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肖冉萍 张烨 赵洪梅 郭宇 谭小兵

肖冉萍, 张烨, 赵洪梅, 郭宇, 谭小兵. 昆明人群上颌磨牙MB2根管特征的CBCT研究[J]. 昆明医科大学学报. doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20220111
引用本文: 肖冉萍, 张烨, 赵洪梅, 郭宇, 谭小兵. 昆明人群上颌磨牙MB2根管特征的CBCT研究[J]. 昆明医科大学学报. doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20220111
Ran-ping XIAO, Ye ZHANG, Hong-mei ZHAO, Yu GUO, Xiao-bing TAN. Characteristics of Second Mesiobuccal Canals in Maxillary Molars in Kunming Population with Cone-beam Computed Tomography Technology[J]. Journal of Kunming Medical University. doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20220111
Citation: Ran-ping XIAO, Ye ZHANG, Hong-mei ZHAO, Yu GUO, Xiao-bing TAN. Characteristics of Second Mesiobuccal Canals in Maxillary Molars in Kunming Population with Cone-beam Computed Tomography Technology[J]. Journal of Kunming Medical University. doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20220111


doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20220111
基金项目: 云南省高层次卫生计生技术人才培养基金资助项目(D-2018045)




  • 中图分类号: R781[

Characteristics of Second Mesiobuccal Canals in Maxillary Molars in Kunming Population with Cone-beam Computed Tomography Technology

  • 摘要:   目的  回顾性分析来自昆明人群上颌第1和第2磨牙根管系统,尤其是近颊根第2根管的发生率及其根管类型规律。  方法  收集云南省第一人民医院358名患者总共1 279颗上颌第1和第2磨牙锥形束CT(cone-beam CT,CBCT)资料,根据性别、牙位和年龄分组,分析MB2发生率、根管类型构成及根管口间距,研究MB2与MB1-P/DB-P比值的相关性。  结果  上颌第1磨牙MB2平均发生率为86.51%,不同年龄组17~19岁组最低(70.0%,P < 0.05),其他3组间无显著性差异(分别为88.61%、87.39%、79.75%,P > 0.05),MB2根管类型分别为Ⅱ型15.5%、Ⅲ型6.1%、Ⅳ型64.6%、Ⅴ型13.7%。上颌第2磨牙MB2平均发生率为52.05%,不同年龄组间无显著性差异(分别为40.00%、51.08%、52.44%、59.38%,P > 0.05),MB2根管类型分别为Ⅱ型17.3%、Ⅲ型7.3%、Ⅳ型50.0%、Ⅴ型25.4%。上颌第1磨牙MB2与MB1距离为(1.70±0.72)mm,与垂线距离为(0.78±0.49)mm,MB1-P与DB-P比值分别为1.28±0.08(有MB2)和1.23±0.02(无MB2)。  结论  昆明人群上颌第1和第2磨牙MB2发生率较高,IV型常见,MB1-P与DB-P比值有助于术前明确MB2的有无,提高根管治疗的成功率。
  • 表  1  昆明人群上颌第1和第2磨牙MB2发生率(%)

    Table  1.   MB2 in maxillary first and second molars in Kunming population (%)

    性别 n = 332 n = 296 89.16 n = 328 n = 177 53.96
    n = 313 n = 262 83.71 n = 306 n = 153 50.00
    牙位 n = 323 n = 276 85.45 n = 318 n = 155 48.74
    n = 322 n = 282 87.58 n = 316 n = 175 55.38
    年龄(岁) 17~19 n = 20 n = 14 70.00 n = 20 n = 8 40.00
    20~39 n = 316 n = 280 88.61 n = 325 n = 166 51.08
    40~59 n = 230 n = 201 87.39 n = 225 n = 118 52.44
    > 59 n = 79 n = 63 79.75 n = 64 n = 38 59.38
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    表  2  昆明人群上颌第1和第2磨牙MB2根管构成(%)

    Table  2.   The composition of MB2 in maxillary first and second molars in Kunming population (%)

    n = 87 15.59 n = 57 17.27
    n = 35 6.27 n = 24 7.27
    n = 360 64.52 n = 165 50.00
    n = 76 13.62 n = 84 25.46
    合计 n = 558 100 n = 330 100
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    表  3  昆明人群上颌第1磨牙各根管口间距($\bar x \pm s $,mm)

    Table  3.   The distance between canal orifices in maxillary first molars in a Kunming population ($\bar x \pm s $,mm)

    有MB2 $\bar x \pm s $ 1.70 ± 0.72 0.78 ± 0.49 6.45 ± 1.16 5.12 ± 1.08 1.28 ± 0.08
    最大值 4.58 7.63 10.72 9.74 -
    最小值 0.41 0.18 0.80 2.80 -
    无MB2 $\bar x \pm s $ - - 5.48 ± 0.08 4.48 ± 0.08 1.23 ± 0.02
    最大值 - - 7.70 6.70 -
    最小值 - - 3.97 3.19 -
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