Effect of Olfactory Comfort Combined with Maternal Voice Stimulation on Sleep in Hospitalized Preterm Infants
目的 探讨嗅觉安抚联合母亲音频刺激对住院早产儿睡眠情况的干预效果。 方法 选取云南省某三甲医院新生儿重症监护病房2023年8月至2024年3月的住院早产儿90例,按随机数字表法分为嗅觉安抚联合母亲音频刺激组、对照组各45例,对照组给予常规轻拍安抚干预,嗅觉安抚联合母亲音频刺激组用无菌大棉签沾上5滴母乳在距离早产儿鼻孔1~2 cm处进行擦拭,同时在距早产儿15 cm处播放母亲音频,播放时应用分贝测试仪器使母亲音频的音量为35~40分贝左右,播放时间段为08:00~08:20、14:00~14:20、20:00~20:20,每个播放时间段为20 min,播放母亲音频时段同时给予嗅觉安抚1次。比较2组住院早产儿24 h总睡眠时间、睡眠潜伏时间、白天睡眠时间、夜间睡眠时间、夜间觉醒次数等指标。 结果 与对照组相比,嗅觉安抚联合母亲音频刺激组白天睡眠时间、夜间睡眠时间、24 h总睡眠时间明显更长,睡眠潜伏时间明显变短,夜间觉醒次数明显变少,差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。 结论 嗅觉安抚联合母亲音频刺激可以改善住院早产儿的睡眠质量,推荐应用到住院早产儿睡眠管理中。 Abstract:Objective To explore the interventional effect of olfactory soothing combined with maternal voice stimulation on the sleep of hospitalized preterm infants. Methods A total of 90 hospitalized premature infants in the neonatal intensive care unit of a tertiary hospital in Yunnan Province from August 2023 to March 2024 were selected. Using a random number table method, they were randomly divided into two groups: the olfactory comfort combined with mother's voice stimulation group and the control group, with 45 cases in each group. The control group received routine gentle pat comfort intervention, while the olfactory comfort combined with mother’ s voice stimulation group was wiped with 5 drops of breast milk on a sterile cotton swab 1~2 cm away from the nostrils of premature infants. At the same time, the mother's voice was played 15 cm away from the premature infants. During playback, a decibel testing instrument was used to adjust the volume of the mother's voice to about 35~40 decibels. The playback time period was from 08:00 to 08:20, 14:00 to 14:20, 20:00 to 20:20. Each playback period is 20 minutes, and the mother's voice is played while providing olfactory comfort once. Two groups of hospitalized premature babies were compared for 24-hour total sleep time, sleep onset time, daytime sleep time, nighttime sleep time, and number of nighttime awakenings. Results Compared with the control group, the olfactory comfort combined with mother's voice stimulation group had significantly longer daytime sleep time, nighttime sleep time, and 24-hour total sleep time, significantly shorter sleep latency time, and significantly fewer nighttime awakenings, with statistical significance (P < 0.05). Conclusion The combination of olfactory comfort and maternal voice stimulation can effectively improve the sleep quality of hospitalized premature infants, providing a reference method for sleep intervention in premature infants. -
表 1 2组住院早产儿一般资料比较[M(P25,P75)]
Table 1. Comparison of general data of two groups of preterm infants [M(P25,P75)]
组别 嗅觉安抚联合母亲音频刺激组(n=45) 对照组(n=45) χ2/Z P 性别[n(%)] 0.044 0.833 男 23(51.1) 21(46.7) 女 22(48.9) 24(53.3) 胎龄(周) 32(32,33) 33(32,33) −0.630 0.529 头围(cm) 27(26,28.5) 29(26.5,29) −1.834 0.067 出生体重(g) 2409 (1990,2480 )2428 (2270 ,2472 )−0.488 0.625 分娩方式[n(%)] 0.180 0.671 顺产 26(57.8) 24(53.3) 剖宫产 19(42.2) 21(46.7) 1 min Apgar评分 9(8,9) 9(8,9) −1.915 0.056 表 2 2组住院早产儿白天睡眠、夜间睡眠时间、24 h总睡眠时间比较($ \bar x \pm s $)
Table 2. Comparison of daytime sleep,nighttime sleep time and 24-hour total sleep time between the two groups($ \bar x \pm s $)
组别 n 白天睡眠时间(h) 夜间睡眠时间(h) 24 h总睡眠时间(h) 嗅觉安抚联合母亲音频刺激组 45 8.10±1.662 10.77±1.023 18.82±2.131 对照组 45 6.97±1.252 9.71±2.023 16.36±1.967 t 3.653 3.136 5.690 P <0.001* 0.002* <0.001* *P < 0.05。 表 3 2组住院早产儿睡眠潜伏时间比较($ \bar x \pm s $)
Table 3. Comparison of sleep latency time between two groups($ \bar x \pm s $)
组别 睡眠潜伏时间(min) 嗅觉安抚联合母亲音频刺激组(n=45) 31.22±5.560 对照组(n=45) 34.77±4.900 t −3.210 P 0.002* *P < 0.05。 表 4 2组住院早产儿夜间觉醒次数比较($ \bar x \pm s $)
Table 4. Comparison of nighttime awakening frequency between two groups($ \bar x \pm s $)
组别 夜间觉醒次数 嗅觉安抚联合母亲音频刺激组(n=45) 2.44±0.967 对照组(n=45) 3.84±1.692 t −4.820 P <0.001* *P < 0.05。 -
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