Value of Contrast Enhanced Ultrasonography in Catheter Drainage
摘要: 目的 探讨超声造影在置管引流后确定引流导管位置及引流导管是否通畅中的作用.方法 回顾性分析超声引导下经皮穿刺置管引流后, 经引流导管注射稀释后的超声造影剂Sonovue患者 (78例, 93支引流导管) , 观察显影后导管位置、引流效果.结果 81支引流导管全管清晰显影, 导管头端位于预定位置, 造影剂弥散区域与预定区域吻合, 占87.1%;5支头端显影不清, 但造影剂弥散区域与预定区域吻合, 占5.4%;3支头端显影未能到达预定位置, 4支管体部分显影, 并突然截断, 占7.5%, 此7支引流导管拔出后再次置入并注射稀释后的超声造影剂, 导管全管清晰显影, 导管头端位于预定位置, 造影剂弥散区域与预定区域吻合.结论 经引流导管注射声学造影剂Sonovue造影对于引流导管显示、导管位置判断及引流区域判断方法可靠, 无损伤, 具有较高的临床应用价值.Abstract: Objective To investigate the value of contrast enhanced ultrasonography in catheter drainage to determine the position and patency of catheter. Me thods We made a retrospective analysis in patients (78 cases) received percutaneous ultrasound-guided catheter drainage and diluted ultrasound contrast agents injection, and observed the catheter position and drainage effect. Re s ults Eighty-one drainage catheters developed the whole tube clearly, with catheter tips located at a predetermined position and the contrast agent diffusion region coincided with the predetermined region, accounting for 87.1%. Five catheter tips were unclear, while the contrast agent diffusion region coincided with the predetermined region, accounting for 5.4%. Three catheter tips failed to reach the predetermined position, and four drainage catheters developed part of the body of tubes clearly and showed cut off, accounting for 7.5%. Seven drainage catheter were pulled out and placed again, and then injected the diluted ultrasound contrast agent. In the replaced catheters, the catheters developed the whole tube clearly, catheter tips located at a predetermined position, and the contrast agent diffusion region coincided with the predetermined region.Conclus ion Contrast enhanced ultrasonography by diluted ultrasound contrast agent Sonovue injection through catheter can display drainage catheter, and determine the location of the catheter and drainage area. It is a reliable and non-invasive method and has a high clinical value.
Key words:
- Contrast enhanced ultrasonography /
- Drainage /
- Diluted /
- Ultrasound contrast agents /
- Drainage area /
- Patency
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