Measurement and Analysis of Color Characteristics of Tetracycline Teeth in Kunming Area of Yunnan Province
目的 收集云南昆明地区四环素上前牙的颜色数据,研究其颜色特征及分布规律。 方法 随机抽取2023年1月至2023年12月于昆明市延安医院就诊的四环素牙患者100例,平均年龄48岁,使用VITA Easyshade Advance4.0无线电脑比色仪进行比色,牙位为上颌中切牙、侧切牙和尖牙,测量每颗牙颈1/3、中1/3、切1/3部位的L*a*b*值,按四环素牙不同性别、年龄、部位、着色程度分组,并进行统计学分析。 结果 四环素上前牙不同着色程度中1/3 L*a*b*值总体分布为:轻度:L*值:64.1~75.7,a*值:1.4~5.1,b*值:12.5~24.2;中度:L*值:51.8~70,a*值:1.5~8,b*值:13.8~34.3;重度:L*值:44.9~65,a*值:3.3~11.6,b*值:11.4~29.5。四环素上前牙不同性别色度值差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05);四环素上前牙不同年龄L*值差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05);不同部位a*b*值差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05);不同着色程度L*a*值差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。 结论 云南昆明地区四环素上前牙的色泽改变与性别无关,与其年龄、部位和着色程度有关;相较于正常牙,四环素牙色度范围分布更广泛,总体色相较正常牙偏红,偏黄,偏灰,重度四环素牙明度整体偏暗,提示临床进行四环素牙美学修复比色或者制作色板时,可选用明度略偏低以及偏红、偏黄和偏灰的比色片做参考。 Abstract:Objective To collect color data of tetracycline staining in upper anterior teeth in Kunming, Yunnan area, study their color characteristics and distribution patterns. Methods A total of 100 tetracycline dental patients with an average age of 48 were randomly selected from Yan’ an Hospital in Kunming City from January 2023 to December 2023. The VITA Easyshade Advance 4.0 wireless spectrophotometer was used for color comparison. The L*a*b* values of the upper central incisors, lateral incisors, and canines were measured at the cervical 1/3, middle 1/3, and incisal 1/3 positions of each tooth. The teeth were grouped by gender, age, location, and degree of discoloration for statistical analysis. Results The overall distribution of the middle 1/3 L*a*b* values of the anterior teeth with different staining degrees of tetracycline is as follows: mild degree: L*: 64.1~75.7, a*:1.4~5.1, b*:12.5~24.2; medium degree: L*: 51.8~70, a*: 1.5~8, b*: 13.8~34.3; severe degree: L*:44.9~65, a*:3.3~11.6, b*:11.4~29.5. There was no significant difference in the chromaticity value of the anterior teeth of tetracycline in different genders(P > 0.05). The L* value of tetracycline in anterior teeth at different ages was significantly different(P < 0.05).The difference of a*b* values in different parts was statistically significant (P < 0.05). The difference of L*a* values in different coloring degree was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Conclusion The color changes of tetracycline-stained anterior teeth in the Kunming area of Yunnan are not related to gender, but rather to age, location, and degree of staining; compared to normal teeth, the color range of tetracycline-stained teeth is more diverse, with an overall hue leaning towards red, yellow, and gray. The brightness of severely tetracycline-stained teeth is generally darker, suggesting that when clinically performing aesthetic restoration or making shade guides for tetracycline-stained teeth, shade tabs with slightly lower brightness and hues leaning towards red, yellow, and gray can be used as references. -
Key words:
- Tetracycline teeth /
- Colorimetry /
- L*a*b* value /
- Coloring degree
表 1 不同性别四环素牙L*、a*、b*值比较($\bar x \pm s $)
Table 1. Comparison of L*、a*、 b* values of tetracycline teeth of different genders($\bar x \pm s $)
指标 分组 L*值 a*值 b*值 性别 男性组 61.26±8.17 5.79±2.98 21.66±7.54 女性组 62.83±6.66 5.23±3.16 20.86±5.30 t −1.605 1.335 0.952 P 0.11 0.183 0.342 表 2 不同年龄四环素牙L*、a*、b*值比较($\bar x \pm s $)
Table 2. Comparison of L*、a*、b* values of tetracycline teeth of different age groups($\bar x \pm s $)
指标 分组 L*值 a*值 b*值 年龄 40~50岁组 64.29±7.17 5.05±3 21.85±6.83 50~60岁组 60.44±6.81 5.77±3.17 20.47±5.39 t 4.295 −1.828 1.754 P <0.001# 0.069 0.081 不同年龄段比较,#P < 0.05。 表 3 不同部位四环素牙L*、a*、 b*值比较($\bar x \pm s $)
Table 3. Comparison of L*、a*、 b* values of tetracycline teeth in different locations($\bar x \pm s $)
指标 分组 L*值 a*值 b*值 部位 颈1/3组 62.68±7.84 7.77±2.82 25.42±6.27 中1/3组 62.67±6.89 5.40±2.30a 21.00±4.62a 切1/3组 61.52±6.95 3.10±2.18ab 16.98±4.23ab F 0.689 73.516 55.223 P 0.503 <0.001# <0.001# #P < 0.05;与部位颈1/3比较,aP < 0.05;与部位中1/3比较,bP < 0.05。 表 4 不同着色程度四环素牙L*、a*、 b*值比较($\bar x \pm s $)
Table 4. Comparison of L*、a*、 b* values of tetracycline teeth with different staining degrees($\bar x \pm s $)
指标 分组 L*值 a*值 b*值 着色程度 轻度组 68.98±5.69 4.05±3.07 21.75±7.58 中度组 65.01±5.48a 4.47±2.91 20.97±6.53 重度组 57.73±5.62ab 6.62±2.79ab 20.99±5.22 F 82.517 19.841 0.297 P <0.001# <0.001# 0.744 #P < 0.05;与着色程度轻度比较,aP < 0.05;与着色程度中度比较,bP < 0.05。 表 5 不同部位、不同着色程度四环素牙L*、a*、 b*值比较($\bar x \pm s $)
Table 5. Comparison of L*、a*、 b* values of tetracycline teeth with different staining degrees in different locations($\bar x \pm s $)
部位 着色程度 L*值 a*值 b*值 颈1/3 轻度 69.92±6.01 6.42±2.89 28.31±7.87 中度 65.24±7.59a 6.83±3.00 24.95±6.97 重度 58.00±5.32ab 8.95±2.18ab 24.55±4.67 F 23.763 7.801 2.216 P <0.001# 0.001# 0.116 中1/3 轻度 70.13±3.49 3.48±1.80 20.90±4.24 中度 66.09±3.58a 4.40±1.83 21.36±4.96 重度 57.33±5.11ab 6.85±1.82ab 20.81±4.63 F 60.151 25.115 0.116 P <0.001# <0.001# 0.891 切1/3 轻度 66.89±6.79 2.24±2.84 16.04±4.29 中度 63.70±4.37 2.16±1.52 16.60±4.64 重度 57.86±6.46ab 4.07±1.86ab 17.62±3.91 F 15.668 8.967 0.952 P <0.001# <0.001# 0.390 #P < 0.05;与着色程度轻度比较,aP < 0.05;与着色程度中度比较,bP < 0.05。 表 6 不同牙位、不同着色程度四环素牙L*、a*、 b*值比较($\bar x \pm s $)
Table 6. Comparison of L*、a*、 b* values of tetracycline teeth with different staining degrees in different tooth positions($\bar x \pm s $)
牙位 着色程度 L*值 a*值 b*值 中切牙 轻度 68.89±6.06 4.29±3.28 21.55±8.26 中度 63.58±5.68a 4.74±3.41 20.55±7.27 重度 55.79±6.81ab 6.47±3.02a 19.43±5.14 F 28.94 3.146 0.566 P <0.001# 0.049# 0.570 侧切牙 轻度 71.09±4.78 3.19±2.46 22.56±6.48 中度 65.55±4.59a 4.21±2.88 20.95±6.26 重度 61.01±5.18ab 5.71±2.90ab 20.64±5.66 F 22.885 4.784 0.539 P <0.001# 0.011# 0.586 尖牙 轻度 64.13±2.85 5.13±3.39 20.63±7.97 中度 66.67±6.51 4.49±1.77 21.87±5.85 重度 56.71±4.56ab 7.18±2.54b 21.81±4.91 F 28.379 8.059 0.139 P <0.001# 0.001# 0.870 #P < 0.05;与着色程度轻度比较,aP < 0.05;与着色程度中度比较,bP < 0.05。 表 7 不同着色程度四环素牙中1/3L*、a*、 b*值取值范围和均数±标准差($\bar x \pm s $)
Table 7. The value range and mean standard deviation of L*、a*、 b* values in middle 1/3 of tetracycline teeth with different staining degrees ($\bar x \pm s $)
着色程度 色度值 最小值 最大值 均数±标准差($\bar x \pm s $) 轻度 L*值 64.1 75.7 70.13±3.49 a*值 1.4 5.1 3.48±1.80 b*值 12.5 24.2 20.90±4.24 中度 L*值 51.8 70 66.09±3.58 a*值 1.5 8 4.40±1.83 b*值 13.8 34.3 21.36±4.96 重度 L*值 44.9 65 57.33±5.11 a*值 3.3 11.6 6.58±1.82 b*值 11.4 29.5 20.81±4.63 -
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