Diagnostic Value of Combined Detection of Multiple Tumor Markers in Colorectal Cancer
摘要: 目的 研究大肠癌患者血清中多种肿瘤标志物的表达变化情况, 探讨其联合检测在诊断中的价值.方法 采用C12肿瘤标志物蛋白芯片检测系统测定134例大肠癌患者及293例健康对照者血清中12种肿瘤标志物 (CA125, CA153, CA199, CA242, CEA, AFP, NSE, Free-PSA, PSA, β-HCG, HGH, Ferritin) 的水平, 经统计学方法分析其表达差异并进行评估.结果 大肠癌患者血清中CEA, CA199, CA242, AFP, CA125, β-HCG这6种肿瘤标志物水平明显高于健康对照者 (P<0.05) .大肠癌组检测结果阳性率 (74.63%) 显著高于健康对照组 (10.24%) .联合检测可以提高大肠癌诊断的灵敏度和特异度, CEA+CA199+CA242+CA125+AFP组合为大肠癌诊断的最优组合.结论 多种肿瘤标志物联合检测对大肠癌临床诊断具有重要的辅助价值, 其中, CEA+CA199+CA242+CA125+AFP联合检测可作为大肠癌的诊断指标, 提高诊断效率.Abstract: Objective To investigate the serum expression of tumor markers in patients with colorectal cancer, and evaluate the value of combined detection of multiple tumor markers in clinical diagnosis. Methods The serum levels of 12 tumor markers (CA125, CA153, CA199, CA242, CEA, AFP, NSE, Free-PSA, PSA, β-HCG, HGH, Ferritin) in 134 patients with colorectal cancer and 293 healthy controls were analyzed by C-12 protein chip. The results were analyzed by statistical methods. Results The serum levels of tumor markers, including CEA, CA199, CA242, AFP, CA125, β-HCG in patients with colorectal cancer were significantly higher than the healthy controls (P<0.05) . The positive rate of C-12 protein chip was 74.63% in patients with colorectal cancer, significantly higher than the positive rates in healthy controls (10.24%) .CEA+CA199+CA242+CA125+AFP combined detection had the highest efficiency. Diagnostic sensitivity and specificity was greatly improved by combined detection. Conclusions Combined detection of multiple tumor markers has significant value for the diagnosis in the patients with colorectal cancer.CEA+CA199+CA242+CA125+AFP combined detection can be used as markers for colorectal cancer diagnosis, which may improve diagnostic efficiency.
Key words:
- Colorectal cancer /
- Tumor markers /
- Protein chip /
- Diagnosis
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