Adverse Reactions of Vaccine Vaccination in Children with Special Health Conditions in Kunming and Countermeasures
目的 探讨昆明市特殊健康状态儿童疫苗接种不良反应发生情况及应对措施。 方法 收集2021年10月至2023年2月在昆明市儿童医院儿童保健科特殊健康状态儿童预防接种门诊接种疫苗的952例特殊健康状态儿童信息数据,采用描述性方法进行流行病学分析。 结果 昆明市特殊健康状态儿童疫苗接种不良反应检出率为10.92%(104/952),均为轻型不良反应;疫苗接种不良反应检出率前3位为吸附无细胞百白破联合疫苗(百白破)、麻腮风联合减毒活疫苗(麻腮风)、A群C群脑膜炎球菌多糖疫苗(流脑A+C),检出率为7.00%、4.14%、3.08%;早产、过敏、贫血儿童疫苗接种后不良反应检出率较高,分别为13.87%、11.03%、10.05%;二针以上针次接种后不良反应检出率73.08%,高于首针检出率26.92%;疫苗不良反应临床表现以发热、红肿、硬结为主,检出率分别为39.42%、21.15%、18.27%;2岁以下特殊健康状态儿童疫苗接种不良反应较高,占比75.00%;疫苗接种24 h内不良反应较高,占比62.50%;经及时对症处理及跟踪观察,所有特殊健康状态儿童疫苗接种后不良反应均在7 d内痊愈。 结论 昆明市特殊健康状态儿童疫苗接种后存在不良反应,以轻型不良反应为主,其中百白破、麻腮风、流脑A+C接种后不良反应检出率较高,2岁以下早产、过敏、贫血儿童接种疫苗后更易发生不良反应,不良反应发生时间主要集中于接种后24 h内,均可在接种后7 d内痊愈。 Abstract:Objective To explore the occurrence of adverse reactions to vaccination in children with special health status in Kunming and the corresponding countermeasures. Methods The information data of 952 children with special health conditions who were vaccinated at the Child Healthcare Department of the Kunming Children's Hospital from October 2021 to February 2023 were collected, and descriptive methods were used for epidemiological analysis. Results The detection rate of adverse reactions in children with special health conditions in Kunming was 10.92% (104/952), all of which were mild adverse reactions. The top three vaccines with the highest detection rates of adverse reactions were adsorbed acellular pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine (Pertussis-Diphtheria-Tetanus), measles-mumps-rubella attenuated live vaccine (Measles-Mumps-Rubella), and meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine group A and C (Meningococcal A+C), with detection rates of 7.00%, 4.14%, and 3.08%, respectively. The detection rate of adverse reactions in children with premature birth, allergy, and anemia after vaccination was higher, with detection rates of 13.87%, 11.03%, and 10.05%, respectively. The detection rate of adverse reactions after more than two vaccinations was 73.08%, which was higher than the first vaccination detection rate of 26.92%. The clinical manifestations of vaccine adverse reactions were mainly fever, redness, and induration, with detection rates of 39.42%, 21.15%, and 18.27%, respectively. The detection rate of adverse reactions in children with special health conditions under the age of two was higher, accounting for 75.00%. The detection rate of adverse reactions within 24 hours after vaccination was higher, accounting for 62.50%. After timely symptomatic treatment and follow-up observation, all adverse reactions in children with special health conditions after vaccination recovered within 7 days. Conclusion Adverse reactions after vaccination in children with special health conditions in Kunming are predominantly mild. The detection rate of adverse reactions post-vaccination for pertussis, measles, mumps, and meningococcal A+C is notably high. Children under 2 years old with premature birth, allergy, and anemia are more likely to have adverse reactions after vaccination. These adverse reactions typically manifest within 24 hours post-vaccination and resolve within 7 days. -
Key words:
- Kunming City /
- Exceptional children /
- Vaccination /
- Adverse reactions /
- Coping measures
表 1 不同疫苗接种后不良反应检出率[n(%)]
Table 1. Detection rate of adverse reactions after vaccination with different vaccines [n(%)]
序号 疫苗类型 接种例数 反应例数 检出率(%) 1 百白破 457(48.00) 32(30.77) 7.00 2 麻腮风 435(45.69) 18(17.31) 4.14 3 流脑A+C 227(23.84) 7(6.73) 3.08 4 13价肺炎 406(42.65) 11(10.58) 2.71 5 乙脑 376(49.50) 9(8.65) 2.39 6 水痘 356(37.39) 7(6.73) 1.97 7 乙肝 341(35.82) 5(4.81) 1.47 8 脊灰灭活疫苗 338(35.50) 4(3.85) 1.18 9 甲肝 267(28.05) 3(2.88) 1.12 10 肠道病毒EV71 278(29.20) 3(2.88) 1.08 11 五联苗 315(33.09) 3(2.88) 0.95 12 五价轮状 319(33.51) 1(0.96) 0.31 13 四联苗 243(25.53) 1(0.96) 0.41 表 2 不同疾病类型疫苗接种后不良反应检出率[n(%)]
Table 2. Detection rate of adverse reactions after vaccination for different types of diseases [n(%)]
序号 疾病类型 患病例数 反应例数 检出率(%) 1 早产 274(28.78) 38(36.24) 13.87 2 过敏 136(14.29) 15(14.42) 11.03 3 贫血 189(19.85) 19(18.27) 10.05 4 神经系统疾病 213(22.37) 21(20.19) 9.86 5 代谢性疾病 79(8.30) 7(6.73) 8.86 6 肝脏疾病 61(6.41) 4(3.85) 6.56 早产儿按照免疫规定进行疫苗接种。 表 3 不同针次接种后不良反应检出率[n(%)]
Table 3. Detection rate of adverse reactions after different injections [n(%)]
序号 疫苗类型 反应例数 首针
检出率1 百白破 32(70.77) 9(28.13) 23(71.88) 2 麻腮风 18(17.31) 5(27.78) 13(72.22) 3 流脑A+C 7(6.73) 2(28.57) 5(71.43) 4 13价肺炎 11(10.58) 3(27.27) 8(72.73) 5 乙脑 9(8.65) 2(22.22) 7(77.78) 6 水痘 7(6.73) 2(28.57) 5(71.43) 7 乙肝 5(4.81) 1(20.00) 4(80.00) 8 脊灰灭活疫苗 4(3.85) 1(25.00) 3(75.00) 9 甲肝 3(2.88) 1(33.33) 2(66.67) 10 肠道病毒EV71 3(2.88) 1(33.33) 2(66.67) 11 五联苗 3(2.88) 1(33.33) 2(66.67) 12 五价轮状 1(0.96) 0(0.00) 1(100.00) 13 四联苗 1(0.96) 0(0.00) 1(100.00) 总计 104(10.92) 28(26.92) 76(73.08) 表 4 疫苗不良反应临床表现[n(%)]
Table 4. Clinical manifestations of vaccine-related adverse reactions [n(%)]
序号 疫苗类型 反应例数 疼痛 皮疹 发热 硬结 红肿 1 百白破 32(70.77) 5(15.63) 5(15.63) 12(37.50) 8(25.00) 3(9.38) 2 麻腮风 18(17.31) 1(5.56) 4(22.22) 5(27.78) 2(11.11) 5(27.78) 3 流脑A+C 7(6.73) 2(28.57) 1(14.29) 3(42.86) 2(28.57) 2(28.57) 4 13价肺炎 11(10.58) 2(18.18) 1(9.09) 6(54.55) 1(9.09) 2(18.18) 5 乙脑 9(8.65) 1(11.11) 3(33.33) 4(44.44) 1(11.11) 0(0.00) 6 水痘 7(6.73) 1(14.29) 1(14.29) 3(42.86) 2(28.57) 3(42.86) 7 乙肝 5(4.81) 0(0.00) 1(20.00) 2(40.00) 1(20.00) 1(20.00) 8 脊灰灭活疫苗 4(3.85) 1(25.00) 2(50.00) 2(50.00) 0(0.00) 2(50.00) 9 甲肝 3(2.88) 1(33.33) 0(0.00) 1(33.33) 0(0.00) 1(33.33) 10 肠道病毒EV71 3(2.88) 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 1(33.33) 0(0.00) 2(66.67) 11 五联苗 3(2.88) 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 1(33.33) 1(33.33) 1(33.33) 12 五价轮状 1(0.96) 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 1(100.00) 0(0.00) 13 四联苗 1(0.96) 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 1(100.00) 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 总计 104(10.92) 14(13.46) 18(17.31) 41(39.42) 19(18.27) 22(21.15) -
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