Research Progress of Self-harm Behavior Among Drug Addicts
摘要: 戒毒人员是个特殊的群体,被迫进入强制隔离戒毒所的吸毒者。由于其情绪变化、人身自由受限、戒断反应等问题,常常会出现自我伤害的行为。严重时波及生命安全,甚至发展成自杀。而该人群的自伤行为,因家庭的支持少、戒毒所管理人员不重视,并且社会关注度不高,往往被大众忽略。本综述通过对国内外吸毒人员的自伤相关行为的文献进行回顾和整理,试图找出负性情绪、成瘾物质等与戒毒人员自伤行为关联的证据,为未来建立、健全戒毒人员心理健康体系的研究提供了参考价值。Abstract: Drug addicts are a distinctive population. When compelled to enter drug rehabilitation centers. They frequently engage in self-injurious behaviors, even live-threatening and suicide, as a result of emotional fluctuations, restrictions on freedom, withdrawal reactions. The occurrence of self-harm among drug addicts is often neglected by the general public due to the lack of family support, attention from manages within rehabilitation facilities, and a paucity of societal concern. This review reviewed the literatures on self-harm related behaviors of drug addicts at home and abroad, and attempted to find evidence of the association between negative emotions and addictive substances and self-harm behaviors of drug addicts. This review provides reference value for the future research on the establishment and improvement of the mental health system for drug addicts.
Key words:
- Substance Use Disorder /
- Drug Addicts /
- Self-harm Behavior
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