Efficacy of Nucleotide Analog Monotherapy and Combination Therapy with Interferon in Treating Chronic Hepatitis B
目的 分析不同的核苷(酸)类似物(NAs)单药与联合聚乙二醇干扰素α-2b(Peg-IFN-α-2b)治疗慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)的疗效。 方法 对2022年9月至2023年8月就诊于昆明市第三人民医院肝病科的229例CHB患者,根据抗病毒方案分为恩替卡韦(ETV)组(A,n = 47)、ETV联用聚乙二醇干扰素α-2b(Peg-IFN-α-2b)组(B,n = 19)、艾米替诺福韦(TMF)组(C,n = 64)、TMF联用Peg-IFN-α-2b组(D, n = 35)、富马酸替诺福韦二吡酯(TDF)组(E, n = 29)、TDF联用Peg-IFN-α-2b组(F, n = 35)进行回顾性分析,对比治疗24周前后各组患者的血常规、肝功能、肾功能、HBV血清学标志物及HBV-DNA等指标。 结果 治疗24周后,单用NAs与联用Peg-IFN-α-2b的各分组有效率、HBV-DNA阳性率比较,差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。治疗前后比较,ETV组有效率最高,TDF联用Peg-IFN-α-2b组有效率最低;TDF组显效率最高,ETV联用Peg-IFN-α-2b组显效率最低。除了ETV+ Peg-IFN-α-2b和TDF+ Peg-IFN-α-2b 2组外,其余四组治疗后HBV-DNA阳性率显著低于治疗前(P < 0.05)。单用NAs与联用Peg-IFN-α-2b的不同治疗方案 HBsAg 水平有显著差异(P = 0.0483 ),同时除ETV组和TDF组外,其余四组治疗后血清HBsAg水平显著低于治疗前(P < 0.05)。各组LSM、GFR治疗前后无显著差异(P > 0.05),单药治疗组治疗后ALT、GGT显著低于治疗前(P < 0.05),联用Peg-IFN-α-2b组治疗后WBC、NEUT、PLT显著低于治疗前(P < 0.05)。结论 联合Peg-IFN-α-2b治疗能降低HBsAg水平,可能更有效控制病毒,但可能引起骨髓抑制等不良反应,增加风险。医生和患者需权衡效果与风险,根据个体情况制定个性化治疗方案。 -
- 慢性乙型肝炎 /
- 聚乙二醇干扰素α-2b /
- 富马酸替诺福韦二吡酯 /
- 艾米替诺福韦 /
- 恩替卡韦
Abstract:Objective To analyze the efficacy of different nucleoside (acid) analogs (NAs) used as monotherapy and in combination with pegylated interferon α-2b (Peg-IFN-α-2b) in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B (CHB). Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted on 229 CHB patients who visited the Hepatology Department of the Third People's Hospital of Kunming from September 2022 to August 2023. Patients were divided into six groups based on their antiviral regimen: entecavir(ETV) group (A, n = 47), ETV combined with Peg-IFN-α-2b group (B, n = 19), Tenofovir Alafenamide (TMF) group (C, n = 64), TMF combined with Peg-IFN-α-2b group (D, n = 35), Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate (TDF) group (E, n = 29), and TDF combined with Peg-IFN-α-2b group (F, n = 35). The blood routine, liver function, kidney function, HBV serological markers, and HBV-DNA levels were compared before and after 24 weeks of treatment. Results After 24 weeks of treatment, there were no statistically significant differences in efficacy rates and HBV-DNA positivity rates between the monotherapy with NAs and the combination with Peg-IFN-α-2b (P > 0.05). Comparing before and after treatment, the ETV group had the highest effective rate, while TDF combined with Peg-IFN-α-2b group had the lowest effective rate. TDF group had the highest efficiency, while ETV combined with Peg-IFN-α-2b group had the lowest efficiency. Except for ETV+ Peg-IFN-α-2b and TDF+ Peg-IFN-α-2b groups, the HBV-DNA positivity rates in the other four groups were significantly lower after treatment compared to before(P < 0.05). There was a significant difference in HBsAg levels among the different treatment regimens of monotherapy with NAs and combination with Peg-IFN-α-2b(P = 0.0483 ). Additionally, except for the ETV and TDF groups, the serum HBsAg levels in the other four groups were significantly lower after treatment compared to before(P < 0.05). There were no significant difference in LSM and GFR before and after treatment (P > 0.05). In the monotherapy groups, ALT and GGT levels were significantly lower after treatment compared to before (P < 0.05), while in the combination Peg-IFN-α-2b group, WBC, NEUT, and PLT levels were significantly lower after treatment compared to before (P < 0.05).Conclusion Combination therapy with Peg-IFN-α-2b can reduce HBsAg levels and may be more effective in controlling the virus; however, it may cause adverse reactions such as bone marrow suppression, increasing risks. Physicians and patients need to weigh the benefits against the risks and develop personalized treatment plans based on individual circumstances. -
表 1 各组一般资料比较[n(%)/($ \bar x \pm s $)]
Table 1. Comparison of general data of each group [n(%)/($ \bar x \pm s $)]
分组 年龄
(kg/m2)性别 饮酒史 乙肝史 男 女 有 无 5年以下 5年及以上 A 44.43±10.91 23.70±3.78 31(66.0) 16(34.0) 13(27.7) 34(72.3) 17(36.2) 30(63.8) B 39.58±11.16 23.36±4.09 14(73.7) 5(26.3) 3(15.8) 16(84.2) 5(26.3) 14(73.7) C 45.94±11.49 23.98±2.87 41(64.1) 23(35.9) 11(17.2) 53(82.8) 19(29.7) 45(70.3) D 41.54±9.79 23.45±2.33 24(68.6) 11(31.4) 9(25.7) 26(74.3) 7(20.0) 28(80.0) E 42.24±13.40 22.15±2.30 18(62.1) 11(37.9) 10(34.5) 19(65.5) 7(24.1) 22(75.8) F 40.05±11.79 22.37±3.67 26(74.3) 9(25.7) 10(28.6) 25(71.4) 10(28.6) 25(71.4) F/χ2 1.966 2.121 1.891 4.793 2.963 P 0.085 0.064 0.869 0.442 0.706 表 2 各组疗效比较[n(%)]
Table 2. Comparison of curative effects of each group [n(%)]
组别 显效 有效 无效 A(n=47) 5(10.6) 25(53.2) 22(46.8) B(n=19) 1(5.3) 10(52.6) 9(47.4) C(n=64) 9(14.1) 39(60.9) 25(39.1) D(n=35) 6(17.1) 24(68.8) 11(31.4) E(n=29) 5(17.2) 19(65.5) 10(34.5) F(n=35) 3(8.6) 16(45.7) 19(54.3) H 6.114 P 0.295 表 3 各组HBV-DNA比较[n(%)]
Table 3. Comparison of HBV-DNA of each group [n (%)]
分组 治疗前 治疗后 χ2 P A 阳性 21(44.7) 10(21.3) 5.824 0.016* 阴性 26(55.3) 37(78.7) B 阳性 6(31.6) 2(10.5) 2.533 0.111 阴性 13(68.4) 17(89.5) C 阳性 40(62.5) 27(42.2) 5.293 0.021* 阴性 24(37.5) 37(57.8) D 阳性 21(60.0) 10(28.6) 7.006 0.008** 阴性 14(40.0) 25(71.4) E 阳性 19(65.5) 11(37.9) 4.419 0.036* 阴性 10(34.5) 18(62.1) F 阳性 19(54.3) 13(37.1) 2.072 0.150 阴性 16(45.7) 22(62.9) H 9.305 10.619 P 0.098 0.059 *P < 0.05;**P < 0.01。 表 4 各组血清HBsAg比较[(M(P25,P75),IU/mL]
Table 4. Comparison of serum HBsAg of each group [M(P25,P75),IU/mL]
分组 治疗前 治疗后 W/t P A 548.9(157.6, 4091 )351.8(92.05,1828) −314.0 0.0583 B 492.6(170.0, 3842 )234.8(29.27, 1173 )−112.0 0.0230 *C 2258 (519.0,5905 )1549 (381.00,3576 )−911.0 0.0003 **D 1233 (137.4,5555 )857.7(15.99, 2567 )−337.0 0.0032 **E 2540 (375.5,10473 )1325 (151.20,5340 )−93.0 0.2200 F 1031 (87.29,10340 )533.7(10.14, 5602 )−363.0 0.0014 **H/F 10.34 11.16 P 0.0663 0.0483 **P < 0.05;**P < 0.01。 表 5 各组LSM比较[($\bar x \pm s $)/M(P25,P75)]
Table 5. Comparison of LSM of each group [($\bar x \pm s $)/M(P25,P75)]
分组 治疗前 治疗后 W/t P A 14.9±11.6 14.1±8.72 0.5918 0.5685 B 6.97(6.08,9.03) 6.60(4.90,7.50) 2.000 0.7500 C 7.50(6.10,24.0) 9.10(6.77,15.70) 16.00 0.5693 D 8.60(6.70,11.0) 6.60(6.10,8.95) −5.000 0.6875 E 10.1(9.05,20.9) 10.4(6.50,16.40) −15.00 0.1563 F 6.05(5.38,7.43) 5.35(4.75,10.1) 3.000 0.7500 H/F 2.257 1.362 P 0.0562 0.2457 表 6 各组AFP比较[($\bar x \pm s $)/M(P25,P75),ng/mL]
Table 6. Comparison of AFP of each group [($\bar x \pm s $)/M(P25,P75),ng/mL]
分组 治疗前 治疗后 W/t P A 3.66(2.11,6.45) 3.71(2.55,5.56) −167.0 0.3347 B 2.56(2.04,3.45) 3.10(2.68,4.61) 107.0 0.0093 **C 4.39(2.45,18.46) 3.85(2.50,5.60) −557.0 0.0350 *D 2.76(2.28,4.92) 3.36(2.75,6.59) 184.0 0.0358 *E 3.90(2.57,19.43) 3.87(3.26,6.86) −105.0 0.1624 F 2.59(2.09,4.13) 3.49(2.47,7.12) 137.0 0.0830 H/F 0.7987 2.3710 P 0.5517 0.7958 *P < 0.05;**P < 0.01。 表 7 各组肝功能指标比较[($\bar x \pm s $)/M(P25,P75)]
Table 7. Comparison of liver function indexes of each group [($\bar x \pm s $)/M(P25,P75)]
(μmol/L)治疗前 14.2
(11.9,27.5)15.25±6.679 16.8
(10.2,18.0)2.075 0.0695 治疗后 18.3
(10.0,15.6)20.05 0.0012 **W/t 20.00 −56.00 −484.0 −88.00 −192.0 −158.0 P 0.9186 0.2753 0.0981 0.4783 0.0197 *0.1997 AST
(U/L)治疗前 28
(25,53)3.724 0.5898 治疗后 26
(32,88)41.41 < 0.0001 **W/t −588.0 44.00 −869.0 161.0 −171.0 192.0 P 0.0010 **0.3897 0.0015 **0.1911 0.0511 0.1177 ALT
(U/L)治疗前 28
(23,77)8.469 0.1322 治疗后 25
(30,99)47.61 < 0.0001 **W/t −419.0 −5.000 −634.0 46.00 −215.0 94.00 P 0.0105 *0.9295 0.0256 *0.7128 0.0129 *0.3870 ALB
(g/L)治疗前 38.7
(40.3,44.0)37.3±7.91 42.5±3.56 21.739a 0.001** 治疗后 40.7
(40.5,45.6)39.9±5.37 41.7±3.42 W/t 687.0 −10.00 1132 165.0 2.105 1.323 P 0.0002 **0.8519 < 0.0001 **0.1801 0.0444 *0.1947 ALP
(U/L)治疗前 106
(86,135)91.3±25 117±45.5 101
(92,132)9.583 0.0880 治疗后 96
(80,132)91.0±24.3 117±45.2 105
(84,129)9.021 0.1082 W/t −361.0 55.00 −258.0 0.07598 0.5590 47.00 P 0.0482 *0.2415 0.3575 0.9399 0.5811 0.6530 GGT
(U/L)治疗前 28
(16,69)6.038 0.3025 治疗后 26
(32,77)30.76 < 0.0001 **W/t −373.0 110.0 −903.0 139.0 −204.0 207.0 P 0.0345 *0.0258 *0.0022 **0.2602 0.0024 **0.0322 **P < 0.05;**P < 0.01;a ALB组组间比较采用治疗前后差值进行的H检验。 表 8 血液指标比较[($\bar x \pm s $)/M(P25,P75)]
Table 8. Comparison of blood indexes of each group [($\bar x \pm s $)/M(P25,P75)]
指标 A B C D E F H/F P WBC
(×109/L)治疗前 5.13
(3.87,6.05)4.50±1.69 5.13±2.27 4.77
(2.74,6.03)5.2±1.65 4.68
(3.41,5.61)3.637 0.6028 治疗后 4.99
(3.22,5.94)3.35±1.15 4.85±1.99 2.98
(2.13,4.37)5.1±2.12 3.14
(2.54,3.84)38.67 < 0.0001 **W/t 476.0 2.536 1.033 −366.0 0.3792 −423.0 P 0.8285 0.0213 *0.3059 0.0021 **0.7079 < 0.0001 **NEUT
(×1012/L)治疗前 2.63
(1.58,3.50)4.649 0.4602 治疗后 2.91
(1.11,1.92)44.89 < 0.0001 **W/t 33.00 −102.0 −219.0 −321.0 45.00 −433.0 P 0.8511 0.0242 *0.3882 0.0052 **0.5318 0.0002 **INR 治疗前 1.15
(1.07,1.43)1.05±0.08 1.16
(1.00,1.11)14.34a 0.014* 治疗后 1.18
(1.05,1.39)1.03±0.06 1.20
(0.94,1.02)W/t −85.00 0.7379 −277.0 −72.00 −21.00 −96.00 P 0.4127 0.4794 0.0838 0.1856 0.6051 0.0353 *PLT
(×109/L)治疗前 153.8±86.66 192.8±74.54 174
(75,240)172.1±66.83 163.4±78.31 193
(130,226)5.841 0.3220 治疗后 157.9±92.95 144.5±57.73 170
(68,230)121.9±43.52 162.5±86.06 118
(91,175)4.500 0.4799 W/t 0.2639 2.614 −36.00 5.063 0.005265 −383.0 P 0.7931 0.0182 *0.8915 < 0.0001 **0.9958 0.0012 ***P < 0.05;**P < 0.01;a INR组组间比较采用治疗前后差值进行的H检验。 表 9 各组GFR比较(mL/min) [($\bar x \pm s $)/M(P25,P75)]
Table 9. Comparison of (mL/min) of each group [($\bar x \pm s $)/M(P25,P75)]
分组 治疗前 治疗后 W/t P A 103.4(72.8,124.7) 96.0(80.4,112.3) -53.00 0.7388 B 123.3±30.88 112.1±30.80 1.748 0.0975 C 117.0±29.35 111.7±29.09 1.404 0.1654 D 119.3±24.9 116.5±38.7 0.5201 0.6065 E 118.7±34.47 113.7±35.38 1.216 0.2348 F 118.3(95.0,147.6) 122.1(105.7,144.8) 123.0 0.2798 H/F 1.705 1.726 P 0.1345 0.1297 -
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