行方向设计,蒂宽约1.5 cm,长度根据缺损范围确定,轴型皮瓣长宽比例可达5:1,滑型皮瓣长宽比例可达4:1.结果 31例皮瓣全部成活,外形恢复满意,皮瓣质地皂泽均与周围皮肤接近,触觉及温度觉存在.面部供瓣区瘢痕隐蔽,无继发畸形.结论 鼻唇沟皮瓣血运丰富,转移灵活,色泽、质地、轮廓等方面能与面部多处皮肤达到较好的匹配和协调,是修复面部皮肤缺损的理想方法之一.
Objective To explore the application of nasolabial fold flaps in repair of facial skin defect.Method The nasolabial fold flaps were used to repair 25 cases of facial skin defect after facial tumor surgery and 6 cases of facial skin defect caused by trauma.Among them,there were 15 cases of nose defect,8 cases of facial skin defect,3 cases of buccal defect,and 5 cases of regio palpebralis inferior defect.The most widespread defect was 3.0 cm x 4.5 cm.The flaps were designed along the nasolabial fold,the width...