Correlation between CYP11B2 Gene -344 C/T Polymorphism and Essential Hypertension in Yi Minority of Yunnan Shuanghe Township
目的 研究CYP11B2基因-344C/T多态与云南省晋宁县双河乡彝族人群原发性高血压的相关性。 方法 采集308例云南省晋宁县双河乡彝族居民外周血,包括132例原发性高血压患者(EH组)和176例对照组成员,提取DNA后PCR扩增目的片段,限制性内切酶酶切鉴定基因型,计算基因型频率和等位基因频率,并进行相关性分析。 结果 CYP11B2基因-344C/T多态在EH组/对照组中的基因型频率TT为64.39%/60.23%,CT为29.55%/32.95%,CC为6.06%/6.81%,等位基因T频率为79.17% /76.70%,等位基因C频率为20.83% /23.30%,2组的基因型频率和基因频率相比,差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05),但女性患者中的TT基因型频率(70.00%)高于对照组(56.44%)( P < 0.05)。在EH组中,男性患者/女性患者的基因型频率TT为55.77%/70.00%,CT为32.69%/27.50%,CC为11.54%/2.50%,等位基因T频率为72.12%/83.75%,等位基因C频率为27.88%/16.25%,2组的TT、CC基因型频率和等位基因频率相比,差异有统计学意义( P < 0.05)。 结论 CYP11B2基因-344C/T多态分布在彝族原发性高血压人群中存在性别差异,但可能与云南省晋宁县双河乡彝族人群原发性高血压发病无关。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the correlation between CYP11B2 gene -344C/T polymorphism and essential hypertension in Yi people of Yunnan Shuanghe Township. Methods We collected peripheral blood of 308 Yi residents of Shuanghe township, Jinning county, Yunnan province, including 132 patients with essential hypertension (EH group) and 176 control group members. The target fragment was amplified by PCR and restriction endonuclease enzymes were used. Identify the genotype, calculate genotype frequency and allele frequency, and perform correlation analysis. Results The genotype frequency of TT in the EH group/control group was 64.39%/60.23%, CT was 29.55%/32.95%, CC was 6.06%/6.81%, and the allele T frequency was 79.17% /76.70%, the frequency of allele C was 20.83% /23.30%, but there was no significant difference between the two groups (P > 0.05), however, the TT genotype frequency in female patients (70.00%) was higher than that in control group (56.44%) ( P < 0.05). In EH group, the genotype frequency TT of male /female patients was 55.77%/70.00%, CT was 32.69%/27.50%, CC was 11.54%/2.50%, and allele T frequency was 72.12%/83.75%. The frequency of allele C was 27.88%/16.25%, and the genotype frequency of TT, CC and allele frequency of the two groups were significantly different ( P < 0.05). Conclusion The distribution of CYP11B2 gene -344C/T polymorphism in Yi people with essential hypertension has gender differences, but it may not be related to essential hypertension in Yi people of Yunnan Shuanghe township. -
Key words:
- CYP11B2 gene /
- Essential hypertension /
- YI minority
表 1 EH组和对照组一般临床资料比较( $ \bar x \pm s $)
Table 1. Comparison of the general clinical data between EH group and control group ( $ \bar x \pm s $)
组别 n 年龄(岁) 男∶女(n) BMI/(kg/m2) WHR PPI EH组 132 61.12 ± 1.282 52∶80 21.52 ± 2.68 0.84 ± 0.005 0.38 ± 0.006 对照组 176 59.41 ± 1.067 75:133 20.89 ± 1.84 0.86 ± 0.006 0.35 ± 0.005 t/χ2 1.008 0.236 1.998 2.294 3.853 P 0.314 0.627 0.047* 0.023* 0.0001* *P < 0.05。 表 2 CYP11B2基因-344C/T位点基因型频率在EH组与对照组人群中的分布[n(%)]
Table 2. CYP11B2 -344C/T genotype frequency in control group and EH group [n(%)]
群体 n 基因型 等位基因 基因型TT 基因型CT 基因型CC T C 男性 高血压组 52 29(55.77) 17(32.69) 6(11.54) 75(72.12) 29(27.88) 对照组 75 49(65.33) 21(28.00) 5(6.67) 119(79.33) 35(20.67) χ2 1.913 0.52 1.433 1.414 P 0.167 0.471 0.231 0.234 女性 高血压组 80 56(70.00) 22(27.5) 2(2.5) 134(83.75) 26(16.25) 对照组 101 57(56.44) 37(36.63) 7(6.93) 151(74.75) 51(25.25) χ2 3.954 1.913 2.184 2.463 P 0.047 0.167 0.139 0.117 总计 高血压组 132 85(64.39) 39(29.55) 8(6.06) 209(79.17) 55(20.83) 对照组 176 106(60.23) 58(32.95) 12(6.81) 270(76.70) 82(23.30) χ2 0.368 0.269 0.047 0.177 P 0.544 0.604 0.828 0.674 表 3 CYP11B2基因-344C/T位点多态性在彝族EH患者中的分布[n(%)]
Table 3. CYP11B2-344C/T polymorphism in YI population of EH group [n(%)]
组别 n 基因型 等位基因 基因型TT 基因型CT 基因型CC T C EH组 男性 52 29(55.77) 17(32.69) 6(11.54) 75(72.12) 29(27.88) 女性 80 56(70.00) 22(27.50) 2(2.50) 134(83.75) 26(16.25) χ2 4.338 0.64 6.26 3.933 P 0.037 0.424 0.012 0.047 对照组 男性 75 49(65.33) 21(28.00) 5(6.67) 119(79.33) 35(20.67) 女性 101 57(56.44) 37(36.63) 7(6.93) 151(74.75) 51(25.25) χ2 1.659 1.703 0.005 0.593 P 0.198 0.192 0.944 0.441 -
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