Clinical Study of SPECT-CT Radionuclide Imaging in Eustachian Tube Function
目的 探讨SPECT-CT核素显像在中耳炎咽鼓管功能检查的应用。 方法 选取2019年4月至2020年5月昆明医科大学第一附属医院耳鼻咽喉科收治的慢性化脓性中耳炎(A组)、中耳胆脂瘤(B组)及外伤性鼓膜穿孔(C组)的患者40例分为3组,均行咽鼓管SPECT-CT核素显像(观察组),Valsalva检查(对照组),对3组患者的基本资料和研究情况进行统计学分析。 结果 A组、B组与C组行咽鼓管SPECT-CT核素显像咽鼓管阻塞程度比较,采用χ2检验,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05);A组、B组与C组行咽鼓管SPECT-CT核素显像(观察组)与Valsalva检查(对照组)的比较,采用χ2检验,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。 结论 说明咽鼓管阻塞是中耳炎的病因、治疗中的一个重要的因素,咽鼓管SPECT-CT核素显像可以动态观察咽鼓管阻塞的程度,有助于咽鼓管阻塞部位的判断。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the application of SPECT-CT radionuclide imaging in function examination of eustachian tube in otitis media patients. Methods 40 patients with chronic suppurative otitis media (group A), cholesteatoma of the middle ear (group B) and traumatic tympanic membrane perforation (group C) admitted from April 2019 to May 2020 were divided into three groups, all of them underwent eustachian tube SPECT-CT radionuclide imaging and Valsalva examination. Results Comparison of eustaginal tube obstruction in group A, B and C with THE X2 test, P < 0.05, the difference was statistically significant. Comparison of group A, B and C with eustachian tube SPECT-CT radionuclide imaging (observation group) and Valsalva examination (control group) by X2 test, P < 0.05, the difference was statistically significant. Conclusions Eustachian tube obstruction is an important factor in the etiology and treatment of otitis media. Eustachian tube SPECT-CT radionuclide imaging can dynamically observe the degree of eustachian tube obstruction, help to judge the location of eustachian tube obstruction and provide clinical services. -
Key words:
- Nuclide imaging /
- Otitis media /
- Eustachian tube
表 1 3组行咽鼓管SPECT-CT核素显像检查咽鼓管阻塞的比较[n(%)]
Table 1. Comparison of eustachian tube obstruction with SPECT-CT radionuclide imaging in groups A, B and C [n (%)]
组别 阻塞 通畅 合计(n) 阻塞率(%) A组 11(78.6) 3(21.4) 14 78.6* B组 17(80.9) 4(19.1) 21 80.9* C组 1(20.0) 4(80.0) 5 20.0 与C组比较,*P < 0.05。 表 2 观察组与对照组咽鼓管阻塞率的比较[n(%)]
Table 2. Comparison of eustachian tube obstruction between observation group and control group [n(%)]
组别 A组(n = 14) B组(n = 21) C组(n = 5) 观察组 11(78.6) 17(80.9) 1(20.0) 对照组 5(35.7) 10(47.6) 3(60.0) χ2 5.250 5.081 0.417 P 0.022* 0.024* 0.519 *P < 0.05。 -
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