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李远森 陈铖 田衍 舒若 徐玉 李媛华

李远森, 陈铖, 田衍, 舒若, 徐玉, 李媛华. 海洛因成瘾者不同戒断时间肠道屏障损伤血清标志物的研究[J]. 昆明医科大学学报, 2023, 44(7): 94-99. doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20230709
引用本文: 李远森, 陈铖, 田衍, 舒若, 徐玉, 李媛华. 海洛因成瘾者不同戒断时间肠道屏障损伤血清标志物的研究[J]. 昆明医科大学学报, 2023, 44(7): 94-99. doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20230709
Yuansen LI, Cheng CHEN, Yan TIAN, Ruo SHU, Yu XU, Yuanhua LI. Study on Serum Markers of Intestinal Barrier Damage in Heroin Addicts at Different Withdrawal Times[J]. Journal of Kunming Medical University, 2023, 44(7): 94-99. doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20230709
Citation: Yuansen LI, Cheng CHEN, Yan TIAN, Ruo SHU, Yu XU, Yuanhua LI. Study on Serum Markers of Intestinal Barrier Damage in Heroin Addicts at Different Withdrawal Times[J]. Journal of Kunming Medical University, 2023, 44(7): 94-99. doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20230709


doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20230709
基金项目: 云南省科技厅-昆明医科大学应用基础研究联合专项基金资助项目[2019FE001(-046)]



    李媛华, E-mail:liyuanhua_1981@163.com

  • 中图分类号: R446.11

Study on Serum Markers of Intestinal Barrier Damage in Heroin Addicts at Different Withdrawal Times

  • 摘要:   目的   分析不同戒断时间内肠道屏障损伤标志物的变化,研究海洛因戒断后肠屏障损伤的机制,为海洛因戒断后精神症状改变和肠屏障之间的关系提供新的方向。  方法  招募14名海洛因戒断1周(HWS1W),24名海洛因戒断3月(HWS3M)的人群和26名健康者为对照组(HCs),用ELISA法测定血清iFABP、D-LDH、DAO、LBP、Zonulin和BDNF。  结果   HWS1W组的血清D-LDH、DAO、LBP、Zonulin和BDNF水平均明显高于HCs组(P < 0.001)。HWS3M组的血清iFABP、D-LDH、DAO和BDNF明显高于HCs组(P < 0.001)。DAO在海洛因戒断1周时明显升高,3个月时明显降低,但仍高于健康对照组(P < 0.001)。iFABP在急性戒断期(1周)没有变化,但在戒断的3个月左右增加。LBP和Zonulin在海洛因戒断组约1周内明显增加,但在HWS3M组和HCs组之间差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。HWS1W组和HWS3M组的D-LDH和BDNF的水平明显增加(P < 0.001)。  结论  海洛因戒断1周和3个月均发生肠屏障功能损伤。戒断1周后,肠屏障损伤可能与肠道菌群紊乱、紧密连接蛋白变化、肠道炎症和肠上皮完整性损伤有关。戒断3个月后,肠屏障损伤更可能是肠屏障上皮持续损伤造成的。
  • 图  1  HWS1W、HWS3M与对照组肠道屏障功能比较

    A:3组LBP比较;B:3组Zonulin比较;C:3组D-LDH比较;D:3组DAO比较;E:3组BDNF比较;F组:3组iFABP比较。*P < 0.05,**P < 0.01,***P < 0.001。

    Figure  1.  Comparison of intestinal barrier function between group HWS1W、group HWS3M and control group

    表  1  HWS1W、HWS3M、HCs 3组基本情况比较($\bar x \pm s $

    Table  1.   Comparison of the three groups of basic conditions ($\bar x \pm s $

    基本情况HWS1W(n = 14)HWS3M(n = 24)HCs(n = 26)F/tP
    年龄(岁) 35.6 ± 6.0 45.7 ± 6.4▲# 36.7 ± 12.3 7.535 0.001*
    吸毒时间(a) 14.6 ± 4.3 17.4 ± 5.8 1.570 0.125
    BMI(kg/m2 20.3 ± 2.1△☆ 22.6 ± 2.4 23.1 ± 3.2 4.952 0.010*
      HWS1W:海洛因成瘾戒断1周组;HWS3M:海洛因成瘾戒断3月组;HCs:健康对照组;BMI:身体质量指数。*P < 0.05 ;与HWS1W组比较,P < 0.05;与HCS组比较,#P < 0.05;与HWS3M组比较,P < 0.05;与HWS3M组比较,P < 0.05。
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    表  2  HWS1W患者肠屏障损伤血清标志物的相关性及其与HWS1W基本情况的相关性[r(P)]

    Table  2.   Correlation of serum markers of intestinal barrier injury in Group HWS1W,Correlation between serum markers of intestinal barrier injury and basic conditions in Group HWS1W [r(P)]

    年龄 −0.346(0.225) −0.028(0.925) −0.209(0.474) −0.1(0.734) 0.002(0.995)
    吸毒时间 −0.332(0.247) −0.339(0.236) −0.17(0.561) −0.014(0.961) −0.297(0.303)
    BMI 0.101(0.731) 0.275(0.342) 0.208(0.475) 0.096(0.743) 0.123(0.675)
    D-LDH 1(0.000* −0.358(0.208) 0.476(0.085) −0.235(0.419) −0.085(0.773)
    BDNF −0.358(0.208) 1(0.000* −0.431(0.124) 0.38(0.180) 0.195(0.503)
    DAO 0.476(0.085) −0.431(0.124) 1(0.000* −0.356(0.212) 0.279(0.335)
    LBP −0.235(0.419) 0.38(0.180) −0.356(0.212) 1(0.000* −0.583(0.029*
    Zonulin −0.085(0.773) 0.195(0.503) 0.279(0.335) −0.583(0.029* 1(0.000*
      *P < 0.05。
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    表  3  HWS3M患者肠屏障损伤血清标志物的相关性及其与HWS3M人体测量数据的相关性[r(P)]

    Table  3.   Correlation of serum markers of intestinal barrier injury in Group HWS3M;Correlation between serum markers of intestinal barrier injury and basic conditions in Group HWS3M [r(P)]

    年龄 −0.007(0.976) −0.179(0.414) −0.174(0.426) −0.384(0.070)
    吸毒时间 −0.537(0.008* 0.236(0.277) 0.065(0.770) −0.009(0.969)
    BMI −0.191(0.383) 0.039(0.860) −0.209(0.339) −0.016(0.942)
    iFABP 1(0.000* −0.151(0.492) −0.029(0.896) 0.012(0.955)
    D-LDH −0.151(0.492) 1(0.000* 0.453(0.030* −0.322(0.134)
    DAO −0.029(0.896) 0.453(0.030* 1(0.000* −0.149(0.497)
    BDNF 0.012(0.955) −0.322(0.134) −0.149(0.497) 1(0.000*
      *P < 0.05。
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