Application of Oral Digital Positioning System Combined with CBL in The Teaching of Orthodontic Bracket Bonding and Positioning
目的 探讨口腔数字化定位体系结合CBL教学方法在正畸托槽粘接定位教学中应用的可行性和有效性。 方法 将56名学生按随机数字表法分为A(28人)、 B(28人)2组,A组采用口腔数字化定位体系结合CBL教学方法, B组采用传统教学法,应用GeomaagicStudio软件工具对2组学生粘结托槽的三维位置进行测量,再与标准理想值进行比较。 结果 口腔数字化定位体系能够全面评估正畸托槽定位粘接效果,口腔数字化定位体系结合CBL教学法组的正畸托槽定位粘接精准度优于传统教学组,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。 结论 数字化托槽定位体系结合CBL教学能够帮助初学医生提高直丝弓托槽直接定位粘结的准确性,对提高错合畸形治疗有效性有着重要意义,可进一步推广。 Abstract:Objective To explore the feasibility and effectiveness of the oral digital positioning system combined with the CBL teaching method in the teaching of orthodontic bracket bonding and positioning. Methods 56 students were divided into group A (28 students) and group B (28 students) according to the random number table method. The oral digital positioning system was adopted in group A and the traditional teaching method was adopted in group B, and then the three dimensinal position of the two groups of students adhensive brackets was compared. Results The oral digital positioning system could comprehensively evaluate the effect of orthodontic bracket bonding and positioning. The orthodontic bracket bonding accuracy of the CBL group was better than that ofthe traditional teaching group, and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Conclusion The digital bracket positioning system combined with CBL can improve the accuracy of direct bonding and positioning of brackets for clinical interns, and can help doctors achieve accurate positioning of brackets in a short time, which is of great significance for improving the effectiveness of malocclusion treatment, and worth promoting in the further. -
Key words:
- Oral digital positioning /
- CBL teaching /
- Bracket bonding positioning
表 1 对照组、实验A组和实验B组PT1-3比较[M(Q1,Q3),mm]
Table 1. Comparison of PT1-3 in control,experimental group A and experimental group B [M(Q1,Q3),mm]
项目 n 对照组 实验A组 实验B组 H P PT1 28 0.46(−1.84,8.92) 0.28(−2.20,8.53) 5.41(−2.05,12.98)ab 8.829 0.012* PT2 28 1.92(−1.90,10.44) 1.54(−2.02,10.10) 8.40(3.47,14.52)ab 9.064 0.011* PT3 28 1.39(−2.08,10.30) 1.28(−2.21,10.22) 6.07(2.83,12.53)ab 8.338 0.015* 与对照组比较,aP < 0.05;与A组比较,bP < 0.05;*P < 0.05。 -
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