Efficacy of Foot Reflexology Combined with Hand Acupoint Massage on Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia
目的 探究足底反射区结合穴位按摩对新生儿高胆红素血症的应用效果。 方法 选取2024年3月至2024年7月收治于云南省某三甲医院新生儿重症监护室的112例新生儿高胆红素血症患儿为研究对象,随机分为对照组(n = 56)和试验组(n = 56)。对照组给予常规蓝光治疗,试验组在对照组的基础上给予足底反射区结合手部穴位按摩。比较两组患儿住院第3天、第5天的经皮胆红素水平、前3d排便次数、奶量增加水平、体重增长水平、日睡眠时间。 结果 试验组在进行干预后第3天、第5天经皮胆红素水平均低于对照组;日排便次数、奶量增加水平、体重增长水平、日睡眠时间均高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。 结论 足底反射区结合手部穴位按摩可有效改善新生儿黄疸症状,加速胆红素消退,促进新生儿的生长发育。 Abstract:Objective To explore the application effects of foot reflexology combined with acupoint massage on neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. Methods A total of 112 neonates with hyperbilirubinemia admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit of a tertiary hospital in Yunnan Province from March 2024 to July 2024 were selected as research subjects and randomly divided into a control group (n = 56) and an experimental group (n = 56). The control group received conventional blue light therapy, while the experimental group received foot reflexology combined with hand acupoint massage in addition to the treatment provided to the control group. The percutaneous bilirubin levels on the third and fifth days of hospitalization, the number of bowel movements in the first three days, the increase in milk intake, weight gain, and daily sleep duration were compared between the two groups. Results The experimental group had lower percutaneous bilirubin levels on the third and fifth days post-intervention compared to the control group; the number of daily bowel movements, increase in milk intake, weight gain, and daily sleep duration were all higher than those of the control group, with statistically significant differences (P < 0.05). Conclusion Foot reflexology combined with hand acupoint massage can effectively improve jaundice symptoms in neonates, accelerate bilirubin reduction, and promote the growth and development of neonates. -
Key words:
- Foot reflexology /
- Acupoint massage /
- Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia /
- Efficacy observation
表 1 两组患儿一般资料比较[n(%)/M(P25,P75)
Table 1. Comparison of general data of two groups [n(%)/M(P25,P75)
组别 对照组(n = 56) 试验组(n = 56) χ2/Z P 性别 0.146 0.703 男 33(58.9) 31(55.4) 女 23(41.1) 25(44.6) 胎龄(周) 39(38,39.75) 39(38,39) −0.918 0.359 出生体重(g) 3150 (2870 ,3395 )3170 (2950 ,3433.75 )0.463 0.644 5 min Apgar评分(分) 9(9,10) 9(9,10) 0.300 0.764 分娩方式 0.387 0.534 顺产 38(67.9) 41(73.2) 剖宫产 18(32.1) 15(26.8) 喂养方式 0.387 0.534 母乳喂养 15(26.8) 18(32.1) 配方奶喂养 41(73.2) 38(67.9) 表 2 两组患儿各时间点经皮胆红素水平比较($ \bar x \pm s $,mg/dL)
Table 2. Comparison of transcutaneous bilirubin level at each time point between the two groups($ \bar x \pm s $,mg/dL)
组别 n 入院时 护理第3天 护理第5天 对照组 56 15.888 ± 1.406 9.355 ± 2.645 5.599 ± 2.078 试验组 56 15.805 ± 1.431 7.336 ± 2.606 4.366 ± 1.864 t 0.311 4.068 3.304 P 0.757 < 0.001* 0.001* *P < 0.05。 表 3 两组患儿前3 d排便总次数比较($ \bar x \pm s $)
Table 3. Comparison of the total bowel movements in the first three days between two groups of children($ \bar x \pm s $)
组别 n 前3 d排便总次数(次) 对照组 56 9.68 ± 3.470 试验组 56 11.75 ± 4.265 t −2.819 P 0.006* *P < 0.05。 表 4 两组患儿每日睡眠时间、体重增长水平、奶量增长水平比较($ \bar x \pm s $)
Table 4. Comparison of daily sleep duration,weight gain levels,and milk intake levels between the two groups of children($ \bar x \pm s $)
组别 n 每日睡眠时间(h) 体重增长(g) 奶量增加(mL) 对照组 56 17.488 ± 0.670 128.48 ± 88.554 24.86 ± 11.271 试验组 56 18.003 ± 0.565 173.93 ± 89.680 32.86 ± 16.191 t −4.294 −2.698 −3.035 P < 0.001* 0.008* 0.003* *P < 0.05。 -
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