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Yong DONG, Shuaizhong CAI, Haiyin YANG, Jiao YANG, Shiyao YANG, Yuexi ZHU, Jinhu MIAO, Qiongyao GUAN. The Current State and Influencing Factors of Medical Narrative Ability Among 931 Oncology Nurses[J]. Journal of Kunming Medical University.
Citation: Yong DONG, Shuaizhong CAI, Haiyin YANG, Jiao YANG, Shiyao YANG, Yuexi ZHU, Jinhu MIAO, Qiongyao GUAN. The Current State and Influencing Factors of Medical Narrative Ability Among 931 Oncology Nurses[J]. Journal of Kunming Medical University.

The Current State and Influencing Factors of Medical Narrative Ability Among 931 Oncology Nurses

  • Received Date: 2024-05-02
    Available Online: 2024-11-12
  •   Objective  To explore the current status of oncology nurses' medical narrative competence and to analyze its influencing factors.  Methods  931 nurses from the oncological departments of 17 3A grade hospitals in Yunnan Province were selected from June to August 2023 and were surveyed using the Medical Narrative Competence Scale, the General Self-Efficacy Scale, and the Humanistic Care Scale.  Results  The score of medical narrative competence of oncology nurses was (151.52±14.61).The results of multiple linear regression showed that general self-efficacy, humanistic competence, years of experience, department, peer support, family support, familiarity with medical narratives, and job satisfaction were the factors influencing oncology nurses' competence in medical narratives(P < 0.05), which explained 38.0% of the total variation.  Conclusion  The medical narrative competence of oncology nurses, moderately level, is influenced by multiple factors.
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