Analysis of the Efficacy of Complete Pelvic Floor Peritoneal Reconstruction Technique in Total Cystectomy with Orthotopic Neobladder
目的 探讨完全性盆底腹膜重建技术在降低腹腔镜下膀胱全切原位新膀胱术术后肠梗阻发生率及加速患者术后恢复的应用效果。 方法 通过回顾性研究,选取2018年1月至2023年12月接受该术式的患者51例,分为常规组(n = 20)和重建组(n = 31),分析两组患者术后肠梗阻发生率及术后病情恢复情况,评估完全性盆底腹膜重建技术在腹腔镜下膀胱全切原位新膀胱术中的应用价值。 结果 重建组和常规组肠梗阻发生率分别为32.30%、45.00%,χ2=0.844,P = 0.358,差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05);重建组和常规组胃肠功能恢复时间四分位数分别为3(2,4) d和3.5(3,5.75) d,Z = -2.218,P = 0.027,腹腔引流时间四分位数分别为12(10,14) d和14(12.25,16) d,Z = -2.748,P = 0.006,盆腔引流时间四分位数分别为12(10,14)d和14(11,16) d,Z = -2.333,P = 0.002,术后住院时间四分位数分别为18(16,26) d和25(18.25,30.75) d,Z = -2.071,P = 0.038,以上差异均具有统计学意义(P < 0.05);两组其余资料:肿瘤分期、手术时间、术中出血量、是否留置胃管、输尿管支架及尿管拔出时间比较,差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。 结论 完全性盆底腹膜重建技术在腹腔镜下膀胱全切原位新膀胱术中的应用,为肠道提供了更好的保护,减少了术区粘连,能有效促进胃肠道功能恢复,缩短腹腔及盆腔引流时间,加速患者康复,缩短住院时间,但其能否有效降低术后肠梗阻的发生率,仍需更多数据及实验来验证。 -
- 膀胱癌 /
- 膀胱全切原位新膀胱术 /
- 完全性盆底腹膜重建技术 /
- 肠梗阻
Abstract:Objective To explore the application effect of complete pelvic floor peritoneal reconstruction technique in reducing the incidence of postoperative bowel obstruction and accelerating patients' postoperative recovery after laparoscopic total cystectomy with in situ neobladder. Methods A retrospective study was conducted on 51 patients who underwent this surgical procedure from January 2018 to December 2023. The patients were divided into a conventional group (n = 20) and a reconstruction group (n = 31). The postoperative incidence of intestinal obstruction and the recovery status of the patients were analyzed to evaluate the application value of complete pelvic floor peritoneal reconstruction technology in laparoscopic radical cystectomy with orthotopic neobladder. Results The incidence rates of intestinal obstruction in the reconstruction group and the conventional group were 32.30% and 45.00%, respectively, χ2=0.844, P = 0.358, with no statistically significant (P > 0.05). The quartiles of gastrointestinal function recovery time in the reconstruction group and the conventional group were 3(2, 4) daysd and 3.5(3, 5.75) days, Z = -2.218, P = 0.027. The quartiles of abdominal drainage timewere 12(10, 14) days and 14(12.25, 16) days, Z=-2.748, P = 0.006, The quartiles of pelvic drainage timewere 12(10, 14) d and 14(11, 16) d, Z = -2.333, P = 0.002. The quartiles of postoperative hospital stay were 18(16, 26) days and 25( 18.25, 30.75) days, Z = -2.071, P = 0.038. All thesedifferences were statistically significant (P < 0.05). No statistically significant differences were found in other data between the two groups: tumour staging, operation time, intraoperative blood loss, whether a gastric tube was placed, ureteral stent and catheter removal time(P > 0.05). Conclusion The application of complete pelvic floor peritoneal reconstruction technique in laparoscopic total cystectomy with orthotopic neobladder surgery provides better protection for the intestinal tract, reduces adhesions in the surgical area, effectively promotes gastrointestinal recovery, shortens abdominal and pelvic drainage time , accelerates patient recovery, and reduces hospital stay. However, whether it can effectively reduce the incidence of postoperative intestinal obstruction still requires more data and experiments for validation. -
表 1 两组患者一般资料比较[n(%)/($\bar x \pm s $)]
Table 1. Comparison of general information of the two groups of patients[n(%)/($\bar x \pm s $)]
一般资料 常规组(n = 20) 重建组(n = 31) t/χ2/Z P 性别 男 18(90.00) 27(87.10) 0.000 1.000 女 2 (10.00) 4 (12.90) 年龄(岁) 63.80±10.74 64.48±9.27 −0.242 0.810 BMI(kg/m2) 20.99±1.18 21.21±1.26 −0.632 0.530 肿瘤分期 T2 7(35.0) 12(38.7) −0.324 0.746 T3 12(60.0) 18(58.1) T4 1(5.0) 1 (3.2) 表 2 两组患者术中、术后观察指标比较[n(%)/($\bar x \pm s $)/M(P25,P75)]
Table 2. Comparison of intraoperative and postoperative observation indicators between the two groups of patients[n(%)/($\bar x \pm s $)/M(P25,P75)]
观察指标 常规组(n = 20) 重建组(n = 31) t/χ2/Z P 手术时间(d) 506.95±29.45 513.29±41.99 −0.588 0.560 术中失血量(mL) 350(200,600) 300(200,500) −0.225 0.822 留置胃管情况 是 11(55.00) 12(38.70) 1.303 0.254 否 9 (45.00) 19(61.30) 通气排便时间(d) 3.5(3,5.75) 3 (2,4) −2.218 0.027* 腹腔引流时间(d) 14(12.25,16) 12(10,14) −2.748 0.006* 盆腔引流时间(d) 14(11,16) 12(10,14) −2.333 0.020* 输尿管支架拔出时间(d) 30(22,30) 30(15,32) −0.089 0.929 尿管拔出时间(d) 30(16.25,30) 30 (15,30) −0.160 0.873 肠梗阻情况 是 9(45.00) 10(32.30) 0.844 0.358 否 11(55.00) 21(67.70) 术后住院天数(d) 25(18.25,30.75) 18(16,26) −2.071 0.038* *P < 0.05。 -
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